A vignette begins to play to the crowd, showcasing a montage of Cort’s “good deeds” since last Riot. The montage runs as follows:

  • Cort running down a city street, throwing bundles of (one dollar) bills at homeless people. He underhands one between the legs and it smacks a sleeping vagrant in the face, who doesn’t wake up

  • Cort petting a goat, while corny music plays

  • Cort helping an older woman cross the street by picking her up and running with her as she screams

  • Cort stopping a convenience store robbery--it’s a kid stealing Mentos and Cort wrestles him to the ground, putting him in a headlock

  • Cort shaking hands with people of various races, most of whom are either pocketing money or look worried

  • Cort at a pride parade, yelling about how he’s gay for the AR-15

  • Cort lighting litter on fire with a flamethrower next to a highway

  • Cort returning a tortoise to what he thinks is its natural habitat, a lake

  • Cort stapling Chick Tracts to random bulletin boards

  • Cort educating teens about safe sex by dropping condoms from a drone

The final scene shows Cort firing tennis balls at a car speeding down a suburban road. He hits the left quarter panel, denting it, and the door starts to open.

Cort: Hey! Speed limit’s 45, jackaaaass!

The door opens fully and a massive bodybuilder-looking guy steps out. Cort swears, and the brick shithouse of a man starts running at the camera. The tape cuts as Cort pushes over the tennis ball gun and runs off, the cameraman following.


The shot changes from the last frame of the vignette to a shot of a TV showing the vignette, and the camera pulls out to show Cort smiling at Peter backstage.

 See? I have been a gift to the people. For, like, a week. That’s a long time! And look. Look at this Yelp review.

Cort holds up a smartphone (that he borrowed from Shepherd). He scrolls through the review, which seems to be copypasted from somewhere else, as it mentions meatballs and rigatoni. Still, 5 stars, and that’s what matters.

 Fiiive stars. I know small business owners who would literally kill for this. Now c’mon. Gimme that Holy Ticket to success!

Peter sighs.

 My principles have been slightly compromised, but… we all make sacrifices.

Peter: Dear father, as brother Cort Marshall prepares for a very important match up here in the OCW in your favour, May he pin thy opponent into victory without getting pinned thyself as the Holy Spirit carries him into battle. Amennn.

Cort throws his hands to the heavens.

 AAAAMEN! Our lady of blessed BIIIG back body drops, don’t fail me now…

Cort claps Peter on the back.

 Thanks chum. 

He pivots and walks offscreen, whistling happily.



The camera pans to the announce team.

Vincent Valmont looks to notch another win in his return.

Rookie with a chance to make an impact.


It's a Match!

Hijo De Mistico vs. Vincent Valmont


The camera pans to the announce team.

Winner winner.

Chicken Dinner.


As the scene fades in we see Justin Jehst sitting at the catering area enjoying a piece of chicken and avocado sushi roll. In his other hand he holds the most recent script of “Bang Bang Brazil”. 

As he thumbs through the pages, taking bites of rice and seaweed as he goes, he looks up to see his agent Elsa has entered the room.

Jehst: Why hello there, Ms. Elsa. Have you had any more word on the teaser trailer release?

Elsa: Mr. Justin, hello! Yes, they have said it would be ready for next weeks Turmoil!

Jehst: Well then, that’s it! I need to prepare for a movie teaser trailer release party! Wait… do you do that sort of thing for Capo?

Elsa: I sometimes organise the meetings with clients, yes, Mr. Justin.

Jehst: No, Elsa, this needs to be HUUUUGE!!! This needs the glitz and glam of the Hollywood kind! We need to bring that vibe and energy to Turmoil next week, ok?! You think you can do that for me?

Elsa: Of course, Mr. Justin… I will need some money for these things though.

Jehst: No problem, you Swedish beauty! I’ll have Barry wire you the money for the party, and I’ll send a list of everything you’ll need to get it done! We’re gonna need food, drinks, lighting, the works! This is very exciting, Elsa!

Elsa: I like when you are smile, Mr. Justin.

She blushes a little before picking up a chicken salad wrap from the catering table.

Elsa: Ok, I need to going now. Big planning for party to do! See you, Mr. Justin!

Jehst: Goodbye, Elsa! I’ll check in with the party planning early next week!

As Elsa leaves the room, Justin puts another bite of sushi into his mouth and continues to flick through the script.

Jehst: Everything’s all coming together. Now Capo and I just need to take those titles from Code Terror and my propulsion to stardom will finally begin!

Justin chews some more sushi roll as the scene fades out.





Tobin Frost sits glaring on top of a trainer’s table as Jim Black approaches to grab a few words with the grand slam champion. The trainer is stretching out Tobin’s arm checking its flexibility giving him a thumbs up as he finishes. Tobin turns his attention to Jim who has the look of a deer in headlights as he stares in the suplex machines gaze.

 What is it Jim.

Jim: Well Wrestlution is only a few weeks away and we haven’t seen you since Riot 500. Will you be competing? Are you 100 percent? Where have you been?

Tobin rolls his eyes.

I didn’t know you cared so much Jim. How sweet of you (In a voice more appropriate for talking to a small child). 

Tobin shakes his head.

I’ve been doing what I always do, working harder than anyone else in this place to get back to 100 percent. You see I was at the top of my game Jim a few months ago. As hot as I was win I beat Sean for the belt, Cody at Wrestlution, and Drago the following Riot. White hot Jim, I beat the Champ and number one contender in consecutive weeks. Putting myself in prime position for another crack at the OCW Championship. But then Mez had to dig out the skeletons in his closet.

Tobin: He took me out, and like always I was forgotten. An afterthought. All that momentum gone. Replaced with a thirst for vengeance that I still haven’t quenced. I thought I was read for 500 but as my performance showed I wasn’t. So I needed to get the work done on my body that I’d been putting off. What Mez did to me is going to stick to me forever. But it doesn’t matter because what I do to him is going to keep him from ever stepping foot in an OCW ring again.

As Tobin pauses his face reads like he’s come up with an idea. He looks at the camera as if he is staring at Mez on the other side. 

You know what we don’t even have to wait until Wrestlution Mez. If you got it in you see me on Riot. We can take this thing to the streets. It won’t be over, but I know you want to get at me as bad as I want to get at you.

Tobin turns to Jim.

 We good.

Before Jim can answer.

Thought so…

Tobin walks off stretching his arms looking reading for the coming fight.









