In the wake of the brutal attacks set by Tre Golden then followed by Rust Cohle, Heather and Baker help Harvey walk back to the locker room.
Baker: You should’ve just let me help you. You can never trust Tre Golden!
Heather: Or Rust Cohle. He found a perfect time to shoot his shot.
H2O: Please guys...just get me outta here.
Baker: I’ll run and get our limo driver. Are you sure you have him?
Heather nods quickly as Anthony Baker leaves from under his Best Friend’s arm to get the limo ready.
Harvey almost fell to a knee.
Heather: Harvey Hamilton Ocean on our KID’S LIFE you better GET UP! C’mon!!!
As soon as H2O raises his head and locks eyes with Heather, Tre Golden out of nowhere spears The OCW World Heavyweight Champion AND Heather!
Tre: Oops.
Both Heather and H2O are sprawled out onto the ground. Heather is holding her stomach crying while Harvey clutches his stomach as well.
He musters enough energy to crawl over to Heather and holds onto her.
Tre shakes his head and just watches the drama unfold before him. But he hears the garage doors open and so he walks away from them smiling. He disappeared before Anthony Baker could see him.
Baker: Oh my god! What happened now!
Baker runs towards Heather and Harvey. The look of dismay is all over his face.
Baker: Oh no. The night was not supposed to end like this! Someone get me a goddamn MEDIIIC!!!!
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