OCWFED.com Presents Riot



Spider makes his way down the halls on the way to Gorilla to watch the Kass and Shepard match

We see Stacy Clark begrudgingly approach Spider

RYU: Oh I didn’t notice you there. What? Are you here to slander my name by taking me to court again?

Stacy: Listen TRASH, you only got off on a technicality, otherwise I had you dead to rights.

RYU: MYEH MYEH MYEH, all I know is that I was found innocent of your FRIVOLOUS CHARGES in a court of law.

Stacy: Well I’m here about the ridiculous story you were telling last week.

RYU: What do you mean?

Stacy: The story you told about P3 and the van.

RYU: Why are you calling that story ridiculous, it's true!

Stacy: You’re trying to tell me that Mugen and Drago thought a van was a horse.

RYU: Why would I lie? I saw it happen.

RYU: The van pulls up to pick them up.

RYU: Drago pulls a carrot out of his pocket and sticks it in the van's grill trying to feed it.

RYU: Then Mugen reaches over and starts petting the side of the van saying “Woah girl” then he takes off his belt and makes a lasso.

RYU: I’m telling you these two thought it was some kind of horse or llama or horse or something and they were trying to corral it. It was crazy.

Stacy: …

RYU: What?

Stacy walks away, mumbling how she hates her job


The camera pans to the announce team.

What a LIAR!

How dare you sir!

It's a Match!


The camera pans to the announce team.

Oh man down to the wire!

(Checks Watch) A Classic none the less!

The camera pans to follow Stacy Clark who is slightly annoyed because of earlier "Trash Related Events" as she walks through a quiet hallway in the arena, the most apparent sound the snapping echo of her heels across the concrete with each step. She looks down, smoothing out her blouse as she rounds a corner, walking into a darkened room.

She grabs a clipboard before sitting into a chair, wiping her hands down to straighten out her skirt once she’s seated. Off camera, the heavy switch of a lighting rig flicks, illuminating Clark and the One Man Revolution seated in front of her, Bobby Minio.

With one arm slung over the back of the chair and a grin plastered to his face, Minio looks casual and cocksure dressed in his street clothes with his Wayfarers hiding his eyes.

Stacy Clark glances down at her clipboard, just as the logo flashes across the screen, officially beginning the segment.

The Clark Effect

With Stacy Clark

Stacy Clark: Bobby, the last time we tried to do this, I was forced to track you down…

Bobby Minio: I’m here, ain’t I?

Stacy Clark: … To a bathroom in the backstage area, where you were waterboarding a referee, an official in this company, with what appeared to be buckets of collected urine.

Bobby Minio: Well that’s not the entire truth.

Stacy Clark: Pardon?

Bobby Minio: You left out a key part of that story, Stacy.

Stacy Clark: Forgive me, what part did I leave out?

Bobby Minio: It was urine from a public bathroom, it was from the fans, Stacy. I collected urine from the rest rooms within the first hour of the night when the cheap tap beer was flowing through them. It made the process much easier too. Fresh drunks ask less questions.

There is a moment as Stacy stares at Minio, not quite incredulous, more as though she’s in quiet disbelief. Minio’s eyes blink tightly down, his free hand gesturing towards her.

Bobby Minio: My bad for interrupting this is your thing, I’ll let you steer the ship.

Stacy Clark: I want to know if we’re going to have a similar issue here.

Bobby Minio: Well, did anyone steal anything from me? Betray me and hand over a prized posession to the likes of Harvey Ocean?

Stacy Clark: … Not to my knowledge.

Bobby Minio: Then we’re good. Everything’s copacetic. I’m just here to ply my trade, chase gold, even the occasional score and… real talk Stace,

Stacy Clark: Stacy.

Bobby Minio: Real talk Stace, I sorta owe Sensation some money. So I’ll be working off a portion of some debts. I’m just being honest, since I sorta owe you too.

Stacy Clark: Speaking of plying trades, you debuted against Maxwale J Freeman…

Bobby Minio: Come again?

Stacy Clark: MJF.

With another long blink and a sigh of acknowledgement, Minio nods into the air.

Bobby Minio: Ah, ok yeah, go on.

Stacy Clark: … You debuted this season against MJF in a losing effort, what went wrong, and is this what we can expect from you heading into 2019? Another subpar effort?

Bobby Minio: I take offence to that Stace. Subpar effort?

Stacy Clark: You are infamous for a string of losses in big matches, many of those men are still active in the OCW to this very day, and most of them are in title contention, which may compromise your chase for gold…

Bobby Minio: Stacy, I walked into this company, within a month I had earned the respect of the locker room by standing up to maybe the biggest backstage bully this company has ever known, I earned myself a position towards the top of the card, consistently Stacy… year after year. I take four month long vacations.

Stacy Clark: Vacations you are now working off after the fact…

Bobby Minio: FOUR month long vacations.

He holds on that point, staring into Stacy to see if she has another interjection, but she opts to pass at the moment. He continues.

Bobby Minio: You know when someone decides to themself, ‘Hey, I want to make a difference in the OCW’ do you know who they call? They call me STACE. No one is worried about my W’s and L’s, they know, for a fact, that I make $H!t happen. In or outside of the ring, I move needles, and I’m not talking about the sort of needles that directly led to Jacob Trance operating a friggin Cult, Stace. The needles that matter.

Stacy Clark: Were you consulted by Mugen on his latest endeavors?

Minio’s shoulders tighten up, he turns to look off into a different direction of the room.

Bobby Minio: Move on, Stacy.

Stacy Clark: Is this one of the scores you plan to even?

Bobby Minio: STACY, I SAID-

He catches himself, pausing as he searches the room for his words. His free hands removes his shades as he stares directly at Stacy again.

Bobby Minio: Muge’s not a score. There’s… there are other people around here, people I have lasting, unfinished business with.

Stacy Clark: When is business finished though, Bobby? H2O defeated you twice in a row, the last battle was nothing short of decisive.

Bobby Minio: What Stacy, am I a goddamned goldfish? You think I can only see a step behind me?

Stacy Clark: Okay so that’s interesting, expand on that.

Bobby Minio: Nah, nah sorry Stace, not tonight. Not with the little stunt you tried to pull. That’s all you get on that topic. I’ll flip my cards when I’m good and ready, and I’ll do it on MY terms, with a microphone glued to my palm in the center of the ring. Ya follow?

Stacy Clark: Alright, fair enough.

As Stacy begins to scan her clipboard again, Minio glances down at his bare wrist.

Bobby Minio: Would you just look at the time!

Stacy Clark: You’re not wearing a watch.

Bobby Minio: I use my wrist as a sun dial.

Stacy Clark: We’re indoors.

Bobby Minio: Last question, Stacy.

She sighs, rolling her shoulders as she scans down towards the bottom of her clipboard, skipping ahead.

Stacy Clark: Alright, well, we have a large rookie class heading into this season.

Bobby Minio: Okay…?

Stacy Clark: Well, seeing as you had just boasted about your exploits as a rookie that put your career into motion… Do you have any advice for newcomers looking to make a splash? Would you suggest they follow in your footsteps?

Minio laughs, glancing around the room incredulously.

Bobby Minio: What? God no!

Stacy Clark: Well, why not?

Bobby Minio: Stacy, I’m one of a kind. I’m a One Man Revolution. That’s not a bumper sticker, sweetheart. Whether I’m in a group or rolling dolo, I live the gimmick. I walked into Ibiza and was running the place by the end of the first week. They can’t all be me Stacy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. This? This is rare.

Stacy Clark: So, what should they do?

Bobby Minio: Number one, be yourself, whoever that is. Find your voice, make it heard but be smart. Pick your spots, but pick them as often as possible. Don’t get discouraged, and if you do, take it out on Sensation. He cuts himself a paycheck for the sole reason of listening to your complaints. It’s literally in his job description, check it out yourself, it’s on the OCWFED.com.

He sits up, his arm that had been slung over the chair reaching behind the chair.

Bobby Minio: Lastly,

He leans forward, holding a t-shirt up towards the camera, it’s the shirt with the golden fist gripping the golden mic, the words “THE ONE MAN REVOLUTION” printed below.

Bobby Minio: Get yourself a shirt, or get some for your friends and family! For a Hamilton I’ll sign it with a gold Sharpie, make it a a Jackson and I’ll take a photo with someone in the signed shirt, and if you double it, I’ll let you throw up the fist and the pistol with me without removing your hat for ya.

Stacy Clark: Well that was… that was downright shameless.

Minio stands up, laying the t-shirt over Stacy’s shoulder as he begins walking past. Before she can even remove it herself, Minio thinks better of it and snatches the shirt backup, walking out of frame.

Bobby Minio: Regrets are for suckers, Stacy.

Clark looks into the camera, an annoyed expression rolling down her face.

Stacy Clark: Okay.

Minio shouts back into the room, still off screen.

Bobby Minio: I keep it sucker free, Stace!

Stacy Clark: OKAY!

She looks into the camera, this time a bit shocked at her composure slipping. She gathers herself, standing up and setting her clipboard onto the chair as she also leaves the frame. The scene pauses on the empty chairs before fading into the following segment.

The camera pans to the announce team.

As full of bravado as ever!

That's why he is a one man revolution!





C.Q.C.'s theme fades out as Cohle continues to show off his title to everybody in the crowd. He is met by a chorus of boos each time.

Rust: Oh no! You wanna boo me? What didn’t you like? What did we do wrong?

Rust: The P3 rundown? The fact that we are still YOUR OCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS?

Cohle puts his hand on his chin, sarcastically thinking.

The crowd continues to jeer one half of the OCW tag team champions. Cohle starts nodding his head and shaking his finger assuredly.

Rust: Oh.... I think I see. You don’t like the new jacket!

Rust:... Or is it the 3 letters printed on that jacket? These 3 letters that defines greatness in this business. The 3T’s dominating the wrestling world!

Rust: Ahaaa! Y’all know the deal. There is a saying from where I am from; “Qui mange du gâteau seul, s'étouffera tout seul.” In case you dummies didn’t understand that - which I know you didn’t - that means sharing the sugar babay.

Rust Cohle struts over to the corner and leans against the turnbuckle, continuing to address the crowd.

Rust: My buddy. My best friend, Quartz and I, have been dominating ever since we decided to join forces. We're an unbeatable coalition. Why don't you just ask AWOL?

The crowd mixes cheers with jeers as a small "Built-Cort-Tough... Built-Cort-Tough" chant starts in a section of the audience. Cohle starts laughing to himself and mockingly encourages the chants, gesturing his arms in an upward motion.

Rust: You guys crack me up. You love to cheer for the teacher's pet. Imagine a guy getting title shot after title shot for being a loser! A loser to C.Q.C. and a loser for America!

Rust Cohle is showered with boos after the comment about the new Pride champion, but continues laughing and shoos the crowd noise away.

Rust: Anyways... Dominating this pathetic tag team division? That was part ONE. We did all that... Easily if I might add. It's time to take it to the next step. Obviously.

Rust: Spida is a resourceful man. It's what's taken him to the top of this company. He went out and picked up our services, he had a plan. Soon, all OCW pieces of gold will be ours. But I don’t want to spoil you the end of this story. That's for another time.

Rusty is smiling from ear to ear but then stops in his track.

Rust: I am not out here to simply grace you with a champions presence. I am out here tonight cause, like Quartz said last week, we're not just the best tag team on god’s green earth, no no no. We are also “La Creme de la creme” in single’s competition.

Rust: Quartzy already had his BIG moment last week, when he beat the former Trashyweight Champion, H2NO, in a very quick fashion. I figured, we oughta show these people what Rust Cohle can do.

Rust: I heard that someone backstage is unhappy with how things have being going since the Anniversary show. So tonight is your night. Take your revenge, your anger, put it all forward and face me like a man, it is your chance tonight...

Rust Cohle removes his TTT jacket and championship belt and leans arrogantly against the back rope.

Rust: C'mon. Anybody at all? Nobody? I thought for sure...

His opponents theme hits the arena!


It's a Match!
RUST COHLE vs ???????

The camera pans to the announce team.









