The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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Ladies and Gentleman! |
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Finally after 10 years it returns! |
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And Consequence is back with a vengence! LETS GO! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Archer: Now… You’re probably all dying to know the winner of the Archer Academy, you’re probably all dying to know exactly which of those buffoons has earned the privilege to face the International Icon, the last true star of this company, a champion that is better than greatness. Greater... Than betterness… Well, let’s start off with each candidate shall we?
Archer smirks.
Archer:Dumm-ian Bourne, or Bourne A Dummy, whichever you want to call him… He got abandoned in a parking lot because he failed to even complete some of the simplest challenges… Thus he scored an F minus and will not be competing here tonight and for all I care he could have gotten run over by the special-ed bus that was taking him to college.
Archer scratches his eye.
Archer: And then we’ll move on to the hapless Joshua… Tanner, Trucker? Jason Trucker, that’s his name right? I digress… This poor sap couldn’t pick up a win if it landed in his lap, he’s the sort of man who could fall out a boat and miss the water.
He scored an F as well. So it won’t be him, you have to actually be able to win matches in order to face someone for their championship title.
Archer pauses for a little while, collecting his thoughts.
Archer: Benjamin Moore, the Rasta Retard, the dreadlock dropout. The Jamacian Joke, or as I would like to call him, Jookie that shows up to work. He was another guy that tried so hard to grasp the concept of my teachings but unfortunately he was just too thick headed, too arrogant to want to do it.
I mean come on… At one point during his entrance the camera guys decided he was that useless and uninteresting they recorded his escorts the entire time instead. I mean, I’m sure all of you neckbearded losers loved it but talk about being emasculated. So, it will not be Benji Moore, he too scored an F.
Archer: And that brings me to…
The crowd begin to cheer for TY Sparks, anticipating the announcement.
Archer: That brings me to…
Archer keeps getting cut off by Sparks chants and looks angry, pacing the ring.
Archer: If you could shut up for a minute so that I can get this over with…
The crowd grow in volume and Archer heads towards the ropes.
Archer: If you don’t shut up now I am going to leave this ring, get in my limousine and go home, so how about that you bunch of neanderthals?
The crowd boo all the more and Archer steps out onto the apron.
Archer: Well Detroit, I’d have to say I have enjoyed absolutely no moments I’ve spent in this sucky town, so I hope your evening is as awful as your tiny, meaningless lives you’ve spent in this hell hole.
Archer drops down from the apron as the crowds booing turns into singing “goodbye”, for some reason one confused member of the audience shouts “higher” louder than everyone else as Archer pauses on the ramp.
Archer: Just kidding, you greased up monkeys don’t control a single aspect of my being.
Archer chuckles to himself and marches back into the ring
Archer: Now, where was I before I was so predictably interrupted by a bunch of meth addicts and homeless people… Oh, that’s right, T… Y… Sparks
The crowd explode with cheers again and Archer just shakes his head.
Archer: I don’t think you understand… This… Is about me… It’s what I think about T Y Sparks, not you with your tiny little minds. I don’t pander to the likes of you. I don’t make concessions for you people… AND I DO MEAN, YOU PEOPLE!
Once more the crowd begin to boo as Archer looks at the palm of his hand before lifting his arm a loft, showing it to them all.
Archer: You see this? You see this hand? I have you. You are under my control, my thumb, in the palm of my hand and there is not a god damned thing you, or T Y Sparks can do about it…
I’ve been out here long enough to contract tetanus from you mouth breathing sponges, T Y Sparks failed as well. So congratulations to me, to the International Icon, Thomas Archer… AND STILL… YOUR INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!
Archer raises his championship above his head in mock celebration.
Archer: I hope you have a horrible, horrible evening.
Archer drops the microphone with a thud to the floor and shoulders his title, preparing to leave the ring.
????: Tommy, Tommy, Tommy now that’s not the Old Country Way…now is it?
Before Archer can leave the ring OCW General Manager, Tiberius Octavian Dupree saunders out with a mic and a grin that stretches across the arena. The crowd eats up his arrival with cheers and chants, Archer just looks disgusted.
Dupree: The answer is no, it is not the Old Country Way. Because Tommy, it is you that has failed this city….the OCW Universe and that International Championship you hold so arrogantly.
Dupree: This...this...Archer Academy thing you had going, it was cute, interesting in fact. It put the spotlight on ambitious up and comers on a weekly basis for an opportunity at one of OCW’s most prestigious championships.
Dupree: So I let it play out, I watched as you made these kids jump through hoops of fire, scrape and claw for that opportunity ...well everyone except Damian, while all along deep down inside you had no intention of rewarding the winner with a title shot.
Dupree: Welp, surprise, surprise I’m here to balance the scales Tommy boy. You will defend your OCW International Championship against the rightful winner of the Archer Academy, T.Y. Sparks ...and that is happening right phreaking now!
Archers face turns a shade of purple through rage as he kicks at the ropes, pointing straight at Dupree on the stage, he goes to speak but nothing comes out, his microphone has been cut off as T Y Sparks makes his way out of the curtain.
The scene opens up backstage with the interviewer talking to the cameraman as they talk about not being able to land an interview.
Interviewer: MAXX!
The camera turns towards and points at Maxx Edwards at the other side of a long hallway. He turns towards the two and waves, flashes a smile and continues walking.
The interviewer breaks into a sprint and the cameraman follows pointing the camera at the floor. When they catch up, the interviewer is out of the breath and the camera is pointing at the interviewer shakily.
Maxx: Hey, do you guys want an autograph or something?
The interviewer catches his breath and the camera stabilizes.
Interviewer: Are you up for a quick interview?
Maxx: You said "quick" not me, what's up?
Interviewer: Do you have anything to say your first two matches here in OCW?
Maxx: They were good right?
Interviewer: Yes, but you lost them.
Maxx: Okay...they were on weekly shows. The matches don't mean much by themselves. I didn't make my name by being a great actor on television. I made my name in the bright lights of LA, making BLOCKBUSTER movies!
Interviewer: How are you ever going to contend for a title of you keep losing matches?
Maxx: Relax man! I'm an actor, a storyteller, and the best to ever do it. I gotta build a bit of suspense. Do you really think I would actually lose to those dudes. They're at the bottom of the barrel here in OCW. I had to put on a show and give their fans something to be happy about.
Interviewer: If that's true, then what are your plans going forward?
Maxx: Well I'm going to have to steer this sinking ship of a company in the right direction and start headlining these pay-per-views. Have you seen some of the dream matches the fans have been asking for online? They are begging this company to put me on the pay per views.
Maxx smiles and points at the camera.
Maxx: And I love them all for it.
Interviewer: OCW doesn't just throw people in the main event scene. What if they don-
Maxx cuts off the interviewer, shushing him like a child.
Maxx: Shhhhhh, look, to keep it simple since I gotta go soon, I'm going to win the matches that matter. Until then, I'm going to keep creating my story and- Hey! If I won every match, people around here would get suspicious.
Maxx look directly at the camera, smiles, snaps his fingers into finger guns, and hastily says.
Maxx: Shout-out to the real fans who actually know what I'm about. Catch me on the big screen and I'll-
Maxx turns back to the interviewer.
Maxx: See you around.
Interviewer: Bye Ma-
Maxx walks off before the interviewer could say goodbye leaving the interviewer alone looking at the camera.
Interviewer: Well I guess there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Maxx Edwards.