LIVE FROM Barclay's Center!


Stacy Clark: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest tonight, B17. 

B17 nods at Clark. 

Clark: B17, tonight you team with Code Jackman to face Jacob Trance and Wrex. How will you coexist with someone who, obviously, you despise? 

B17: It’s a great question, Clark. But the question is for everyone. Tonight we’ve got four of the biggest names on Turmoil competing, yet not one of them could count on the other as an ally. Look at the history of B17 and Trance and you find nothing but disdain. Peer through the history of Wrex and B17 and you find battles fueled by mutual dislike. Look at Code Jackman. By definition a complete dick in the box. 

B17 pauses and takes a deep breath. 

 So it’s a question. Who do I want to spank more? Jacob Trance I can’t stand him, but I respect him. Wrex, a scumbag, but I can res--

Wrex: No one wants to hear about your sexual fantasies Bingo.

The voice matches the face as Wrex walks on screen, grabbing the mic out of Stacy’s hands and pushing her out of vision.

 And you can take your respect and shove it, I'm sure you’re used to that, cause tonight respect means nothing, never has between the three of us, and I guess that guy whos neck can't seem to resist being under my boot. 

Wrex: All three of you might as well be opponents and if I didn't need that fat lump of a meatshield I would just kick him in the dick and be done with it... But I have to wait for that.

Jacob Trance appears and roughly yanks the mic away from Wrex. They glare at each other. 

Trance talks slowly and deliberately. Never once taking his eyes from Wrex:
 If B17 were wise, he would stay out of my way. You never know, this just might get a little messy for those who are in my path. But then again...maybe destroying B17 will warm me up for getting rid of that opportunistic wolf, Wrex.

Shouting can be heard off-screen. All three men look for the interruption. 

Code Jackman appears and snatches the mic:
 Hi, Code Jackman 

Jackman: Night in night out I come to Turmoil looking for a fight. But when I arrived today I looked at the card. To be completely honest I was ashamed that I would be teaming with B17. We all know he is nothing. He is just another person on the roster now these days. I might as well tonight not even show up for this match because it does not interest me. 

B17 smacks Code across the face who drops the mic into the waiting hands of B17. 

 Open your mouth again and I will fill it. Show up, don’t show up, don’t matter…

Wrex shoves B17 aside and grabs the mic: Oh it matters! Smacking you both aside will.. 

Trance grabs Wrex’s hand and forces the mic to his mouth: Enough talk. Actions speak louder.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Let's go!

Bombshell time!

It's a Match!
Empress vs Ashley Blaine


The camera pans to the announce team.


This action is always great.


You know it.

*The camera cuts to backstage, as Leroi Daniels walks down the hallways of the arena. He glances at his phone, as he sports a new attire. Suddenly, a reporter for OCW would approach Leroi, catching him off guard.*

Reporter: “Excuse me Mr. Daniels, do you mind doing a quick interview for the show? I think your fans would very much appreciate it.”

Leroi: “Of course and please, call Leroi.”

Reporter: “Thanks Leroi, just give us a second and we’ll start”

*The Reporter began to straighten herself up, as the cameraman got into position.* The cameraman would countdown with his fingers, stopping at the number 2. The Reporter would clear her throat, as the camera focused in on her.*

 “Good evening OCW Universe, please welcome my guest, OCW Rookie Superstar, Leroi Daniels.”

*The camera pans out to show Leroi Daniels walk into frame, confident in himself. He smiles and directs his attention towards her.*

 “Thank you for having me.”

Reporter: “Leroi, it’s good to have you here. Now, you haven’t been in the spotlight or on any of the cards for while now, is there a reason for that?”

Leroi: “Yeah I’ve been having some personal problems in my life but, I’m here now and I’m more than ready to get back in that ring and show them that Leroi is here to say.’

Reporter: “Well speaking about getting back into the ring, do you have an opponent that you’d like to get your hands on out there?”

Leroi: “Um… I honestly don’t really have a clue. Oh, let’s do it like this.”

*Leroi takes his phone out his pocket and opens Twitter.*

 “Instead of me giving you that answer, I’ll let my fans answer the question via Twitter poll. We shall have our answer, in just a few minutes.”

Reporter: “Alright well while that’s going on, how have you been enjoying your time in OWC and what has been a highlight in your career so far?”

Leroi: “I’ve absolutely enjoyed my time so far, working with this company. The shows are great, the PPV’s are amazing, and the fans are always the best part. As for a highlight in my career so far, I would have to say my match with Damian Bourne definitely is up there. The guy’s a great competitor, amazing at his craft, so it was good to get into the ring with him.”

*Suddenly, Leroi’s phone would explode in a flurry of notifications. He would open his phone and look at the results.*

 “It looks like it’s a four way tie.”

Reporter: “Between who?”

Leroi: “Damian Bourne, Hijo De Místico, T.Y. Sparks, and The Last Blacksmith.”

Reporter: “All are worthy adversaries, are up to the challenge?”

Leroi: “Listen, I’m always ready. Whoever they put me in there against, I guarantee you that it will be great spectacle to watch.”

Reporter: “I’m sure it will Leroi, I have one final question for you. Out of the four opponents that tied in the poll, who would you say you would like to square of with?”

Leroi: “Well...I’ve already been up against Damian Bourne, so I think I would like to go up Mistico.”

Reporter: “A good matchup that would be indeed. Well Leroi, thank you for your time.”

*Leroi would walk off frame and the camera, would turn back to the reporter. She smiles, before looking down the hallway.*

 “Is he gone?”

*The camera would look down the hall, showing that it’s empty, before panning back to the reporter. She starts to laugh , as she comes back into frame.*

 “He honestly thinks he can beat Mistico? He couldn’t beat Damian Bourne, let only beat Loki in his debut.”

*The cameraman would signal to her that the camera was still rolling.*

 “We’re still rolling? Cut it off, we can fix it post.”

*The camera would fade out, into black*

The camera pans to the announce team.


The ladies just keep coming.


That's a great thing for all of us.

It's a Match!
Belle vs Karissa Dawson


The camera pans to the announce team.


She got it done.


Like you expected something different.


The scene fades in from black as Quartz is shown holding a piece of paper, looking inquisitively at it.

Quartz: I just don’t get it. 

Rust Cohle can be heard shouting at his partner from just offscreen.

Rust: Oh boy, Quartz looking confused? Nothing new there.

Quartz: Rusty! Old chap! Just the detective I wanted to see. 

Rust: Having trouble with those multiple syllable words again? Isn’t English your first language.

Quartz pops his head up from the paper and loses focus momentarily… He peers up to Rust Cohle and squints his eyes, judgingly.

Quartz: Syllables are the metal things you hit on drum-sets, you idiot. 

Cohle stares at his partner, dumbfounded but shakes it off and they both look at the paper Quartz is holding.

Quartz: Take a look at this. Do you have any clue what this means? 

Rust takes the paper and peers at it closely.

Rust: Well, I see us there. That’s us. C.Q.C.. World Tag Team Champions. Undisputed ass-kickers of Riot and members of the legendary TTT.

Rust slaps the paper with the back of his hand as if he solved the mystery, but Quartz shakes his head and walks off screen momentarily before walking right back into view with an exaggeratedly large Sherlock Holmes hat and accompanying pipe in the corner of his mouth.

Quartz: Nah, old chap. Everyone knows who we are. I mean THIS.

Rust pulls his hand to his chin and stares, puzzled.

Rust: I’m not going to lie, Quartzy. I haven’t got a clue. 

Both men are now standing in view, holding the paper in front of them, observing it.

Quartz: I’ve got it! I must have put Ned up to this! It’s gotta be him, right? He’s a Heartbreaker! 

Rust: No my friend, that cannot be it. Ned told you he wasn’t doing anymore impressions after you made him shave his head for the Cort costume.

Quartz laughs to himself.

Quartz: Heh heh heh. That’s right, I almost forgot. Then who the hell is this?

Rust: CQC… vs… 

Both: The Heartbreakers.

Rust: Is this a dancing segment?

Quartz: A singing contest?

Rust: Are we filming a straight to DVD movie?

Quartz: Speed dating?

Rust: Medication commercial?

Quartz: TTT Matchmakers Website?

Rust pauses, looking over to Quartz and the two point at each other with stupid looking smiles on their faces.

Rust: Aaaaah, pretty good one! I’ve got a--

Quartz: PlentyOfTrash.com!

Rust: Yes! You’re a genius. Where is Spider? He’s gotta know about this business idea. We could make some serious argent.

Quartz: Hey! I thought we agreed, no Spanish during investigations. 

Rust: It’s French you idiot!









