The camera switches to Jim Black standing in front of an OCW-decorated backdrop with a monitor hanging from the ceiling. He is holding a microphone, and begins to speak...

Jim Black: Please help me welcome my guest at this time, Judge Leroy Brown III.

The camera pans and centers on Brown in the frame. Brown, in a three-piece suit, towers over the shorter and smaller Black. 

Jim Black: Welcome, Mr. Brown. On the last Turmoil, we discussed your past. But now, it's time to discuss your OCW future. I've received word that you have a match next week?

Black motions the microphone over to Brown.

Judge Leroy Brown III: Yep, that's true. My graduation from the OCW Performance Center is this week, and I'm really excited to get to work in the ring. As I said before, professional wrestling is a true contest. A true form of law and order that escaped me for years as a judge. I look forward to it.

Jim Black: That's good to hear. Next week, you'll be facing Maxx Edwards, another OCW rookie making his debut. Do you have any comments on your opponent?

Judge Leroy Brown III: Well, I've been told backstage that Maxx Edwards isn't the nicest guy. But as with anyone, you have my respect until you lose it. The only thing I have to say right now is that he would benefit from researching Schenck v. US. Difference is, the clear and present danger isn't my words, but my actions.

Judge Leroy Brown III chuckles.

Judge Leroy Brown III: I love a good legal joke. Anyway, it was nice talking to you Jim.

Jim Black: You as well, Mr. Brown.

Brown walks off the set as the camera fades to black.

The roar from the jam packed Turmoil crowd can be heard from the backstage area where Jim Black stands with Joshua Tucker conversing before Jim turns to the camera and begins at which time the crowd starts to quiet down.

Jim-Hello ladies and gentlemen of the OCW universe. As you all know I’m Jim Black and please give a round of applause for my guest at this time, Joshua Tucker.

The crowd cheers for a moment as Tucker smiles and nods his head. The crowd begins to quiet back down as Jim continues.

Jim- First of all, How have you been? It has been awhile since we spoke last.

Tucker-Yes it has SLIM JIM, yes it HAS

He exclaims then continues.

Tucker-I have been ok just trying to stay survive as long as possible in the Archer Academy. 

Jim-Ah yes, I have been reading about that as of late. How is that working out for you thus far?

Tucker-So far so good I would say. We just finished our third challenge, AND our first elimination occurred , so it is getting pretty interesting. We are set to go to Hawaii for our next challenge, so anything could happen.

Jim-Wow Hawaii, must be nice.

Jim says sarcastically as he looks over the top of his glasses towards the camera, then turns back towards Tucker and proceeds.

Jim-Well, that sounds interesting and I look forward to how it all plays out. So my next question is, what do you have planned after the academy is over?

Tucker thinks for a moment before answering.

Tucker-Well either way, win or lose, I plan to use this opportunity to get my name out there and show everyone that I am serious about OCW. I have learned a-lot but I know there is so much more to learn and do, and the only way to get anywhere here is to put in the work. There are endless possibilities here and it is time I start making moments.LET’S GO!!!

He says then stares into the camera with a serious look on his face for a moment before walking away. Jim looks on as Tucker walks down the hallway, he turns to the camera and says. 

Jim-There you have it ladies and gentlemen, Joshua Tucker fired up and ready to go, back to you.

The scene fades as Jim looks back in the direction Tucker went then back to the camera

It's a Match!


We rejoin The Man Called Joopiter, walking with a purpose. He swings open an emergency exit door, staring at it curiously. He looks up and around before removing his left shoe and placing it between the door and the doorframe, so that it cannot close behind him.

The camera stays inside the arena. We can see The Man Called Joopiter standing outside. He snaps his head in a particular direction, just behind the door.

TMCJ: ...I was told I might find you here.

TMCJ: I have an... interesting proposition for you. 

???: Let me guess, another pointless task that will assuredly only lead to me being insulted?

TMCJ: Oh, quite the contrary.

TMCJ: I have a bit of a score to settle. One of OCW's prominent cookie-cutter talents has been tasked with finding a partner to accompany him to the ring for a match tonight. That match is with me. 

TMCJ: I feel it only right for me to select someone who has been cast aside by these [i]people/i] and this staff for ridiculous and biased reasons.

TMCJ: That someone is you.

???: Why should I?

TMCJ: You shouldn't. You owe nothing to the people that choose to mock you and disgrace you at every turn.

???: Not much of a salesman, are you?

TMCJ: I am not selling anything but a moment to get back at the embodiment of every unreasonable hardship you've faced in this company since you arrived. Someone who walked in and was adored by fans while you were mocked and pushed aside at every turn.

TMCJ: I am selling you a chance to prove to these people that being yet another unsophisticated caveman should not be acceptable any longer.

TMCJ: I am selling you an opportunity.

???: ...Fuck it. Why not? 

The Man Called Joopiter nods his head and steps back into the arena. He closes the door behind him and slips his shoe back on.

The titantron cuts to a nightime video of a huge mansion with music playing and lights going on inside. The words "Last Night" appear at the bottom right and it is clear that this is the footage of Maxx Edwards's party.

The footage then cuts to the inside where you can see many OCW wrestlers, past and present, dancing inside to some of the recent "Top 100" songs. Maxx Edwards sits atop a staircase looking down on the dance floor with a microphone in hand.

Maxx Edwards: Attention! Attention!

The crowd quiets down as the music stops

Maxx Edwards: I have you gathered you all here in celebration of my recent signing with OCW.

The crowd cheers as Maxx smiles with embarrassment

Maxx Edwards: I am another person here to improve the ratings and make sure that none of you guys will accomplish anything in this company, and that includes you, champ.

Maxx points at an OCW champion in the crowd as the whole crowd turns to look at him.

Maxx Edwards: As you might have guessed, the transition from acting to wrestling wasn't easy. But at this point, I know that I am at an elite level in the ring.

Maxx Edwards: Now, I know some rumors have been circulating about who my first opponent is gonna be. I want you all to disregard these rumors as they have been created by sketchy drama sites for cheap clicks. 

The crowd looks at each other in confusion

Maxx Edwards: The decision of my first opponent has been made and that person is standing in THIS very room. To decide this, my team has looked into every single one of your matches, both on PPV and on Turmoil.

Maxx Edwards: From this, we gave each of you a skill rating. Then, when comparing it to my skill rating you all had well below half of my skill rating making the stat irrelevant. We also checked all of your social media accounts.

Maxx Edwards: From your follower counts we gave you each a popularity rating. We did this to see who would give me the biggest boost in fans. 

Maxx pauses then begins to look up as if he was talking to the sky.

Maxx Edwards: Then, you stood out. We knew you were the one to get the honor of receiving the first beating by the one and only, Maxx Edwards. 

Maxx points at the crowd.

Maxx Edwards: You know who you are. Take this as a warning. Enjoy the night, but do not forget this moment. While you stand no chance, I encourage you to train your hardest so the match won't be boring for me. We will see each other soon, until then, you can catch me on the big screen.

Maxx steps back into the shadows of the upstairs from which he came from. After an awkward silence, the music resumed and the party continued.







