
Live from the Barclays Center
*previously recorded*
This episode of Turmoil opens with Our ‘Humble’ Hero, the anomaly of success, Dennis Black standing in the center of NRG Stadium, home of the Texans. He's being showered with boos by the Turmoil audience as his picture is shown in the X-Tron. The camera pans to his wide grin. Dennis loudly taps the mic against his Turmoil Heavyweight Title, demanding respect from the those in the Turmoil arena.
Dennis: A lot of similarities can be made between OCW wrestlers and NFL football teams. How well they play, how they present themselves...I often find myself comparing teams to wrestlers.
Dennis: Take Nate Ortiz for instance. He's the Dallas Cowboys of OCW. America’s Team...OCW’s most loved star...they're one in the same.
Dennis pauses.
Dennis: Because of their past. Not their present. You see, Mr. Sensation and OCW management cling on to the idea of what Nate used to be. Just as the NFL reminds us of how the Cowboys used to be…
Dennis: Which brings me to why I'm standing in this stadium of tears and wasted potential. Much like Jackson Montgomery, the Texans have time and time again let their fans down.
Dennis kisses that World Title.
Dennis: Jackson, next Sunday night on pay per view, you're going to do your best impersonation of the Texans. You'll stand across from your better...and fold like a cheap suit. You're great, don't get me wrong. You just came up in the wrong era. Mine. That goes for the entirety of this company.
Does the champ want some of the G.T.G.O.A.T.? |
He better focus on Jackson or he won't have that Turmoil tilte come Savage Lands. |
Betty Ford TRY walk into the arena from the side wrestler’s entrance. No you dummy. Not that Betty Ford, you know that old hag of a First Lady who set up drug clinics across the nation. Nope, I’m talking about the Marlboro filter smoking-Blue Ribbon drinking-ass kicking degenerate duo of Eerie Sunshine and Anna Mosity.
We’re emphasizing TRY because OCW Security are not allowing them to bring a keg of beer along with them into the arena. Anna actually tried to grab the crotch of one of the security guards in retaliation, but he kept her hands away with his flashlight, not his fleshlight you perv. Flashlight!
Anna Mosity: I hope the rest of Turmoil ain’t a bunch of *ussies like you.
Eerie Sunshine: I got an idea, don’t ruffle ya panties ho….
The outcasted Pepperton darts off camera towards her new motorcycle. Anna looks directly at the camera.
Anna: Can’t ruffle panties, if you ain’t got none ha….
She sparks a Marlboro in the meantime.
Anna: F*cking skank better have a good idea.
Within seconds Eerie returns swinging a heavy chain with a padlock, nearly decapitating Anna and the security guards.
Eerie: We’ll chain this sumbitch up and finish it after we finish kicking some ass.
Anna: Who’s gettin’ f*cked tonight?
She really thought about making a smartass comment about how Anna always gets f*cked, by someone somewhere, but decided to snatch the cigarette instead.
Eerie: Dragana and that rabbit bitch.
Anna: Wha? Crazy Daisy and the World Champ? I thought….
Eerie: No, and yeah, kinda.
Anna: Ugh. I’m too high for this sh*t.
The Marlboro is already to the filter, Anna snatches it back, no selling the finger burn.
Eerie: Not rabid bitch, RABBIT bitch. Sensay Hare or something stoopid like that. You know the other crazy chick that runs around like a Power Ranger on peyote.
Anna: And Dragana you said? Ain’t that just Drago in a wig?
Eerie: Pretty much, guess we got crossdressing world champions now, times a changin’ sista.
Anna: We need more MANLY men ‘round here, like that Jackson please Mount-me-gomery. He makes a goodsister wanna dropkick a immagant across the border while holding a apple pie and downing a goddam beer.
Eerie: F*ck yeah. Let’s go, Dragana’s a immagant!
Eerie fills their last red cup of beer from the keg, Anna gulps hers. Security finally lets them in after Eerie finishes the filter on their cigarette as we fade to ringside.
OCW Interviewer is seen backstage with Turmoil newcomer, Basil Dello Russo before his match later on with Vincent Winters. They discuss Basil's time in the company so far..
Jim Black: Mr. Dello Russo, last week you debuted against another highly touted competitor in Flash Riley. It was a close match that didn't go in your favor, how're you feeling going into your match with Vincent Winters?
Basil Dello Russo: As for that crazy haired dwarf, we're not finished. As for Winters? I just have to go in there, and what do they call it? "Break the Bat".
Basil lets out a deep hearty laugh, pats Black hard on the shoulder and walks off.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Well he is ready and he's up next! |
Savage Lands is almost here, I want to see this get more SAVAGE! |

Vincent Winters vs Basil
The camera pans to the announce team.
Well then... |
Indeed... |
The camera opens up to a dimly lit room that shows a disturbingly strong resemblance to an abandoned kitchen, complete with flies and dusted up cabinets. A slightly older looking gentlemen steps into the shot, dressed in professional clothing with old folk’s glasses. He waves at the camera and straightens his tie. Judging by the nametag on his jacket, “Francis B. Line” is a psychiatrist of some sort.
Line: Why hello, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Francis B. Line, just call me Mr. Line for this session. I’m a professional psychiatrist from Georgia Tech, having just received my masters in psychology and neurophysiology. And may I say it is my honor to have had the wonderful promoters of OCW invite me to this… lovely establishment to assist in the healing of one of it’s more troubled competitors.
Line: He hasn’t been seen on television in a while and I’ve been hired to approach the subject on why and… what’s with his recent… metamorphosis I’ll call it. So,... where are you Bray?
Silence. Francis B. Line makes himself as comfortable as possible at the nearby kitchen table, where only two chairs are present. He tries to dust off the chair and sits down, awaiting-
Sure enough, a hooded Bray appears in front of Francis B. Line, sitting cross-legged in a more suggestive way that urges Francis B. Line to stand up from his chair. His entire body is cloaked, for some reason, as the shadows focus perfectly on his body but not his face, which is masked by his N7 hoodie, long thought to be lost.
Line: [clearing his throat] Bray, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Bray, as usual, is silent. He cocks his head to the side and proceeds with a small chuckle.
Bray: You supposed to be my father now?
Line: Not in the slightest, sir. I’m here to help.
Bray chuckles again.
Line: Why don’t you take that hood off? It’s quite warm in here.
Francis attempts to remove Bray’s hood, but his hand is grabbed within inches of the tip.
Bray: I’d prefer if you not touch that. It’s… sensitive right there.
He lets go of his hand and slouches onto the table. Line takes his hand and rubs it on his jacket.
Line: Quite. Now, let’s get to it, shall we?... *What brings you here to this… “fine” settlement?
Bray: Soul searching… can’t find it here, it seems. Strange.
Line: And, why are you soul searching?
Bray: ...What you haven’t heard? [chuckling] I’m in need of a- of a partner, or a play mate, per say. See, my good friend Cactus Gauge and I, two peas in a pod, have been… left at home in recent weeks. And you know what? It breaks my hearts.
Line: Hearts?
Bray: My hearts, doc! My hearts! Because, I feel like it’s my fault… I wasn’t a good friend to Cactus… I wasn’t a good friend to Sophia.
Line: What did you do to Sophia?
Bray: Oh it’s not what I did, it’s what my sister DIDN’T do but I won’t get into that.
Line: But you just said-
Dr. Line squeals a little bit as he’s nearly rocked from his seat.
Bray: [chuckling] Doc, doc, doc, doc! I’m not scaring you, am I?
Line: Of cour-
Line: Will you stop-
Bray: Doc, I’m not even scary and you’re wetting your pants. You need to see a doctor about that.
Bray: But later…. Don’t you have… another QuEsTiOn?
Line: Yes but… alright then. How would you describe your current state of mind?
Bray proceeds to tap his finger on the table, putting Dr. Line at unease. He whispers something to himself but it comes out in mumbles.
Bray: State of mind? I’m better than I’ve better been, in fact!
He stops tapping his fingers. After a few tense seconds of silence, he again jumps in Dr. Line’s face with a smile, his face still covered.
Bray: I feel GrEaT, doc! Don’t you!?
Line: S-sir, can I ask you politely to sit back in your seat?
Bray: Why? Am I startling you?
Line: Q-..Quite.
Bray: Okay… sorry.
Bray sits back down in his seat and tightens the hood covering his face.
Line: Why are you hiding your face from me? I’m only trying to help.
Bray: Help? With what? I don’t need HeLp, DOC! Why would I need help? I feel like a million bucks right now!
Line: So, why don’t you remove that hood for me, son?
Bray’s grinning and silent chuckling ceases and he leans forward, menacingly.
Bray: If you touch me again or reference my hood again, I’ll break your neck.
Line: Excuse me?
Bray: [smiling] Never mind…. Let’s move on.
Bray leans back in his chair and crosses his arms while resuming his silent chuckling, while Dr. Line tries to get himself together as the camera fades to black.
