The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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6969 BC (Maybe)
The scene opens up in a cave in the middle of somewhere in the world, maybe it’s Asia, maybe it’s Europe, maybe it’s the city of Atlantis whatever. We see what looks to be Mugen sans facepaint wearing a organza toga followed by Drago wearing a full bodysuit made out of plant material and “Fred” who is simply wearing a loincloth.
Mugen: Me Mugen.
Drago: Me Drago.
“Fred” starts jamming out on his air guitar as Bubba…...who doesn’t look any different walks out from the cave roaring.
Together: We P P P. 1 2 3
Mugen: Today. We savage.
Drago: Because today is Savage Saturday.
Mugen: Time travel to past. Do Savage Special Bonanza
Drago: Yes. Even in past. P3 is best.
Drago points to a stone tablet that displays crude drawings of Mugen and Drago utilizing stone clubs to beat up what appear to be clones of Young Prehistoric Ryan.
Mugen: Yes. Right Mac?
Mugen and Drago look around as they are anticipating something but nothing is happening at the moment.
Mugen: Mac will come. We will know.
Drago: Mugen. I sed.
Mugen: Why sed?
Drago lowers his head.
Drago: Sister hurt. Leg no good.
Mugen: Is ok. I show affection like people in past.
Mugen spreads his arms out as if he’s about to hug Drago, but he reaches for something on the ground and pulls out a massive stone club. He whacks Drago on the jaw, launching him over the stone couch. Drago instantly leaps over the couch and laughs.
Drago: Thank.
Drago: Today guest is special.
Mugen nods furiously as Bubba does a strong roar.
Drago: We bring original OCW wrestler man from stone age, Terry Knee.
We hear the raucous roar from the live studio audience as a man wearing a mask comes out from the cave. We also see the Mr. Sensation impersonator in the crowd, complete with a prehistoric jersey and Timbs made out of stone, slapping himself on the head in applause.
Terry: Me Terry Knee. Me happy be on savage show.
Mugen: Welcome. Sit please.
Mugen motions to a stone couch furnished next to his stone desk. Drago takes seat next to Terry on the couch.
Mugen: So tell. You famous OCW one time.
Drago: Very famous.
Terry: Yes me famous. Me fight Nate Ortiz.
Drago shakes a little bit at the name and starts looking around.
Mugen: Bad man.
Drago: Very bad man? How can be man and goat? Goatman? Mangoat?
A distant bleating sounding like it’s coming from a goat can be heard in the distance. Drago shudders in response.
Terry: Me no like Nate Ortiz.
Mugen: Same. Nate Ortiz jerk.
Drago: Lincoln man no like him.
Terry: Who?
Mugen: Too far in time, Drago.
At that moment we hear a loud WOOF come from the distant as the sound of thumping footsteps start to get louder each second. As the footsteps reach their climax we finally see a massive dinosaur like dog creature with short legs appear from behind the cave.
Drago and Mugen: MAC!
Dinosaur Mac does another loud woof roar as he starts running towards Mugen and Drago. Terry looks horrified and looks like he is about to run away but “Fred” motions for him to sit back down.
Mugen: Mac very safe. It okay.
Drago: Yes Mac best Corgisaurus Rex.
Mugen takes out big block of meat and holds it in the air.
Mugen: Mac. Treat you.
Mac leans down for the treat and chomps so hard at the treat that it actually sends Mugen flying into and through his stone desk sending it into rubble. Barney Rubble.
Terry: I go. Not safe.
Drago: You stupid. Very safe. Mac very safe. Mugen safety sul- Sal.
Drago removes a stone tablet from the top of Mugen’s desk and reads it upside down.
Drago: Sul. Tan. Safety. What word this?
We see Terry start to run.
Mugen: NO! DON’T RUN!
We watch as Terry tries to run away from the P3 Bonanza BC Stage with Mac giving chase. Eventually we see him get plucked from the air with Mac’s mouth and thrown up in the air while still yelling.
Drago and Mugen: OH NO!
We all see Terry fall into the jaws of Mac and get chewed up into bits to the horror of Mugen and Drago.
The Harbinger of Death Heather Angelo is seen standing by with Stacy Clark.
Stacy: Heather, you square off with Valkyrie’s friend Lotus Flojo in just a few moments.
Stacy: What everyone wants to know is that is the demon Furiosa going to come out tonight?
Heather: Haven’t you been watching, Stacy!
Heather: Over several weeks I’ve been learning the art of meditation to rid this curse that has been ruining my career.
Heather: Now that I have learned it I have better control over her. Unfortunately, she isn’t completely gone. I have not yet mastered the art of meditation.
Heather: So to answer your question...I’m confident she won’t be joining us tonight.
Stacy: With all due respect your attire screams Furiosa.
Stacy ducks her head as Heather steps in closer to her.
Heather: Pequeña puta! I haven’t mastered it yet I said!
Stacy: I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry Heather.
Heather: ...And so will Flojo after I’m done with her.
Heather leaves to head towards the stage leaving Stacy rubbing her arms with goosebumps.