Summercide returns from PPV upcoming events commercial as a unfamiliar theme plays through the arena Speakers.
The OCW fans stare at the stage anxiously waiting for someone to walk through the black curtains.
Out walks Marley with his Hardcore belt hanging from his right shoulder. He stops in the middle of the ramp and raises the belt in the air as the cheers get louder.
He makes his way up the stairs and into the ring as a mic is handed to him. The cheers lower as he raises the mic to his mouth.
Marley: Well, well, well, who woulda thought?.. Who woulda thought I would be the three time, three time, three time EX Champion? And who woulda thought I would win jko vs lko battle? And who woulda thought that I would go into a Hardcore match, and beat three other men to become your new Hardcore champion?
Marley paces back and forth in the ring as the Cameraman gets on the apron to get a better shot at Jookie.
Marley: Nobody huh?
Jookie smiles as the OCW Crowd looks on. He walks over to the Cameraman.
The crowd erupts into cheers.
Marley: You know, since coming to OCW I've always been the underdog. I've always been the guy to trip over stairs, and go through tables and lose to ladders. Well guess what..its about that time that the underdog goes over.
Marley: It's only a matter of time before I headline Wrestlution and become the World Champion. You know whats crazy..I love being the underdog. I get a adrenaline rush off going into a big match, and expecting to lose.
Marley: Think about it, I beat Suda to become the three time champ. I shocked the world when I knocked Dimsmore out in the first round of the King of OCW Tournament, and then I win this.. (Marley raises the belt) ..
Marley: I'm feeling so full of myself that tonight I'm gonna put my belt on the line. I'm gonna make bustas like Raze and Sid see how it feels when your hand is raised, and that belt is placed around your waist. I'm gonna give them a once in a lifetime opportunity.They-
Marley is cut off...
Sid Harrison: “Did you really just call me a busta?”
Jookie just points to his belt.
Sid Harrison: “Oh don’t you worry Jookie. That belt will be around this waist by the end of the night. It’s great that the underdog that has been here for how many years now, something like four? ”
Jookie is about to answer but Sid cuts him off again.
Sid Harrison: “Four years? It took you four years to win that belt right? Jookie I have been here less than a month and tonight I am going to win it in my third match and there isn’t anything you or Mr Thirst can do about it.
Jookie Marley: “After what I have been through to win this belt, you bet I am not going to lose it tonight. Tonight I will conquer tables, ladders and chairs and I will beat you Sid along with Justin Raze.
Sid Harrison: “I have already beaten you both in one on one matches and tonight. I will beat you both at the same time. This little fairy tale you’re living in Jookie, all ends tonight.”
Jookie gets right up to Sid Harrison as he holds up the Hardcore Championship! Sid Harrison smiles before leaving the scene.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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Big words by the new comer Sid Harrison! |
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But right now they are just words! |
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Up next Tobin Frost looks to finally add a W in the column under Pay Per View! |
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James Rose was unavaiible due to travel issues and being fat. So Tobin Frost takes on the Dark ACE Angel! |
Tobin Frost vs. ACE Angel
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Holy **** 23,000 are on there feet! |
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Good god almighty! |
* K.Dangelo working out before his match with Dimsmore . He starts on the bench press with OMG painted on the plates .
With every thought on Dimsmore tosses weights into the wall.Then he walks over to the punching bag where Dimsmore face is painted on.
He starts punching thinking about the F.I then the NA title .Then his hands starts to bleed and lets out a loud yell when the vision of the World title crosses his mind .Then the punching bag falls down.
K.Dangelo : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Dimsmore !
* K.Dangelo then picks up the punching and Black Racks it in half *
K.Dangelo : My time , it's my time !
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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K.D is essentially the Black Incredible Hulk of OCW! |
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Green Hulk, Grey Hulk, Red Hulk, She Hulk, so why not Black Hulk! |
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Up next a most interesting situation. The Hardcore Championship has been in essence a runaway train. First Paul Pugh the World Champion held the Hardcore Championship for a record 300 days. |
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Shattering Parker's previous record, only to be dethroned by Omar Gibbs, who held the championship for 54 days. |
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Only for him to be defeated by former World Champion and Hall of Famer, Leonheart in his return to OCW. Only for Leonheart to lose the belt to Marley a former EX- Division Champion. |
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Is this bizzarro world, the Hardcore Championship has been held by more World Champions than the damn World Championship! |
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The Hardcore Championship is a belt of opportunity which will show tonight as Marley the newest member of the Hardcore club takes on Sid Harrison, and Justin Raze! |
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Twisted Steel Warefare, this is going to be good! |
Marley (C) vs. Sid Harrison vs. Justin Raze
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I cant believe it! |
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This just keeps getting crazier and crazier! |
As Summercide rolls on, we join Paul Pugh who is standing by backstage in front of a camera in an interview area. The World Champion is wearing a classy HAIL EGO T-Shirt on top of his wrestling attire, his waist adorned with the most coveted prize in OCW- while on his face, an expression best described as “100% Pure Focus” is present.
The Foley pop radiates around the arena
Pugh: Tonight… Is history. Six Years ago tonight – six full years, a young… ish upstart wandered down that aisle dressed in the most delightful blue tights, introducing himself to the world along with his long forgotten tag team partner.
Pugh: Blonde highlights, awful tattoos and a beard unmatched – that man was Paul Pugh…
Pugh stops for a moment as another cheer can be heard
Pugh: See Summercide… Summercide is The show. The show where things happen. The show where Paul Pugh debuted in 2007… on that very same show AJ Phoenix became World Champion…
Pugh: The show where in 2006… Nate Ortiz won a four man battle royal for this very prize…
Pugh points to his waist, the title belt catching the light as he moves slightly
Pugh: Which brings us nicely to tonight… and the Co-Main Events. See, ordinarily I’d be pissed that the second I become OCW Champion, the title belt is being disrespected by being tumbled down the card in favour of Tiberius Dupree being tied to the train tracks as the Ortiz Express runs over his manhood… but I’m not.
The crowd pops for the Ortiz Express pulling into the station
Pugh: Tonight is about new beginnings, and what better way to begin a new era than with your new OCW World Heavyweight Champion defending against a man who has never challenged for something so prestigious in his life? Rhetorical – there is no better way.
The OCW Title catches the light again as the camera begins to pan inwards on Pugh’s head and shoulders
Pugh: For a long time, OCW wasn’t about what you could do, it was about who you knew… a trend that changed when one Parker Stevens became OCW World Champion.
Pugh: He wasn’t anointed by Jaysin Sensation – rather he forced his way into reckoning by being the top guy in this company.
Pugh: He sold more T-shirts, he got more cheers from you guys, and he won more matches… that’s how he became OCW Champion – he hammered that door clean off its hinges and earned his opportunity.
A “Parker” chant radiates around the arena as Pugh allows his fellow Insider a few seconds of glory
Pugh: An excellent concept – if slightly scary… giving people what they’ve earned, rather than what they think they’ve earned.
Pugh: Which leads me to Mugen… Mugen you are here tonight for one reason, and one reason only – Ari Brookstone.
Pugh: Without Ari, you’d still be languishing in the low card… without Ari you’d still be curtain jerking… circle jerking the other would be contenders for any number of titles they have no business being anywhere near.
Pugh: Now I know what you’re thinking – how can Pugh complain about this sort of deal? The guy who got a title match from Fausto for nothing… almost for free.
Pugh takes a deep breath and scowls a little
Pugh: The difference between me and you Mugen… and whoever else wants to play at being World Champion is this… I earned it. I took myself to Japan on my own dime and got kicked in the face week after week – twisted into a pretzel over and over. I broke bones, I pulled muscles, I tore shoulders.
Pugh: I came back to OCW and I started from the bottom. From the ashes of a jobber, I built myself into a wrestling machine – a man who was constantly learning – evolving. I became Hardcore Champion… I became International Champion…
Pugh: I remained undefeated on TV for nearly six full months, I pulled double duty at more shows than I care to remember… I defended the Hardcore Championship against all comers. I beat a handful of former Champions, and the World Champion at the time.
Pugh: Then I broke more bones… then I dislocated my knee all in the name of becoming the best.
He unhooks the title belt and pops it over his shoulder
Pugh: …Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the best because I tell you I’m the best – that’s just a game to get in your head… no I’m the best because I show you I’m the best.
Pugh: I go out to that ring night after night, I bust my hump for the adoration of these fans, and then I go backstage put ice on whatever part of me is hurt from giving 110% and do it all over again the next day.
Pugh: I am the personification of spirited. You knock me down five times, I’ll get up six. Determination, Intensity… Perfection. Mugen… tonight when you step into my yard, you had better be ready.
Pugh: See tonight is where I solidify myself as King of this mountain… If you don’t bring your A-Game Mugen then you’re going to get a rude awakening…
The crowd pop for the intensity of the champ
Pugh: As god is my witness, tonight – you’re going to see me at my best. Agile, strong, skilled... handsome. Six years is a long time to wait to become World Champion… and I have no intention of letting it end this early… because I’m Kid Ego – and I look fantastic in gold.
Pugh’s music starts up while he poses, and the screen fades to black.