After a physical contest, Dragana Cesar and Terra Daturas are in the lockeroom. Still exhausted they sit side by side next to a nearby wall.
Terra: I am sorry if I was not at my best out there, regina tacet. But to be out there again after so long….
She takes a deep breath while Dragana watches her with a slight smile on her face.
Terra: It was incredible… Month after month, I was starting to think my hopes of returning were in vain…
She looks back at Dragana and grabs her by the shoulders.
Terra: I could not make it to the Queen of OCW tournament. But this chance meant so much more. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get to compete against you again!
Terra wipes a tear from her eye and chuckles.
Terra: Thank you so much Dragana.
The Silent Queen lowers her head, her hands shaking.
Terra: Is something wrong?
Dragana removes the azalea from her hair and hands it to Terra.
Terra: It is still so beautiful after all these years.
She notices that Dragana is still staring down at the floor.
Dragana: M-m…..
She anxiously puts her hands on her head, her face turning a slight shade of red.
Dragana: Mea culpa.
Terra smiles wide and holds the azalea tight in her hand.
Terra: Noli te curare, Regina Tacet.
The two women share a hug in appreciation of the moment.
Terra releases her hold and takes a short step back.
Terra: Troupe sempiternum.
Dragana lifts her head and smiles back at Terra, nodding in affirmation as Terra affixes the flower back into the hair of the Silent Queen.
Want to say thank you to everyone who donated last night. We raised over $1781.11 for the Humane Society! Shout out to EMP for building all the art and assets and Drago for workshopping the idea!
I want to thank, Pugh, Trash, Tibby, Dimsmore, Garcia, Melon, Cheychey, Shelly, Big Yake, Pato, OWEN & his CHAIR, SCUM, My Little Baguette, BEAVER, Mad Mike, Stupid Kass, RY,Larry Mugen, Bobby Fish, RIIIIDGE RACEEEEEER, MIKE, EMP, BINGO STAN, SHHHHHHHHHHH, C-NOTE, Orange RACERRRRRRR, Ooooooooooo, & C4