OCWFED.com Presents Riot





The camera pans to the announce team.

We are sold out tonight on this artic edition of Riot!

Snow plows working overtime to make sure that Scumbag snow does not go over. Take a lesson from OCW Broadway!!!

We got a great show for you tonight!

We are just 1 week from the first PPV of the year The Clash! and it looks like we are kicking things off right now!

The camera pans to the ramp!

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Trance pulls a mic from his inside jacket pocket and begins to speak , his voice a little more frantic than usual , pacing back and forth across the ring, with a very agitated demeanor.

Trance : So traitor...seems like you are suffering a little 'separation anxiety' eh.

He continues to pace back and forth.

Trance: If you think shacking up with a bunch of...[He is cut off mid sentence as music begins to boom around the arena, and the crowd break out into a loud chant]

The camera pans to the ramp!

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Trance pulls his fists up and takes up a fighting stance as the 3 men swarm into the ring at pace, the sheer number quickly overwhelms him and begin to viciously beat him down, Crowe grabs him around the waist as Crossbones throws shots towards his face, and a giant , foot crashes into his jaw as Rose delivers a running boot, propelled with extra speed via aid of the ropes , the combined force of all 3 slam Trance hard to the mat where the beating continues, like a pack of wolves toying with their prey.

The men take a step back as Trance is left in the fetal position in the ring, still trying to cover his face for protection , Crowe delivers a swift , hard boot to his ribs , which forces him to yelp in pain and clutch his side , as he does, Rose wraps his 2 giant hands around Trance's throat, causing him to gag for breath.

In one movement , Rose hoists Trance into the air, his feet dangling about 2 feet off the mat, his legs flapping feebly as Roses's grip on his throat gets tighter.


Rose delivers a powerful split legged , sit-out chokebomb to Trance, both men bouncing back up off the mat slightly with the sheer force of the drop.

Crowe is smiling wickedly at this moment in time, rubbing his hands together ,ecstatic at what he is seeing.

Rose gets back to his feet and Crossbones whispers something to him , the behemoth immediately exits the ring and breaks into a mild jog up the entrance ramp, disappearing behind the curtain.

Crowe steps over to Trance and stands above him, he grasps 2 handfulls of Trances hair, one either side of his head and drags him to his knees , he can be heard screaming in Trance's face.

: Traitor? TRAITOR????!!!! You are the traitor Jacob! YOU!!

Crowe : You and your forked tongue Jacob , you were the traitor to our cause.

Crowe spits in Trance's face, and stands there for s few seconds, smiling directly at him as the saliva runs down Trance's face, his eyes barely flickering open.

Crowe drags Trance up to one knee, and jerks his head to his left hip, grabbing him in a DDT hold , he looks out the the crowd , who are booing frantically , and with his right hand motions a 'slit' motion across his throat.

He then drops back , with lightening pace and delivers a brutal DDT that crashes Trance forehead first into the mat.

Crossbones is hopping around the ring at this moment in time like a delusional child , singing a pirate shanty at the top of his voice.


Crowe : Beautiful.

Crowe gets back to his feet and arrogantly rolls Trance over with his boot, his forehead is busted open , with blood beginning to flow down his face.

: So , what DO we do with traitors?

Crossbones : Well , first , we brand them....

Crowe pulls Trance up into a slouched seating position and grabs him in a vice like full nelson hold from behind , Crossbones positions himself , kneeled over Trance's legs, pinning him so he can't move , he reaches back into his right boot and pulls out a small, old antique dagger.

He looks at Crowe, who takes a quick look out to the crowd, then he nods at him.

: Wenches and gentlemen , if ye be squeamish....ye might want te look away for the foreseeable...

With that said , he takes a sharp object the camera can't make out what it is for fear of getting too close to the action; and begins to drag it in a diagonal line down Trance's right pectoral muscle , blood begins to run out as it tears his flesh , Trance snaps fully awake, screaming in pain , trying to writhe free in agony , but to no avail, Crowe's grip does not waver.

Some of the mothers in the crowd begin to cover their child's eyes and ears, trying to muffle out Trance's screams, others simply grab their children and head for the exits in disgust at what these savages are doing.

Crossbones moves the sharp object to the other corner of Trance's pec, and carves another line , dragging the object, slowly and jaggedly down his flesh.

Trance gives one last scream, and tries one last ditch , unsuccessful effort to break free, before he passes out from the pain.

Once he's finishes, Crossbones rises back up to his feet, and wipes the blood soaked object from his jacket, leaving a smear stain of Trance's blood.

Crowe releases his grip on trance and gets back to his feet, grinning from ear to ear.

: How do ye find the buried treasure?

Crowe : I have no idea, enlighten me.

He points down at Trance's blood soaked chest, a gruesome shape now branded in his flesh.

: 'X' marks the spot!


Crowe : Are you still with us ladies and gentlemen?

The crowd begin to boo louder than ever.

Crowe : That's the pig branded, did you hear him squeal? It was music to my ears. What's the 2nd step captain?

Crossbones stares deep into the hard-camera, and smiles, a sickenly ,wicked grin, exposing his dull, gold teeth.

: Traitors...HANG!!

He points upto the ceiling directly above the ring, as the camera pans upto the rafters, James Rose can be seen on a walkway directly above the centre of the ring, he begins to lower a rope down to the ring, which Crowe takes hold of and ties it around Trance's ankles , who is at this time an unconscious, bloody mess ragdolled on the ring mat.

Crowe picks his cape up off the floor and holds it high above his head, the Crew logo displayed proud for all to see.

Crossbones looks up at Rose, who has the other end of the rope in a tight grip in his hands, pulleyed over one of the arena support beams for leverage.


Some sections of the arena begin to chant 'HEAVE HO , THIEVES AND BEGGARS, NEVER SHALL WE DIE.........'

Crowe tucks the flag inbetween the ropes wrapped around Trance's feet, as Rose begins to pull the rope , displaying the flag for people to see in all it's glory, and drag Trance up into the air , suspended by his feet, the blood from his ravaged torso and face beginning to run downwards , matting his beard and hair, he is pulled roughly 10 feet in the air before Crossbones signals for Rose to stop, he then ties his end of the rope to a railing, and leave Trance hung there, displayed for all to see, like a prize from a successful great white shark hunt.

Rose then drops another rope down to the ring, hops the railing and descends the rope into the ring, taking up position in the corner of the ring near his comrades.

Crowe takes position dead center of the ring, directly under his suspended foe ,the blood running down from Trance now dripping off his blood soaked head and landing directly onto the head of Crowe , who seems to basque in the glory , he opens his arms wide and tilts his head skyward, letting the blood drop directly onto his face, it runs down, soaking his pearly white shirt, coating him in a sheet of crimson 'armour'

Gonna get sued!


Crowe again addresses the crowd, his face now a sickening , spattered mask of deep red , all the time smiling from ear to ear.

Crowe : You see ladies and gentlemen, we told you , no, we WARNED you ,our actions would speak for themselves... no longer can you feel secure , no longer can you feel secure in your homes, your beds, your places of sanctuary..this is OCW...this is OUR version of OCW...no PG , no borders, no etiquette..no line we will not cross.

Crowe wipes his face with his left hand, smearing the blood across his chin, he flicks his hand towards the mat as a big splat of blood hits the deck , flowing off his hands like a burst water balloon.

Crossbones : We TAKE what we want, we give nothing back.

Crossbones : Ye see OCW..this isn't no Disney movie , there be no Sparrows here , only a bloodthirsty crow! We be REAL pirates of the caribbean!!

Crowe : I told you this was the end for you Jacob, I warned you that you were already dead, and now everyone here has witnessed your public execution , and this coming Sunday, they will all attend your burial.

Crowe drops to his knees and continues to 'bathe' in the waterfall of blood as the show cuts to commercial.


The camera pans to the announce team.

I don't...

Even...We are so getting sued.

Camera pans as a limo pulls up into the arena. The limo driver gets out of the car, then gets a bag out of the trunk, then opens the back door as Seth Morrison exits the vehicle. Morrison gets out and looks around surprised. The limo driver hands him his bag and stands there looking straight ahead.

A limo huh? Cant say I'm used to this kind of service. Maybe when I win the tournament, I'll be seeing a lot more of this.

Limo driver clears his throat, as he is reminding Morrison he wants a tip. Morrison then gets what the limo driver wants.

Morrison: Ooooh, you want a tip. My bad. Okay here you go. "Condoms always prevent minivans."

Morrison pats the limo driver on the arm as the driver looks annoyed.

Morrison: No need to thank me my friend, i'm always here to help.

Scene fades


The camera pans to the announce team.

Oh that's not nice!



Austin Lee sitting down in a chair at guerrilla position his feet propped up on the table. Relaxing before his opening match of the night. His opponent for the night, Xander Rane, walks up to him, smiles, and starts shadowboxing next to him.

Austin: *Singing*#Here comes the rane!!!!

Xander: For someone who likes to refer to himself as #Marvelous you really are annoying as hell.

Austin: Did you just use a #? Don't steal my #Hashtags

Xander: trust me no one would want to talk like you do. Plus yours truly *pointing at himself*is to marvelous for that.

Austin: That's what I thought...*pausing as he just figured out what Rane said.*#What the hell did you just say.

Xander: Wtf? More like #dtf! Cause that's all it's gonna take for the end of Matsuda's Ex-division #titlerane! And don't even get me started on cobra and Kassidy, Cause after the clash this Sunday, the two of them? #donezo

Austin: #See you just # me again. *Austin looking back at Xander as he is lost in the conversation.Only focusing on the #* #What #Huh

Xander: They're gonna be #DONEZO!

Austin:.......See you just sound stupid when you use them. But what's the #point?

Xander: I'm gonna hit you with this once in a lifetime offer right now Austin #marvelous

Austin: *Sighing*it's the Franchise #Marvelous Austin Lee. But #details #details continue

Xander: How would you like to become an honorary #Ranedancer!?

*Austin picks up a pen from the table writing on a piece of paper making a sign for Rane.*

Austins sign:

Xander: How about a #RAGNAROCKER?!?

*Austin drawing another sign*

Austins sign:
#How about no?

Xander: Careers have ended Austin.

Austin: #Sports Entertainment Will never die.

Xander makes the Ragnarok sign and holds it up beside his face as he grins at Austin maniacally.

Xander: Keep tellin yourself that. You've all been killing wrestling for a long time now Mr Marvelous, were just here to twist the knife.

Austin throws his hands into the air as he heads for the curtain as his music hits.

The camera pans to the announce team.

It's about to go!


It's a Match!
Austin Lee vs Xander Rane

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The camera pans to the announce team.

What a win!

Word up!

The scene opens up in the Parking Lot. Jookie Marley exits his car and grabs his duffle bag and his black bat from the back seat. Jim Black rushes up to him.

Jim Black: Jookie it has just been announced that you will be facing K. Dangelo at The Clash for the OCW Hardcore Championship. What are your thoughts on the OCW Hardcore Championship returning and you getting the first shot at it?

Marley: What are my thoughts? I think I'm ready for my tour through the garden.

Jim Black stares confusingly at Jookie. Not knowing how what else to say he switches the subject.

Jim Black: What's going on with the bat?

Marley: Who, Black Power? He’s my protection.

Jim Black: Black Power? A-Are you ok Jook?

Marley: It was recently Martin Luther King’s birthday, right? And just like him, I also have a dream. I have a dream that I will end KD’s worthless career at The Clash. I have a dream that one-day people will know me as the garden killer. I HAVE A DREAM!!

Not knowing what else to say Jim Black motions for the Camera Man to cut the camera. Marley slowly enters the arena with his bat in his hand. The camera fades with a shot of a confused Jim Black.

Jim Black: What in the H-E double hockey sticks just happened?

The camera pans to the announce team.

Garden Killer?

Isn't that Weedbgone?






