LIVE FROM Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum!



The camera pans to the announce team.

Welcome to the 190th edition of Turmoil!

10 more to the big 200!

Capo sat in the cold Nassau Memorial Veterans Coliseum parking lot in deep thought. He was behind $130,000 dollars and needed to come up with the money as quickly as possible. In his head, he kept replaying his convo with his Granda Paulie:

Capo:I can flip this money in no time Grandpa P….No time…
Grandpa Paulie: Ok, Im gonna loan you the money, but I need to see this money reinvested in the family immediately. 

Capo got shivers just thinking about not keeping his word. In a crime family, all you have is your word and honor. Mistakes were for chumps...Capo fondled $7500 bucks in hand. He had pinched some change off of the Roadhouse Party to make a pitch to his new opponent. After a brief conversation with his Uncle Ace, all of Vegas had Capo losing in the month of January. However, Uncle Ace saw a small spike in support of Capo after his match with Yokozuna. Vegas had Capo coming out on top of his match with newcomer Kit Anderson. Uncle Ace knew that by betting against Capo, they could make a fortune. He instructed Capo to throw the fight, and pay Kit a lump sum of 15k. 

Capo’s cell phone rings, its Uncle Ace…

Uncle Ace: Listen Kid, throw the fight. We can make a ton with a loss.
[b]Capo:[b] Unk, I havent won a fight since I been here.
Uncle Ace: Yah well what’s another one to ya?

Uncle Nicki can be heard in the background snickering and using the word “Numb Nutz” stop bouncin around like a kangaroo!!

Uncle Ace: Listen Capo, you get in that ring and your give the folks a show. You take the fall, we get paid tonight and worry about the rest over the weekend. 
Capo: But Unk…
Uncle Ace: That’s it and that's all...See you later, I made ziti, with the sauce…phone hangs up...

A few more moments went by and Capo was suddenly interrupted out of his deep thoughts with a knock at his car window...It was Kit Anderson…

Kit: Capo, How's it going?

Capo: Terrible….

Kit: So we making this deal or not? I could use the extra cash. Things are tight and I appreciate the offer, even though it’s bad for you in the short run.

Capo: I could use the win…

Capo sighs and then hands Kit $7500 cash…

Kit: Whoa….You are a man of your word...

Capo: Yea well I’ll get you the extra $7500 after the match. Just be sure to come out strong, no funny business with weapons...Don’t shit on me…I’m going to come with a few moves, let me land them. 

Kit: Ok Ok I got you…

The two shake hands as scene closes….

The camera pans to the announce team.

Well it looks like the outcome of this one is already set.

Lets hope not.

It's a Match!
Capo Genovese vs Kit Anderson


The camera pans to the announce team.

Put a cap on it.

Case closed.

The X-tron flared to life showing the insides of a lavish holding cell within Rikers Island state penitentiary, the crowd went silent not sure who they would see within it. Not a moment later a beaten up and depressed looking Ginger was thrown into view, his face was bruised and one of his eyes was swollen shut.

W-wadies and g-g-gentl-. Men of the Wurmoil oonivurs please worgeve my look. 

He spat some blood out and winced.

Tonight I werform dis intervew shot early before all this.

He gestured to his face before continuing.

Pwease enjoy dis intervew.

Before the screen changed to the footage of the interview, a couple of guards were seen beating the poor intern with batons while shouting ‘Woman beater’ at him. Then a clean and unbruised Ginger appeared on screen.

Hello and welcome to G-TV, I understand you can’t be here in person, however Troy Sharp has been kind enough to lend me an iPad for this interview... even though he framed me for something I didn’t do. So anyway my guest live via skype at a resort somewhere lavishly expensive, The Turmoil Heavyweight Champion and the Frosty White Queen. Dennis Black and Madison Cox.

He waited for the crowd to cheer, but there was nothing but anger and boos.

Yes the crowd are behind you even though we don’t know where you are. Now Dennis, what is your frame of mind right noa? Has this issue with RD Money been resolved? Will you be defending your title in an Urban Circle? 

The camera panned down to the iPad where a semi unfocused video of Dennis and Madison was visible, set to a nice sunny backdrop. The two were sitting in the same sunbathing chair. Well, Dennis was sitting in the chair while Madison was sitting in his lap while sipping on an alcoholic beverage. Dennis went to speak but Madison quickly spoke over him.

Where are you conducting this interview from? It looks like a holding cell or some place really poor. Which is it, Ginger? Jail or poor living?

Your lawyer covered up a woman bashing by Seb Abbott by framing me, so to answer your question I’m in J- It’s poor living… Anyway your issue with RD Money, your title will be defended in this circle jerk match no? This doesn’t bode well for the Obsidian Kingdom.

Ginger paused for some canned gasps and quickly went to continue as Madison shot a glare at him. Her annoyance with Ginger quickly began to fade as Our Humble started to kiss on her neck. Ginger’s expression was that of an uncomfortable man as he spoke. 

...I mean to possibly have to fight three people back to back to back is very taxing, will you be physically fit coming up to Certified Greatness?

Madison took one final sip from her glass, emptying it. She then tossed it over her shoulder, causing it to land in the sand. Before she answered, Madison reached off screen and pulled the Turmoil Heavyweight Championship into view. She placed in her lap and petted it like a newborn kitten. 

Not that it is any of your business, but I can confirm first hand. 

Sometimes both, if i’m feeling generous. 

That Dennis Black has the stamina of a...god. Three matches in one night will be fine. His body is a temple. Do you have any idea what it means to be the ‘Soul of Ex’, Ginger? 

Well I -

His body is a vessel that carries the strength, will, hopes, and heart of the greatest EX Division stars that this company has ever seen.

Dennis Black has already completed a Perfect Circle. In one night, he defended the Television Championship against Jacob Trance, Loki, and Bray. The number of men to complete a Perfect Circle is very small. The number of men to complete it on two separate occasions? Even smaller. 

Madison ran a hand through her Champion’s hair, pausing for a brief moment. 

But there isn’t going to be a ‘Perfect Circle’ at Certified Greatness. I don’t care if they want to call it a ‘Urban Circle’. 

Oh I thought it was called the circle jerk.. That makes much more sense now.

The intern looked off screen for a minute and pleaded for a few more minutes with someone the viewers couldn’t see, a heavy thud was heard and Ginger reappeared with the start of a black eye.

Ah I don’t have much more time, Dennis is there anything you’d care to add… Or are you just going to caress your Queen?

All of a sudden, the camera filming the interview tipped forward to show Dennis and Madison impatiently waiting for Ginger to return, then they heard the thwack thwack thwack of baton on flesh. 

You know, me finishing this comes out of your pay.

A bloodied Ginger landed in the cameras view so Madison reluctantly took over. Madison leans closer to the camera. 

Tobin Frost, K.D., and RD Money. The three of you are going compete next week against opponents of my choosing, only days before the Perfect Circle. You’re either going to win and provide Dennis and I with some scouting reports on your tactics. Or, you’ll lose and potentially suffer some unfortunate injuries in a post match assault. Dennis will walk into the Pay Per View fresh as a daisy!

Either way, The Crown wins. Now if you’ll excuse us, we would like to get back to celebrating Valentine’s week. 

The scene ends with Ginger being forcefully stripped and then beaten, thankfully for the viewers the camera cuts out at the guard ramming his baton into Ginger’s butthole....








