OCWFED.com Presents Riot



We return to the hallways, where the Droogs are still struggling to get their snacks at the vending machine. Drago appears in view of the camera with a net in hand.

Drago Cesar: YES.....It is time for me to hunt the evil, brainwashed toys!

Johnny Law speaks from far away.

Johnny Law: They're NOT. TOYS.

Drago gives Johnny a grimace as he starts to sneak up on the Droogs. He starts to get fairly close when he suddenly slips over a portion of the floor that is wet, probably because he didn't pay any attention to the "Wet Floor" sign. Drago crashes to the floor as the Droogs jump from the sudden noise and they all fall on each other. All of them seem to gather their bearings fairly quickly at the same time, with the exception of one. They rest of them leave and the last one stands up and dusts himself off, but then notices Drago's net flying towards him, which prompts him to scream.......

We cut to a nearby room where the Droog is tied to a chair and Drago is sitting in another chair opposite to him, in what can only be an interrogation of some sort.

Drago Cesar: We can do this easy way, or the Drago way. Your choice.

The Droog looks at him with intent and doesn't say a word. Drago sighs and reaches into his bag, he takes out a Cabbage Patch doll and a cup of extremely hot coffee. Drago places the doll on a nearby ledge and has his cup of coffee over it, ready to pour it onto the doll.

Drago Cesar: I think you will talk when your friend is a little......crispy.

The Droog looks at him with a completely confused look on his face.

Drago stares at him for a bit, nods.....and then dumps the entire cup of hot coffee on the cabbage patch doll, which is clearly tearing through the "skin" of the doll. Drago looks back at the Droog and starts laughing in his face.

Drago Cesar: Ha ha! Now you will tell me everything you know!

The Droog shakes his head and Drago is infuriated at first, but calms down pretty quickly.

Drago Cesar: You are the toughest toy I have ever seen! But you know what? I am still smarter than you!

Drago actually thinks he's smart and unties the Droog, picking him up and looking for something on him.

Drago Cesar: Now where is off switch.....

The Droog has had clearly enough of this nonsense and starts resisting Drago's grasp, finally slapping him near the eye, which causes Drago to drop the Droog. Drago's stunned as the Droog delivers a right uppercut straight......to the manly parts. Drago clutches his crotch and falls down hard. The pissed off Droog walks away as Drago is immobilized in pain.

Droog: Ya know what? I hope my Bedlam beats the piss outta ya, ya bloody twat!

The Droog walks off as Johnny comes in to try to console Drago.

Johnny Law: Well, at least you know who their ringleader is!

Drago Cesar: That......is why.......I'm gonna........make him humble........AUGH!

Drago groans in pain as the segment ends.




Coming soon to DVD

OCW 'Lucas Crowe : Biggest Bites'






We see Jacob sitting alone in quiet, contemplative thought when suddenly the door practically explodes open as Eli stomps in, a maelstrom of emotions.

Eli: Argh!

Jacob looks up and takes a breath to compose himself.

Jacob: What ails you son?

Eli pauses to think.

Eli: I... I failed you...

Jacob shakes his head.

Jacob: Did you?

Eli: I... I lost, every time I tried to step on him, I would trip over my own feet...

Trance raises a hand.

Jacob: Perhaps that's how I intended it to go, child. Whilst I understand your frustrations you need to look at the bigger picture... That... Thing... You lost to is nothing more than a walking stereotype concocted by the unravelling mind of the man who thinks he owns this world.

Eli seems to brighten up.

Jacob: My rent is over due, but I have you Eli, my shield... I have Crowe, my hammer, Cobra is my sword... And well...

Jacob chuckles.

Jacob: I have Matsuda, my crown jewel. You are all important pieces of the puzzle, all existing out with the realms of wins and losses... So be calm and still, what do I always tell you?

Eli: That there are other worlds than these...



Raze vs Cobra





Buscuits 'n' Gravy.




Yung vs KD









