The crowd cheer as the Intern walked about the ring.
Ginger: Hello and welcome to G TV. I'm your host Ginger, tonight on G TV I'll be interviewing the one and only Queen of Turmoil. Madison Cox.
Half the crowd began cheering while the other half booed.
Ginger: Now now people this is your queen you are booing. Now without further ado our guest of honour, the queen of Turmoil Maaaadison Coooox!
The half of the crowd that booed began cheering as the newest Bombshell to grace Turmoil walked around Ginger.
Ginger: This is a pleasant surprise but you're not my guest. She's going to fire me for sure now.
Halie: Don't worry sug, I'm only here to be graced by the presence of "her majesty". OOh is that Evian?
She reached out and grabbed the bottle of water and took a gulp.
Halie: Parched. Anyway I had an impressive victory over Sensation's chosen one, I feel I'm ready to take on the second best draw on Turmoil in Madison Cox. If I can beat her I can then possibly challenge the number one woman here for a shot at her title.
Ginger: Madison will definitley not like that. Also you really think you could go toe to toe with Sophia?
Halie went to speak but was cut off as Madison's theme started up.
The crowd cheered and jeered as the Queen walked up to Ginger and snatched the mic from him while backing him into the corner, a look of malice flashed in her eyes.
Madison: A segment dedicated to me. I .was impressed, Ginger! Until you allowed this…
Madison turns her attention to Halie. She looks the woman up and down, scrutinizing her as fans cheer.
Madison: This…
Madison slowly walks in a circle around Halie.
Madison: Just who the hell are you?
Halie goes to speak but is interrupted.
Madison: Ohhhhh...I know who you are. I know that hair bun anywhere. You're my former secretary! I was so used to seeing that hair bun bob up and down every day and night to help me get votes from board members…
Madison: Good job.
The audience says "oooooooooh" in unison.
Madison: I know that I fired you when Board members that shall not be named got bored of you. So the fact that you're here standing before me...can only mean that you bobbed your head to a contract.
Madison: Friends with Flojo?
Halie smiled although her eyes showed fire.
Halie: You know every time I "helped" those board members I pictured Dennis Black, how good it would be to take him from you and watch as your world crumbled around you.
She looked deep into Madison's eyes and began walking forward.
Halie: To see you pay for what you put me through during my time as a receptionist. You know what let's do it, next week. I'll show Dennis what a real woman looks like.
As Halie finished speaking she was almost within striking distance of Madison, who had stepped behind Ginger for protection. The xtron lit up and a new challenger had entered the fray.
Ginger: And to what do we owe this pleasure?
Ace: Shut up Ginger. I was never pinned last week, I want a rematch. You can't call yourself the self proclaimed number one contender by pinning just one of us, and you.
Ace looked Halie up and down.
Ace: You look kinda cute.
Halie smiled, Ace smiled back Halie's smile turned to venom as she spoke.
Halie: Madison has more a chance of getting with me than you do, besides I've been through my urban girl lesbian phase.
Madison: Ah I'm allergic to fish, and I'm on this dark meat diet.
Halie: And after next week maybe I'll have to try this dark meat diet of yours.
She winked and then they began bickering and screaming at one another after Halie's remark.
Ginger: Oh my god, do any of you care that I could get fired.
No one heard him though, the ladies were still locked in a shouting match when the Xtron flaired to life. The GM of Turmoil Malu sat behind his desk looking extremely irritated.
Malu: Ladies, may I have your attention. Hey up here.
The ladies turned to look at Malu.
Malu: Now that I have your undivided attention, next week on Turmoil the three of you will be in a number one contender match for the womens championship. Good day.
The xtron flashed off and the women backed off into seperate corners each one staring angrily at the other. Ginger broke the silence.
Ginger: So a number one contenders match. How will you all prepare?
As one the three women began shouting their plans at Ginger.
Ginger: Well I guess I should clear out my locker.
He stood there for a moment before motioning the crew to cut to commercial, which they di-....
The camera pans to the announce team.
Explosive start!
And we haven't had a match yet.
Chris O'Donnell vs B-17
The show just started Randy.
The scene opens up with Corey standing backstage with the seamstress.
Corey: Can you make it look more like Ragnarath's kit? I feel last week I didn't mesh look wise.
The seamstress looked at the picture Corey had given her and began going to work.
???: So you are the guy who claims to be part of the greatest tag team around?
Corey turned around to see up and coming rookie Code Jackman.
Corey: Ah I never said that I think, but sure and you are?
Code looked Corey up and down taking stock of who was in front of him.
Code: My name is Code Jackman, but you should have already known that. If you can't remember it perhaps I'll make you remember it.
Corey: Oh right the guy who lost to Ragnarath the other week.
Ford smiled obnoxiously while Jackman got in his face.
Code: I already don't like you, you me in the ring now.
Corey laughed, this irritated Code.
Corey: Buddy look tonight isn't a good night. Rain check? Yea rain check sounds good.
Corey laughed again then began to walk away only to stop turn around and look at Code one last time hardly containing his laughter before leaving for real, he could be heard laughing down the corridor.
Code looked angry and disappointed as the scene ended...