Stacy Clark: #Austin Lee we heard from Wrex earlier speaking about the altercation that took place last week between the two of you at a bar after the show.
#Austin Lee: Let's start with this Stacy, I am no saint. Anyone who has watched me throughout my career here in OCW knows that about me, I've never once attempted to be something that I wasn't. Because of that I have let the likes of Scum get the best of me.
#Austin Lee: They targeted me since I tried to do the right thing by me and my family when I stepped away from the business I love for them. But what does Scum do? They attack me over and over again, forcing me to step away from my family to come deal with them.
#Austin Lee: Not proud of that decision but I just couldn't sit on the side lines and allow their actions to continue unchecked. I came back to what I thought was a friend in Aries but was just a snake in the grass for Scum. Corrupted by the likes of Wrex to push me to my breaking point.
#Austin Lee: And he exceeded… Wrex took a man who had everything in this world….A wife and a beautiful daughter and he forced me away from them.
Stacy Clark: It was always your choice…..
#Austin Lee: *Cutting Stacy off* IT WAS NEVER MY CHOICE!
#Austin Lee: As long as Wrex and Scum exist I have no choice. That’s what people don't understand, I do not have it in me to sit back and just allow Wrex to continue on…
#Austin Lee: its almost poetic every year around this time Turmoil is faced with some time of crisis….A Cancer…A cheat and now Scum….
#Austin Lee: And each and every year guess who is the man who steps up when this show needs it…
#Austin Lee points to himself.
#Austin Lee: And for you Wrex each and every one of those times that I stepped up…. I did it by stepping over you…Only this time I am not just going to step over you….I am going right through you and not a single thing you can do about it.
#Austin gives a small nod to Stacy before exiting the camera.
The camera pans to Dragana Cesar staring down at something with an inquisitive look on her face.
She’s standing in the Cesar Dojo, grabbing her chin, thinking hard about what it is she’s looking at.
She leans down momentarily, her hand towards whatever it is… Before wincing and turning back. She turns around and shrugs her shoulders… The camera follows her line of sight to see Terra Daturas in pure bliss, laying her head on Bubba and petting his mane.
Dragana: Eh….
Terra’s eyes pop open and she is released from her trance when she sees Dragana confused. She blushes and laughs before planting a kiss on Bubba’s cheek and hopping off the large couch.
Terra: Dragana… This is no elaborate ploy. Hahaha.
Dragana shakes her head very slightly at her friend. She leans forward with the left side of her face, investigating the mysterious object very closely.
Dragana: Hmm…..
Terra: It is not mold, Dragana…
Dragana looks back down and the camera reveals a bowl of personally made vegan mac n’ cheese, prepared by Terra Daturas. There are pieces of broccoli scattered about the bowl.
Terra laughs again and takes a spoonful of the dish herself. She smiles at Dragana and hands her the bowl.
Dragana reluctantly takes the bowl and brings the spoonful closer to her mouth. She starts to open her mouth, but retracts the spoon. Bubba growls, and Dragana turns around to look at him. The lion opens his mouth and brings his jaws together. He licks his lips and bobs his head toward Dragana.
Dragana: Tch….Hm!
Dragana shakily eats her first spoonful, closing her eyes as if expecting some sort of cataclysmic event to happen…..But nothing does.
Terra: Tonight is your big night, Dragana! Ms. Mab and I are warm-ups. My goal has been to place you in the most loving, safe, adaptable situations for your rehabilitation.
Terra: You could tell how you were different vs Ms. Mab, could you not? Fighting with love is so much more powerful than fighting with hatred or anger.
Dragana nods her head as she continues eating the vegan mac n’ cheese, seeming to really enjoy it much more than she thought.
Terra: Tonight is the moment that you rediscover yourself. When you find the Silent Queen… Regina Tacet. I have and will be there with you every step of the way.
Terra: You are one of the strongest women I have ever met in my life. You are my inspiration. Now it is time you become the inspiration of all of those people.
Dragana’s chewing slows as she looks down slightly, trying to grasp the seriousness of what Terra is saying.
Dragana: ...
Terra: Dragana Cesar is new. She is beautiful. She is strong. She is smart….
Terra: She doesn’t need to be loud.
Dragana closes her eyes and smiles.
Terra: I am so looking forward to our contest… I love you Dragana!
Terra wraps Dragana in one of her hugs, nearly knocking the bowl out of her hands.
Dragana: Ah!
Terra: ...Your hugs are not as soft and welcoming as Bubba’s… but you will get there.
The scene fades out as both women laugh together at Terra’s increasing sense of humor.
Solomon Caine vs Wrex
The scene opens on a room somewhere backstage at tonight’s Turmoil taping. The camera pans through the room, showing a few folding chairs opened up in a row, with the One Man Revolution and Reigning Pride Champion of OCW, Bobby Minio, standing at the front of the room with the Pride title draped over his shoulder, a pensive look on his face as he stares at a analog clock on the wall.
After a moment, the door opens up and the rest of the men from Inception, led by H2O, enter the room single file. Minio gestures toward the chairs, holding out tri-folded pieces of paper to the men as they walk by. H2O takes one, glancing down at it somewhat confused, as does Tyson, but K’Dangelo looks past the paper and heads to his seat, sitting down without paying much mind to Minio’s nonsense. As H2O sits down, he holds up the tri-fold paper, a confused look on his face.
H2O: Bobby… what is this?
Bobby Minio: We’ll get to that in a minute. First, I imagine you’re all wondering why I called this meeting together.
The men all seem to more or less agree or shrug in response to Minio.
Bobby Minio: It’s time that we have a talk about how everyone is doing lately… namely, how everyone but myself has been doing over the last few months.
Tension fills the room as the men trade glances.
Bobby Minio: Let me start by laying out the state of things around us. Kassidy Hayes is living out his days folding bondage pants at the local Hot Topic. His lackeys, despite being in tatters, somehow still walk around with tag titles that should still be around KD and Tyson’s waists.
Bobby Minio: FAME is imploding just as I predicted, but Paul Pugh still walks around upright despite being involved in separating Harvey from the OCW Championship all those months ago at the Clash, before it was taken away from him by Doc Green… and me…
He pauses, shaking his head as he grips the faceplate of the Pride Championship in his hand.
Bobby Minio: I was MOLLYWHOPPED out there after getting cheapshotted, without a soul showing up to sort that out, it just happened and that was that. What happened to us?
Bobby Minio: What happened where I’m the only member of this band of badasses walking around with gold over MY shoulder? What happened to when this group was CERTIFIABLY GREAT?
H2O: Bobby…
Bobby Minio: Please Harvey, save the questions for the Q&A portion of this meeting. Up next, I want you to open to the inside page of your pamphlets. KD… uh, just read along off of someone else’s pamphlet I guess.
Tyson and H2O unfold the tri-fold paper, the camera peering down over H2O’s shoulder. In big bold letters, a single line of text reads “GET IT THE **** TOGETHER”
Bobby Minio: “GET IT THE **** TOGETHER”. This is exactly what you all need to do… in a hurry. Now turn to the backside.
H2O’s eyes narrow towards Bobby, before he flips the page over, Tyson doing so as well, the camera focusing on big bold letters reading “SORT IT THE **** OUT”
Bobby Minio: “SORT IT THE **** OUT”. That is the other thing you all need to do, and what IT is, is whatever has been standing between you and success. Whatever it is that is preventing you from reaching your goals, and MY goal, of standing shoulder to shoulder with all of you, gilded from head to toe, showing the OCW roster that we don’t just plant an idea, we see it to fruition.
At this point, H2O finally stands up, the chair falling backwards behind him with a loud clatter. K’Dangelo watches this, his arms folded, as Tyson’s face shifts to concern. H2O balls up the pamphlet, throwing it over Minio’s shoulder, Minio’s eyes staying locked with H2O’s.
H2O closes his eyes as he tries to wheel in his emotions. He continues to talk to Bobby thru his teeth in a calming manner.
H2O: You have got to be kidding me? Where the hell do you get off talking to any of us like that?
Bobby Minio tries to respond but Harvey cuts him off immediately. Bobby bites his bottom lip and gives Harvey a very stern look.
H2O: When we broke bread together in MY home we swept Certified Greatness soon after. I always put Inception first because you’re my family.
H2O: How DARE you ask what happened to us when MAXWALE got the jump on you? The question that we should be asking is what happened to YOU since you been to my home?
H2O: You didn’t call. You didn’t write. You haven’t even come close to sharing camera time with ANY of us since you won that title.
Tyson rises from his seat to stop his brothers from bickering. His attempt was stopped by no one other than KD. Tyson looks over to his partner but KD doesn’t look back at him. He keeps his attention towards Bobby and Harvey.
KD: Tyson, you and I haven’t really talked much since our defeat. I wanted to tell you that I got too relaxed and was focused on putting on a good show.
KD: Since then I’ve been ripping heads off. You need to do the same.
Tyson squints his as at his partner but says nothing.
KD: I know you want to stop these two from fighting but Inception needs this. Let them be.
Tyson shakes his head and pushes KD arm away. Tyson storms out the door and slams it behind him. KD smiles.
Meanwhile, H2O and Bobby are still at words with one another.
Bobby Minio: It really sounds like you’re struggling to come to terms with what I’ve accomplished compared to what you’ve accomplished in our time together. That’s what I’m hearing right now.
Minio grins, basking in the moment across as he grips the Pride Championship tighter in his hand, reassuringly.
H2O takes a step forward that was so close that they’re now touching each others foreheads. Minio’s grin fades, he’s now in the moment that is developing.
H2O: Once “The Best of The World” is out of my way, I will remind all of you who’s The Head Superstar and reclaim MY OCW World Heavyweight Title!
H2O: But out of all people I didn’t expect that you would need a reminder of just who the hell I am!
Bobby grinds his forehead right back against H2O’s forehead. Both men are eyes are locked in and breathing heavily like two bulls.
Bobby Minio: Trust me Harvey, I’ve got a better idea of just who the hell you are than I EVER have. You want me to prove it, my guy?
KD steps in and finally break them up from each other. Minio steps back, exhaling as he turns and takes a few steps in the opposite direction, both hands now gripped around the sides of the faceplate of the Pride Championship. He turns back to face H2O, his chin lifting as he takes another deep breath in.
Bobby Minio: Well?
H2O eyes never leave Bobby. As Bobby turns around H2O cast that same sadistic smirk that he made when that ambulance pulled off with Drago Cesar.
H2O: Then you know the bell doesn’t have to ring anymore to make me want to fight. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere a RIP Tide can come…
H2O snaps his fingers.
H2O: ….like that!
Bobby Minio: Round 4?
H2O: Round 4.
H2O looks at KD staring at him. KD nods and Harvey raises his chin quickly in acknowledgment. KD then turns and looks towards Bobby. Bobby is standing in place, stepping side to side while stretching his neck in a circular motion.
Bobby then nods slowly.
KD: Then we’re done here. Settle this in the ring!
KD walks back to his seat and rest his hands in his lap still separating the two. Harvey and Bobby remain a standoff like two cowboys as the scene fades.