Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1




The scene opens up where we left off with BASH and Perl last week. Sitting across from one another in BASH’s office inside the Server Farm.

Perl: Well BASH don’t just stare at me. Is there anything you want to know about me?

BASH hesitates for a few moments. Thoughts of his past flood into his complex mind and cloud the room for a moment. BASH closes his eyes and breathes in slowly. Perl senses something is off and continues to speak about why she is here.

Perl: I came here today because I think we can help each other. You are obviously a very talented hacker and impressive individual. The way you stole all that money from The Collective had me convinced I had to meet you.

Perl: The way you have built the DarkNET Society into the powerhouse it is. You should be lauded for your accomplishments. Instead everyone mocks you guys.

BASH snaps out of his deep introspection and turns his attention back to Perl. Her previous comments leave him flush in anger. He clenches his fists and pounds them down on the table before addressing her.

BASH: You think everyone mocks me and DNS? The DarkNET Society has proven our worth and much more. System failure awaits anyone that attempts to match our might.

BASH: Why should I care at all what you have to say woman? That leads to the questions of where you come from and who you are. Why do you trespass on DarkNET Society property and wear our clothing like some type of fan girl?

Perl’s face turns from a happy smile to a scowl instantly. She begins twirling her hair with her index fingers. Suddenly she smacks her hands on the table. She climbs up onto the table and leaning forward goes nose to nose with BASH.

Perl: Let’s get one thing clear here BASH, You will not disrespect the Perl of your empire like that. You can either get with the program and let me help you, or I can follow you around everywhere you go and make your life a nightmare. I might even hack precious Server Farm if you piss me off anymore.

Perl: I hope I made myself clear to the leader of the DarkNET Society who is incapable of what appears to be a basic human conversation.

Perl screams out.

BASH, uncomfortable visibly with the close proximity of Perl, gets up and moves to the other side of the room. Perl slides off the desk and slumps back into the chair. She begins weeping uncontrollably. Sounds of her wallows fill the office.

BASH: Will you stop crying and get a hold of yourself? You can cry in the parking lot or somewhere far away from here. Call yourself a hacker and you can’t even control your emotions let alone a system. I wonder how you even did what you did to Scotty X.

BASH: Jynx and the rest of DNS will dispose of Scotty X, he is no trouble of mine Perl. My focus, which you have disrupted this morning, is on the growth of the DarkNET Society.

Perl’s emotions once again shift on a dime. This time she goes from total sadness to elation. She runs over and hugs BASH. BASH again completely off put by the proximity tries to get her to release. Perl squeezes tighter and tighter for a few moments before BASH is able to break the grip.

Perl: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Perl: I won’t let you down.

BASH flummoxed by the situation now has begun to stare at Perl. He wonders what has caused Perl to be so bold towards him. He is unhappy about not being in control of the situation.

BASH: Thanking me for what?

The two have a stare down before Perl breaks the silence.

Perl: Well for letting me join you little society of course. You just talked about growing it, well here is the growth right here. Plus this place could use a Woman’s touch. It smells and generally looks awful here.

Perl: Now I am going to need to get a few things for Server Farm so I am going to need your credit card, crypto wallet or whatever you use to buy things BASH. Hurry up so I can go get some breakfast for us.

BASH places his left hand on his face and begins rubbing in frustration. He sighs before clearing his throat.

BASH: Who said anything about you? Do you even wrestle? What use do you even have? No, you can leave. Get out of my office.

Perl begins to throw an epic temper tantrum. She begins screaming and crying so loudly that BASH begins to cover his ears. Perl runs up to BASH and starts hitting him with left, then a right hand. She kicks him with her left and then right legs. BASH covers up to avoid any more damage as Perl continues to rain strikes down on him.

BASH: Enough… Enough…

Perl continues despite BASH’s pleas for her to stop. After a few more moments she grows tired of hitting BASH and eyes a wooden desk holding some papers.

She swings her leg and kicks right through the desk with little effort. The desk explodes into pieces of wood through the room. Perl turns back to BASH and begins screaming at him.


BASH clearly seeing the fire and desire in Perl decides to take a different approach. He slowly moves towards Perl and looks at her with a weary face. She is still hyperventilating and BASH once again clears his throat to speak.

BASH: I may have underestimated your cunning and intelligence. But do you know how to wrestle? It seems you know how to fight a little bit.

Perl has another emotional shift, this time becoming bubbly and blushing before she answers in a soft voice.

Perl: No, but you are going to teach me now aren’t you BASH?

BASH nods his head before walking over to the desk Perl had broken. He grabs a key card out of the drawer and heads over to a series of Safes that are bolted into the floor. BASH uses his keycard, code, and facial recognition to enter the safe. BASH grabs a stack of $100 bills.

BASH walks back over to Perl and holds the money out in her direction. Perl quickly snatches up the money.

Perl: How much is there?

BASH: A thousand dollars should get you started just fine.

Perl smiles at BASH before running up to him quickly and planting a kiss across his cheek. BASH unsure of what to do after the ambush begins to walk out of the office. Perl follows behind him and grabs him by the wrist.

Perl: You are going to teach me to wrestle and just gave me money.

Perl: I love it when my boyfriends do that. I’ll be back in a bit.
BASH who is completely alarmed by this stops for a second. He is frozen in terror of the mere thought of the idea. A few seconds elapse and before he can gather himself to question her further she was skipping off into the distance and out of the door.

BASH: What in the world have I gotten myself into?

The scene fades with BASH walking back to the wrestling ring and rolling in before it cuts to black.

