Ryu Matsumoto casually walks backstage with THE World’s Title over his shoulder, smiling from ear to ear
Stacy Clark rushes over to him mic in hand
Stacy: Ryu, you just went out there and made a statement tonight against the new Champion.
Stacy: Does this mean you’ve reached an agreement with management regarding your contract?
RYU: No Stacy, I did not reach an agreement with management because that is not my job.
RYU: My Agent, Sam Fischerstein, however, was deadlocked with them regarding my contract situation.
RYU: So he went over their heads directly to the Board of Directors, who have more sense than Management.
RYU: And I’m happy to say they renewed my IRON.CLAD.CONTRACT and met the demands that we had laid out.
Stacy: So what is your plan going forward? Do you plan on clearing the disputed status of the Lightheavyweight Championship with a Unification.
RYU: Disputed? You know we have this saying in wrestling. To BE the Man you have to BEAT the Man.
RYU: And I AM THE MAN, who brought prestige back to this championship.
RYU: I AM THE MAN, who carried this division to back to back pay per view Co-Main Events
RYU: I AM THE MAN, who everyone wants to see.
RYU: But most importantly Stacy
RYU: I AM THE MAN, with 11 1/2 Pounds of Gold draped over his shoulder.
RYU: So if you want to tell me that the 3 Time, 3 Time, 3 Time Ex Division Contender, is disputing my RIGHT to be called THE MAN let me tell you something...
Ryu looks directly into the camera
RYU: All it takes is one Khallas to set the record straight.
Ryu walks off before Stacy can ask anything else
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh my goodness! |
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Woah! |
The X Tron now shows the OCW 2K20 commercial right before cutting backstage as the two cover stars Drago Cesar and Valkyrie are releasing an interview.
Stacy Clark: Well, first of all, thanks for being here with me tonight.
Drago: Any time.
Valkyrie: Yeah, no problem.
Stacy Clark: So, how does it feel to be on the cover of the official OCW videogame?
Valkyrie shrugs
Valkyrie: How do you think it feels? I HAD to be on the cover because nobody else could. The only other person on this roster which could've been on the cover is booked tonight and had to prepare for her match. And Drago, well, he is here just to appeal to the smarks so they can buy the exclusive P3 edition with the 500$ Bonanza shirt.
Drago glares at Valkyrie, scratching his head.
Drago Cesar: Uh, is pretty nice. I’m grateful to be on cover, is my first one since being here. Organza silk shirt is cool too.
Stacy Clark: Valkyrie! Some of the OCW 2K players are complaining on Twitter with the hashtag #FixOCW2K20 because they claim the game is unplayable. What do you have to say in that regard?
Valkyrie: Well the game runs perfectly fine on my system, I'm not sure what the problem is. Besides, there will be a day one patch in a month or two. What is it with this generation and its instant gratification mentality?
Urgh! Just wait for a patch!, it’s not that hard, PATIENCE!
Valkyrie : And for those who claim there are absolutely no new features this year, let me tell you. Last year OCW 2K19 was so innovative that this year the developers decided to simply copy paste the code. This way they preserved its innovation!
Stacy Clark : Drago, do you agree with what's being said on the Twitter?
Drago: I’m not really see what happen on the Twitter, but I’m think this game have problem. I’m try to make Bubba, but his mane become pink. Can’t change it. And when I’m try to play tag match with Mugen online, we end up on separate team. One time he even turn into Empress! What happen here? Maybe his Xbox on different dimension or something.
Drago: But I’m remember when game come out, you no have to connect to internet to make work. It just work. Not sure why problem now.
Stacy Clark: Right? Those were the good old times, but now it’s all about Live Service games and DLCs! Speaking of, Valkyrie would you mind explaining why our players HAVE to buy the Season Pass?
Valkyrie: Yes! They absolutely have to buy the DLC because there’s a lot of exclusive content you don’t want to miss out. For example, coming on December 21th the Rookie Flakes pack! Then on March 2020 you are gonna get the exclusive Christmas Smythe D. Wonder DLC!
Drago: I’m thought he was in last year game. And why release in March? Christmas over by then.
Valkyrie: And then coming in 2023 the new DLC, the Old School Arena packs which is going to include all of the classic version of our current Riot and Turmoil arenas. They could have easily been included in the base game but why include them when you can pay twice for them! Yeah!
Stacy Clark: Drago, can you give us a sneak peek on the new Road 2 Glory story mode in OCW 2K20?
Drago: Uh….Sure.
Drago grabs a controller and the camera turns to gameplay footage of Drago creating his custom character. He tries to align a face texture to the character, but the CAW’s face disappears entirely and instead is just a floating pair of eyes and mouth.
Drago: Wow.
Valkyrie: This… uhm… it’s not a bug, it’s a new feature! Congrats! You just unlocked a new secret character…. The… THE GHOST!
Drago: This really bad. But still not as bad as Kasstianity.
Valkyrie Glares At "The Best In The World"
The footage fast forwards to show Drago’s created character in a cutscene with The Last Blacksmith. He starts speaking Italian, and the subtitles are in Spanish.
Drago: What is happen???
Valkyrie: It’s 2020 Drago, we need to teach multiple languages to our players. And what better way to do so than putting subtitles of different languages?
Later, Drago’s character is in a match with Ryu Matsumoto. After a few minutes of both characters wildly swinging at the air, Spider rolls up Drago and the game crashes. An angered Drago whips the controller at the wall and reaches into the disc tray of the console, forcibly ripping the disc out.
Drago: DEMON!
Drago bends the disc and snaps it in two while screaming in rage. He then steps on the disc repeatedly and kicks the pieces into the wall.
Valkyrie is flabbergasted just stares at Drago in utter disgust!
Valkyrie: Well, that is all for today folks! Remember to preorder your copy today!
Leo Grimm is standing outside staring at the Devil’s Night arena and sign, quietly chuckling to himself.
He walks towards the back entrance then pauses, and looks into the camera.
Leo Grimm: I am the only one who has been to the gates of hell, tricked the Devil and suffered from the purification through pain of The Dragon and comeback unscathed. Yes, I Am the Chosen, look at my flesh! Once I skinned this flesh, I am unmarked because the purification and true power of Deliverance.
Leo Grimm: OCW management, what happens next, is your fault. The blood is on your hands, I am merely the instrument.
Leo Grimm enters the parking lot area. He sees La Heina leaning up against one of the cars in the lot and walks up to him. Without saying anything he grabs him in an Iron Claw then slams him on the concrete ground.
Leo picks him up, tosses him on the car and Powerbombs him through the windshield, leaving La Heina laid out on the car. Heina rolls off the car and lays out on the ground.
Leo Grimm stares at the damaged La Heina laying on the ground writhing in pain. He turns his attention to the camera.
Leo Grimm:I told you, I am coming for all that are unworthy, and you ignore
me? On Devil’s Night? This night belongs to me! I just let you live through it.
Leo Grimm: Maybe, I wasn’t clear enough the first dozen times I told you.
Grimm looks to La Heina still on the floor, walks to him and grabs his head as the camera focuses on on La Heina’s masked face.
Leo Grimm: Maybe I should start with him. Maybe I should drag him back to my fortress of solitude, my private compound, and send you the pieces of his flesh I carve and peel off of him. Maybe then I will have your unworthy attention! Maybe I’ll make a championship with his flesh as a reminder to you all, that I AM Deliverance and there is no escaping me.
Grimm looks back to the camera, and drops La Heina’s head, walking closer towards the camera.
Leo Grimm I won’t take him yet, but remember, His Deliverance is on your hands. Hide behind your masters, cowards. Hide behind your keepers, cowards. Hide, cowards for Deliverance will find you. I will find you, and then, there’s nowhere to hide and your flesh and souls will be mine.
Leo Grimm:This is the last reminder, those who get in my way, you will suffer pains you never knew possible. I am coming for you all.
Leo turns his attention back to La Heina, steps towards him, then walks away.