The scene opens with Wrex walking down one of the many side roads of Hempstead. Getting lost from the Coliseum after about ten minutes. As he continues his walk lost in thought he ends up just down the road from yet another building he's been banned from in his year here. Against better judgement though he re-enters this one.

??? Welcome to- Hey you get the f**k outta here, banned means banned. 

Looking around three wrestling rings are visible, along with a lot of weights. The wrestling school he tried and failed to get back into form for the anniversary show.

Wrex Yeah, I know. And you probably have the right to not want me in here.

??? Probably?

Wrex Alright you have all the rights to not let me in. But I need to get into there..

??? Why? Why do you want into this place? They're running some outlaw fed bout a mile up. Looks more your speed.

Wrex I want- I need to learn how to do all this, properly.. Please

??? ..Fine. One week trial, I don't like what you're doing and you are out on your ass got it?

Wrex Yeah.

??? I don't want you dropping anyone on their heads off a f*cking basic move.

Wrex Understandable.

??? My word is f**king bible, you do what I say, when I say.

Wrex Got it. 

??? And for god sake son get a goddamn haircut. We're trying to run a respectable school here.

Wrex Uh, sure. Thanks coach.

??? Coach Bill to you. Now get in there and start on the weight machine. Not interested in training a goddamn stick.

The scene closes on Wrex trying to figure out how a weight machine actually works. Turns out when you work gimmicks for a living it's not really something that's thought about.



The camera pans to the announce team.

So much going on in the back tonight.

That's par for the course.

The scene starts off with Seb Abbott walking down the corridors of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in search of where they stuck the office of General Manager Malu. The sounds of cheers and mat slams of OCW’s ‘A’ show could be heard in the distance. He walked around a corner and ran into Ginger.

Where is Malu's office? 

Ginger: No apologies for running into me? Fine. His office is just down there.

Seb pushed Ginger aside and walked to the door the intern pointed to. 

The disrespect from these people.

Without knocking, Seb waltzed straight into the office and froze as he saw Dennis Black sitting in Malu's chair, Black was biting his lower lip in concentration.

Ah not the man I was looking for but while you're here...

Dennis didn't say anything, he just kept huffing slightly as an odd grin kept breaking his mouth.

 I was thinking of starting the tag match tonight, what do you think?

Dennis: Yea yea sounds good, can't you see I'm busy here?

Seb: Well yea you look really busy there... Our match is coming up soon. I'd like for us to be at the top of our game.

Dennis muttered, but Seb didn't hear it.

Look I-I-I-I'll s-s-s-see you out in the ring. I've got to take care of something. S-so I'm waiting on Malu to return from getting security ready. C-can't have Jackson screwing things up again.

Black's eyes rolled back in his skull for a second.

Ok? well see you out there…

Abbott went to walk away and stopped, he turned back to look at Dennis and noticed a pair of heels sticking out from under the front of Malu’s desk.

 Well hello down there Madison, might want to sit Indian style when under the desk. You know, for next time. I can see your feet.

A loud thud echoed throughout the room and a woman started cursing, although it was muffled.

Guess A three way is out the question? Haha see you out there stud.

Seb winked at Dennis, then turned and shut the door. His muffled laughs being the only thing Dennis and Madison could hear as he walked down the corridor. Dennis quickly opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out a very expensive looking silk tie.

A hand reached up from under the desk. The hand tapped several places on top of the desk, searching, until Dennis placed the silk tie in her hand. 

Madison: Did you enjoy that?

Dennis looked under the desk.

You can't tell?

Madison: Do you want it to happen again? Soon?

Dennis: Well....of cou-

Madison: Then don't speak to Halie. Ever!

Eventually, Madison rose from behind the desk, with her purse still hanging from her shoulder, while tossing the crumpled silk tie over her other shoulder.

Malu is getting paid way too much to afford a tie like that. So smooth. Anyway, Seb...well… he is starting to amass more dirt -

Dennis: Rumors.

Madison: -dirt on us than i’m comfortable with. We’ll deal with that later. We need him tonight. Speaking of...I've got a plan to ensure our victory. Let's go.

Madison turns toward the door and turns the knob. When the door is opened, she looks over her shoulder to see she isn't being followed.

Coming?....again. Ha! See what I did there? No seriously, let's go. This is a two hour show, we don't have that extra hour to waste time.

Dennis was snoring.

Son of a…

Madison sighed loudly.

Fine, I'll do this on my own.

Madison reaches into her purse and pulls out a brick. She tosses it from hand to hand as she exits the office.

The camera pans to the announce team.

Always up to something.

That's why she's where she is.







