
The camera pans to the announce team.
Welcome to Riot Episode 471!!!! |
Good Heavens and Heavens to Mergatroids! |
We have a great show for you tonight on a balmy Tuesday Summer Evening! |
That's right folks Global Warming is Totally a myth, I mean I am wearing a sweater in June indoors with no Air Condition..Doesn't Exist, FAKE NEWS! |
The scene is set at Drago's dojo, where our World Heavyweight Champion leans back on his chair and strokes his chin, the championship over his shoulder. He looks up at a group photo of Rev Inc, and the camera zooms in on Versus' face.
Drago: Something feel strange.
Bubba walks in and grunts at Drago.
Drago: I'm understand, but let us think about this for second; Versus come back, talk about us having positive energy, remove all negative stuffs from our souls or something like that. The Mugen become the friendly toward us. You know me. I'm like make it friend with everybody! But can't help but feel something is off.
Bubba whimpers as Drago leans forward and looks at his computer. He goes to the OCW Network and looks back at the PPV catalog. He goes all the way back to Wrestlution I. The main event. The camera pans out to Drago to see his reaction throughout the match, his eyes widening once he gets to the climactic moment where Versus challenges Nate.
Versus: ...I have been in OCW almost as long as you Nate, and even still no one gives a s*** about me or what I do, and you know why because I don't have the GOLD!
Versus: ...Tonight Rev Inc was ROBBED! And what's left? You, and your smug ass self.
Drago closed the video. He removes the World Heavyweight Championship from his shoulder and places it right in front of him, staring at it and Bubba.
Drago: You know, wise man once said. Old habit die hard.
Bubba groans and brushes his head onto Drago's leg.
Drago: Can people really change like this? We gonna have to find out Bubba. Some people gonna try everything they can to try to take this championship from me. Maybe he lying to us about being friend like he did Goat.
Bubba grunts again and Drago nods.
Drago: Maybe I am little paranoid. But is hard not to be when you have big target on back.
The scene fades to black.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Focus Center! |
Find Yourself! |
The Xtron Flickers On!

Scene opens inside the dressing room of Heather Angelo. Dennis Black is standing behind Heather admiring the windy roads all the way down to her toes. He helps put on her brasserie with pleasure as Heather stares at his reflection in the mirror with a smile. The cameraman just missed her barness.
Dennis steps back as she begins to tie up her brasserie and finishing her makeup.
Heather: Thanks, Papi. But were you helping me or were you helping yourself?
Dennis steps back in to loosen the strings to her top.
Dennis: No, no, no. Don't tie it up so tight. You need to allow yourself to loosen up a bit.
Dennis: To answer your question, I was helping you and me.
Heather chuckles a little.
Heather: On Turmoil you mentioned something about feeding you grapes and shining your belt.
Heather: I don't mind the part of feeding you…
Heather quickly looks down at her all naturals.
Heather: ...some grapes. But I'll be damned if I'm shining your belt! I don't know what kind of woman you think I am.
Heather turns to Dennis as he begins to explain himself and Heather puts her finger over his lips.
Heather: Shhh. Relax baby. After you're done with H2O I'll make a warm peach pie you can shine your face in. Then MAYBE I'll shine that…long… BLACK… belt of yours afterwards.
Heather turns back around to finish her eye shadow. She bends closer to the mirror locking eyes on Dennis's reflection as she notices him concentrating on her rear asset.
Dennis: To be fair. I did walk into this expecting you to do all of the things my former partner in crime did, but better. And then some.
She says nothing. He then lock eyes with Heather’s and she rolls her eyes away from him. Like she has something on her mind. She puts her makeup away and turns to him.
Heather: Why did you entertain her?
Dennis: She may not look it or behave like it, but the woman is wrestling asavant. She did good work for me once upon a time. But that's in the past.
Heather: She touched your face like she owns you. You don't see H2O walking around here touching me whenever he feels like it.
Dennis: Because you know better. I have eyes on whenever I'm not around.
Heather: Listen, if you must know. I am the jealous type. But there's different levels to jealousy. There's the type that thinks that blowing out one's candle will make theirs shine brighter.
Heather: The other type is reactionary. When one feels their relationship is threatened. Am I being threatened, Dennis?
Dennis: Of course not. You've been a perfect asset.
Heather Good, cause my reaction would deem to be… inhumane to Turmoil’s Queen. You better let her know.
Dennis: Nores.
They leave the dressing room and make down the hallway to the curtain.
Heather: Tonight I’m facing OCW’s Future Investment, Sentai Hare. A match that I had to painfully watch from the sidelines. A match I should've been involved in!
Dennis: A win over her would be a big deal. I'll be highly disappointed if you lose. Especially after Madison beat her last week. Losses aside, keep in mind Sentai ‘is’ the future.
Heather: Well, being a business grad I've seen what happens when you cancel investments.
Dennis: ...And what's that?
Heather: OCW will no longer be able to make future profits promoting their annoying version of an energizer bunny.
Heather: They've made a grave mistake allowing me to sign on the dotted line to cancel their investment.
Dennis: Speaking of an energizer bunny, I'll need to see if you're all talk. But for now, I've got to focus on your dear Harvey. I'll be watching your match very closely. No pressure.
The Television Champion takes a few steps back and nods to Heather before making his exit.
Heather: In his mind I am his. But in reality I stand before you.
Heather: Mida, accompany with me to the ring tonight as I debut singles competition?
Heather’s music hits as she awaits his answer.
Dennis: Certainly.
Heather puts on her gloves as she smiles at her King. She turns and approaches the stage focused as ever.
The camera pans to the announce team.
How scandalous! |
Oh hush! |

Heather A. vs Sentai Hare
The camera pans to the announce team.
Woah |
Jim Black is standing in the interview room, standing next to a pissed-off Cort Marshall. Before he can say anything, the sergeant snatches the mic.
Cort: I know JUST what you're about to say, maggot!
Cort parrots Black's voice like a whiny teenager.
Cort: “Gee whiz sir, what do you have to say about your loss last week?”
Cort: Well, I DO have something to say! I have to say that it should be stricken from the record! I rolled out of the ring to take a momentary breather, as is my RIGHT and PRIVILEGE, and when I came back in, I was met with a sudden and unprovoked attack!
I was unprepared for such barbaric cheap tactics! The ref should have called the match right then and there!
Black: As I recall he did, about three seconds later...
Cort: Don't get smart with me, grunt! It was clearly in violation of the rules! Kassidy Hayes is as dirty in the ring as he out of it.
A man with that many stupid tattoos is either gay or a pop punk bassist, and I know his profession so that only leaves the one. I may have been on my back that night, but I'll wager he was on his knees the morning after. Any questions?
Black: Yes, actually. Would you mind citing that specific rule?
Cort freezes for a second.
Cort: O-of course not! That will be completely unnecessary. I am willing to be the better man, as I always am, and move on. On to my match tonight with K.D. Angelo.
What does the K.D. Stand for? Probably Kraft Dinner, because much like it, he's a pitiful substitute of something real enjoyed by people with no class. The kind of people who have 8 children all with names like Jo'Beth, and use a Walmart scooter to commute.
Your fanbase, K.D, is comprised of 400-pound cousin-diddlers who think Dr. Phil should win a Nobel Peace Prize.
And just like them, you're slow, clumsy, and past your prime. I'm going to dance circles around you like a poacher around a diseased elephant.
Black: Strong words as always from Sgt. Cort Marshall. Back to you at the desk.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Does Cort have a death wish? |
He does..TO DIE A PATRIOT, you Commie son of a bitch! |
