Dennis Black sits on the floor against the wall in the hallway backstage. He puts his head in his hands and begins massaging his temples in frustration. The sounds of staff and wrestlers alike saying ‘good match!’ as they walked around Dennis and Madison fell on deaf ears. He wasn't trying to hear any of that.
Dennis: ...I had it. My shot at making history. It's all gone. All gone.
Madison kneels down to look at him at eye level. She blinks several times and leans in closer.
Madison: Are you crying?
Dennis quickly wipes his face with the back of his hand and shakes his head.
Madison: The goal was to make a splash, yea? Mission accomplished. We bumped off half of Savage U and Kwan Watts. Nothing to sneeze at. And need to have a short memory. We have to go back out there two more times. Focus on Weird moustache face and Darkness. Our title is in danger, David!
Dennis: Huh?
Madison: Dennis.
Dennis: Oh.
Madison: ...Anyway.
She takes his face in both of her hands.
Madison: I know you wanted to beat Parker after what he did. There will be other chances. We’re going to be Riot exclusive a week from now. We have all the time in the world, Remember that.
Madison stands back up after the pep talk and turns to go get some water when she nearly bumps into Sophia coming around the corner.
Madison: Well well well, if it isn't sweet, innocent Sophia. How's your head feeling, chump?
Sophia: Hmm... my head is feeling just fine, thanks. I'd ask how your head is feeling but seeing as how there's not much going on between your ears, you don't have much to worry about.
Madison’s face turned bright red. Dennis ignored the two women and simply stared at the wall.
Madison: Keep that belt warm. After I become Queen, I'm coming after what Ed robbed from me. The opportunity to win that title.
Sophia: Queen? I don't recall seeing ‘your’ name on the card for tonight… Oh that's right, because you aren't. The best you've done is being the simple minded arm candy that you are, riding someone else's (ahem) coattails (ahem) to the top, and randomly assaulting people.
Sophia: I mean, this poor man (gesturing towards Dennis). You've put him through so much and yet you won't even reward him with what you've been waving around in front of his face for about 6 months now.
Sophia looks down at Dennis: And by the way, I hope you've seen the new poster out for Summercide. Might come in handy for you, Dennis.
Madison: What have I been waving in his face? We’re best friends! What we have is pure and...and...Summercide? I can only assume Dennis and I are in the center once again.
Dennis looks down at his cell phone and pulls up the picture on He orders three of the posters.
Sophia: Ouch- friendzoned again, huh Dennis?
Madison: Stop poisoning his mind, harlot!
Sophia: Center of attention… only in that little mind of yours. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got more important things to focus on. Like making history.
Sophia: Oh, and uh, enjoy those posters, Dennis. (Sophia winks)
Dennis quickly puts his phone away and looks up at the women.
Dennis: Good lick tonight!
Dennis: luck! I mean luck.
Madison folds her arms as Sophia walks off, leaving the dynamic duo alone. She stomps her heels, throwing a tantrum. The left heel snaps, causing her to fall over into the large trash can.
Dennis: I uh...looks like we both could use a shower.
Madison slowly rises from the trash can with a banana peel on top of her head. Bill Ding walks by, humming his own theme music. He takes the banana peel and chews on it as he continues walking.
Bill Ding: Ooh, tasty! this is good the skin!!!!… hey, this banana peel tastes of a hint of hibiscus!
Madison: …
Dennis: I think that's the shampoo she use-
Madison: Shut up.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Such disrespect!, up next the Final Semi Final Round, The Former World Champion Dupree against the Current North American Champion Drago Cesar, the winer moves unto the finals! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Holy crap he's done it!!! |
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He is in the finals!!!!! |
The cameraman darts down the hallway as a commotion is heard off in the distance. He takes a right down the next hallway and you see The Purge’s Lacy Love and the infamous Orderly Number 2 in a heated shouting match. You can’t make out what they are saying to each other just yet. But it seems like neither wants to hear what the other one has to say.
As you may recall, Number 2 has not had a top notch last few encounters in regards to what he was hired to do. And after the brawl on Riot 441, Lacy has obviously had enough. Let’s see how this turns out as the camera has finally reached them.
Number 2: Look, I don’t know how ma… ma… ma… many times I have to say I’m so… so…. So… I apologize. It won’t happen again. But please, I’m beggin’ ya.
Number 2: Listen, give me another chance.
Lacy has a look of “WTF?” on her face. Her hands are on each side of her head as she can’t believe he is asking for ANOTHER chance.
Lacy: Another chance??? Another what??? Do we really need to go over your laundry list of F….F….F…. Screw ups again?
Number 2: No I…..
Lacy (Interrupting): You were woman-handled by the Tib-betian Queen Dupree. Then let him in HQ dressed as Damien Dark….
Lacy stops mid sentence and does the sign of the cross motion.
Lacy (To herself): In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. RIP Damien Dark.
She turns her focus back to Number 2.
Lacy: You were beaten within an ounce of life and that… that didn’t even set you straight. Because on Riot this past week, You didn’t even come to our aid when that filthy Canadian decided to attack MYYYYYY Dimmy with his hockey lovin, curling infested, moose hand-jobbin metacarpus’s.
Number 2: Meta… Meta…. What? What did you just call me??
Lacy: You are so dumb.
Lacy: We’ve always taken care of you. And this is what we get in return. So now you are nothing to us. Take yourself and your terrible face paint skills and get out of my sight.
Lacy hauls off and delivers a slap across Number 2’s face that would make Turmoil’s Sophia proud. Number 2, now missing a portion of his paint where Lacy slapped him, looks away for a second. Then turns back to Lacy and appears to be “Hulking up”. He heavy breathing is turning into a bit of a growl and he is slowly pressing towards Lacy.
Just as he raises his arm as if he is going to return the favor, a black glove grabs around his forearm to stop him. It’s Dimsmore who’s just off camera. Dimsmore begins to bend Number 2’s arm back in a way that it’s not supposed to bend. Now with Number 2’s back almost parallel to the ground, Dimsmore moves inches away from Number 2’s face.
Dimsmore: ……. Leave.
Dimsmore shoves Number 2 to the ground and he lands flat on his back. As he is in a world of hurt on the ground, the other 2 and more competent Purge Orderlies come to remove him from the presence of Dimsmore and Lacy. The scene fades back to the ring as they drag away Number 2.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Outta nowhere! |
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Boop, ballgame! |