We turn things over to the inside of Drago’s dojo, where Dragana looks to be home alone, watering one of her plants. She fills up a small glass and pours water into the tiny palm plant, making sure to equally distribute the water all around. As she’s about to finish, she’s interrupted by the sound of a grunt.

The former Women’s Champion looks down to see Bubba holding some sort of a box in his mouth.

He lowers his head toward the floor and releases his jaws. Dragana puts the glass onto the countertop and sits on the floor next to Bubba.

She inspects the mysterious package. The label reveals it to be somewhere from Japan. Dragana scratches her head, wondering who it could be from.

She carefully opens the package and looks inside. She finds a bunch of bubble wrap on top. She hands it to the lion and as most would do, he plays around with the wrap, trying to pop every bubble.

Dragana removes what look to be anime DVDs and a letter. She looks at the DVDs and sees that most of them are the horror animes that she was subjected to not too long ago.

She sighs and puts them to the side. She pulls out the letter from the box and notices how…..unprofessional it looks.

The writing on the letter looks like it was done with a blue crayon, and the lines are sloppily aligned, with some words squished too close together and others are way too far apart. The letter reads….

“To my sweetheart,

Hi! How’s my best friend doing? I’m writing this because as fun as the times we’ve had, unfortunately I have business back home.

I know it’s hard to see a friend go but fear not! For I have homework for you! Please watch everything I have sent you. It is REALLY important! I’ll know whether you’ve watched them or not. After all…..



- Ace”

Dragana folds the letter back up and sighs. She looks at the DVDs and puts everything back in the box. She takes the box and walks toward the back exit.

She opens the door and looks at the dumpster across from her. She contemplates tossing the box for a minute…..But then she changes her mind and walks back inside.

She goes to her room, opens the closet, and tosses the box inside. She turns back to see Bubba still playing around with the bubble wrap. She sits next to him again and helps him out with the wrap. The scene fades.

It's a Match!







