
The camera pans to the announce team.
Welcome to Episode 430 on 4/20! |
Is Versus here tonight? We bout to get Blazed up in here! |
Its a beautiful Wednesday Evening tonight in NEW YORK CITY! |
We are just 2 weeks away from The Biggest Show in the history of OCW its about to go down! |
The scene opens to the backstage area with Versus taking a haul of two off his vape, as he seems to be searching for something. He notices a guy walking down the hallway with a towel over his shoulder.
Versus: (yelling down the hallway) Cereal! (no response) CEREAL!
The man, looking around, slowly turns around, and The One Man Revolution, Bobby Minio comes to a complete stop. His head tilts as he sees Versus approaching him with a very confused look on his face.
Bobby Minio: You can’t possibly be addressing me… can you?
Versus: Yeah you.
Bobby Minio: Cereal? Going senile, old timer, or are you just burning too many braincells away with that vaporizer?
Versus: Maybe...I mean...I really hope not, but that has nothing to do with that. See, I thought I remembered something odd happening last week, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then, Casey said you tried to punk me out.
Bobby Minio: Nope, that must have been a figment of your vast and, what I can only imagine to be a sad, confusing and cloud-filled imagination.
Versus: Don't pull that on me, I watched the video. Who the hell are you, and why did you try to ruin my buzz?
Minio gets visibly upset that Versus doesn't recognize who he is, but immediately calms himself.
Bobby Minio: Well Cheech, you were kind of in my way as I was trying to leave. Also, I don’t need a reason to put you-... You… No. Ya know what? I can't let this go. Why were you yelling out cereal to get my attention.
Versus: Minio. Mini-o. Mini-O's, they're part of a balanced breakfast. It's how I remembered your name.
Bobby Minio: … Well. Alright. Alright… but, why not just say Minio then?
Versus: I'm hungry.
Bobby shakes his head in disbelief and puts his hand on Versus' shoulder. Versus looks at it, and with 2 fingers, slowly takes it back off.
Bobby Minio: Old man, you get a pass for breaking my balls today. Just one pass. You try it again, however… one more time? Then we got a big problem.
Versus: Kiddo, I'm a problem you don't want to have.
Bobby Minio: Yeah, sure. I bet.
Bobby begins to walk away and Versus takes a haul off of his vaporizer as the camera zooms in.
Versus: Friggin Cereal.
The camera then pans back, and shows Minio’s face as he's leaving. The anger crawling across his expression as he forces himself to walk away.
Bobby Minio: Friggin’ cereal? Again… AGAIN?
With a huff of frustration, Minio blows through a closed door and stops away from the funny smelling hallway.
The camera pans to the announce team.
HAHAHAHA I missed that man! |
WHY? He is sooo disrespectful! |
The Camera Pans To Ringside!
Tyler is in the ring annoyed that he was not received a entrance
Tyler: This is honestly unfair, My excellence deserves to be shown!
Tyler exhales to try to calm himself, grabs a lavander rose from a vase sitting in the corner that he brought out, he begins to slowly smell it..
Tyler: I am a professional... I will rise above.. Get your ass out here!

Tyler Rose vs Mike Sawyer
The camera pans to the announce team.
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? What is he talking about? |
You just wait and see! |
The camera pans backstage where Leonheart is on a mission to find Nathan Carter. Just as Leon turns around the corner he bumps into Mr Sensation who is accompanied by Birdie!
Leonheart: "Get out of my way!"
Mr Sensation: "Shut up penguin!"
Leonheart who is quite frankly pissed off attempts to walk on past The Dynamic and Awesome Duo,He is stopped.
Mr Sensation: "I can't have you being a dummy sending people to the hospital, its bad enough that Messenger jerkoff just snuck in! "
Leonheart: "Did you not see what they did to me a couple of weeks ago? I am going to find Nathan and im going to rearrange his face. I suggest you get out of my way."
Mr Sensation sighs.
Mr Sensation: "See this is why you're dumb penguin. You're not going to do anything tonight but I'll tell you what. At Wrestlelution 10 I will give you Ragnarok. But you need a Partner, so how about..hmm
Mr sensation begins to laugh.
Mr Sensation: "Smythe D. Wonder!"
There is a long pause before Leon speaks.
Leonheart: " I hate you, I hate you with every fiber of my being."
Mr Sensation: "If you will excuse me I have something to attend to ."
Our Hero and Birdie step into Black SUV.
Mr Sensation: "You got your match dummy don't go doing anything stupid, STUPID!"
Leonheart snickers as he continues on his quest to find Ragnarok obviously ignoring the bosses orders!
The camera pans to the announce team.
Looks like we get a Legendary Team to Take on the Young Lions! |
The Wolf Lions will eat The Penguin S. Bomber! |
Imagine there is a knock at the door. Tiberius Octavian Dupree ignores it. They knock again, he continues to ignore it as he plays with his solid gold Dragon's Breath lighter.
Flick. Knock. Flick. Knock. Flick. Knock. Knock. Knock!
Dupree has had enough he storms to his locker room door and swings it open. A pretty young blonde with awful man-hands stands before him with a letter. Tibby snatches the letter then slams the door in her face.
He rips the letter open like it's a bag holding Ryu Matsumoto's lunch. He quickly reads it's contents, rage growing on his face with every sentence. After he finishes he stomps out the room and down the hallway.
Making a B-line for gorilla position he barges through everything like a raging cyclops after Illuminati's lunch money. He shoves a OCW employee to the floor before stepping through the curtain.
No "The Fire" by The Roots, his boiling blood plays as his theme instead. Tibby grabs a mic from a frightened ring hand. He looks at his watch making sure it's before 10 p.m.
Dupree: F**k the FCC-right in the f**king ass, take that out of context and put it in your f**king mouth and suck it. I'm the f**king Betterness, I say what I want-when I want-how I f**king want.
The fans are freaking out they don't know how to react. Some parents ear muff their children, others shout curses along with him.
Dupree: We got gorillas in f**king overalls calling people f**s and you send me a f**king warning?!! F**k You! We got f**kers in leopard print leggings sniffing sh*t on live television and your gonna f**king warn me?!
Dupree: You got pedophiles with poke-a-dots and bad dye jobs and you f*king warn me?! F**k your f**king face with your face you f**ks!
Dupree: You send some ugly bitch that looks like she gives handjobs to telephone poles with this sh*t?!
He holds up the warning letter from the FCC gripping it like the handle on Spider's lunch box he pulls out his Dragon's Breath and lights it on fire. He then watches it burn with a sick glimmer in his eye before he continues to rage on.
Dupree: The biggest f**king event in the history of the f**king world is in 2 weeks and your issuing me a damn warning. You need to issue Ryu f**king Matsumoto a warning. F**king warn him... warn those old f**ks in Inner Circle, warn every f**king body.
Dupree: But don't you dare warn me...I will f**k every person in the FCC in the throat with my fist and burn their f**king houses to the ground! Now that's a f**king warning you f**ks!!
Tibby slams the mic on the mat and makes his way to the back cursing and spitting the entire way.
The camera pans to the announce team.
That guy is really detracting from the show with his foul mouth! |
