As the Boos rain down from the crowd Smythe rolls into the ring to give Dorian Arnaud a huge hug before raising his hand in victory.
Smythe is shouting without the microphone "Did you see that? Out of mid air!!!" Ron slowly gets to his feet and both Smythe and Arnaud give him a slow clap while they roll out of the ring and walk slowly up the entrance ramp.
Kassidy Hayes vs Drago Cesear
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Danger danger! |
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Hi voltage suplex! |
The camera pans to the offiice of non other than Our Hero, Mr.Sensation. Adele can be heard gently on the radio as Our Hero is screaming into the phone!.
A frantic voice can be hear on the other end, it's hard to make out whats being said specfically, but you can tell by Mr.Sensations face its a whole lotta excuses.
Our Hero: I'll have your job, your life, and your wife, GOOD DAY!!!
Our Hero: Slumps back into his chair the rage in his face slowly withering away as he purses his lips into an almost sob. He is clearly feeling nostalgic, about his match tonight.
Our Hero looks over to his long time friend, Lord Shark
Our Hero: That was my armor, my sword and shield. Ultimate Parker is here for one night only and I am going to go into battle without my armor.
The door to his office swings open. Our Hero's eyes zero in with combative intent! before he can shout some form of obscenity, the figure gently speaks.
Voice: Hello.
Our Hero's anger once again melts away as he can recognize the familar voice coming into the light. His eyes are almost lighting up.
Our Hero: I forgotton how it felt, when the world was at our feet.
From the darkness emerges non other than Our Hero's greatest ally. His former assistant/bodyguard/whitehat/secretary/caretaker/trainer/soldier/sandwich crust remover/friend. Birdie!
Birdie: Sir.
Our Hero:'s it like working for the guy in the ninja costume?
Birdie: Boring but good money.
Our Hero: I just wanted you to know that.....
Birdie: I know, sir.
Our Hero smiles warmly.
Birdie: Tonights the big night and I know how supersticious you get. I know your Kombat Snuggie is missing in action.
Our Hero: But how did you....?
Birdie: Do you have to ask?
Our Hero: Right, that's why you where always the best.
Birdie: I brought you something, it's not the Kombat Snuggie but it should do the trick.
Birdie places a rucksack on the couch Our Hero opens it and his eyes light up like a kid on Christmas!
Our Hero: YOU FOUND IT, MY...wait is this the rooks? (Our Hero Sniffs for freshness) no it is iMY BATTLE KI...
Our Hero quickly turns to thank Birdie, but without making a sound she is gone.
Our Hero smiles gently as he says.
Our Hero: I'm sorry for everything that I done.....
Our Hero looks back at the rucksack as tge music gently plays.
Our Hero: Get ready scumbag, I HAVE MY ARMOR!
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He's ready to go! |
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I can't wait it's going to be a pier 6 brawl when those 2 get in the ring! |
When the scene shifts the immediate surroundings become quite apparent to any average New York City tourist. We are not inside the wrestling landmark known as the Manhattan Center, we're up at the top of one of America's tallest buildings: The Empire State Building. It's eerily deserted save for a single person standing in the opposite corner cloaked in the shadow of night.
The form takes a few steps forward into the light given off by the security bulbs and the first distinguishing feature to come across is the harsh white metal newly associated with The Monster.
The Monster: I'm sure you all are curious as to how it is that I find myself standing atop a New York skyscraper as opposed to seated atop an old, urine-soaked, cot in a Florida jail cell. The timely answer is that we had a great lawyer and there are more pressing questions to have answered.
The Monster: Specifically: Now that the listmaker has been revealed, what does it mean? And what do I, this being with very heretofore-undefined goals, get from this list? Well, that story is not entirely mine to tell, but what I will say is that the situation Mr. McGee is in is very much like this building here. It's a grind to reach the top....
The Monster points towards one of the doors leading back inside towards the miles of hallways and stair cases that makeup tedious journey to the top.
The Monster: You put in the effort. You reach this....... this pinnacle. And you're greeted with this.
The camera is now directed towards the edges of the rooftop which has been outfitted with a sort of metal casing intended to keep visitors safe, but gives off a wave of cold, dark energy instead. As if you just know that it's only there because others have been greeted by this same view and it was their last, voluntarily or otherwise.
The Monster: Mr. McGee, the designated future of this company, felt a cold, dark energy as he made his way towards the pinnacle of OCW. An energy warning that he wasn't welcome. These bars that keep visitors safe also serve to keep a literal physical barrier between the visitors and the glitz and glamour that is the ideal version of New York City. These lights. This life style. They exist, but they aren't for you outsider.
The Monster walks closer to the bars criss-crossing to form the barrier. He finds one obviously worn thin by erosion and rust and grips it firmly with both hands. He pulls until it gives way leaving a small opening in the barrier.
The Monster: Mr. McGee came to me to assist in breaking what would hold him back from his ultimate goal: The OCW World Heavyweight Championship. And I assist as recompense for breaking the barrier that held me back for so long. As for what that barrier is, I'm not quite ready to reveal that answer yet.
With that The Monster pries another bar loose from where the hole has left the structure weak and sticks his entire arm through the larger hole. He drops both of the bars he holds and then turns away from the camera concluding the segment.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That kid gives me the wiggens! |
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This isn't 1997 Charles, what you mean't to say is he gives you the heeby jeebees. #youold. |
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Now its time for the rookie sensation of B-17 to take on the former OCW Champion Jacob Trance. |
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This is B-17's biggest test to date. Can he overcome the odds! |
Jacob Trance vs B-17
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a manuver! |
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Settle down, Vince! |
The Xtron flickers on!!!!

The Camera pans to the announce team!
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It's not over! |
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He's got a microphone in his hands! |