Transitioning from the announcers table to the back in the open locker room a face lifts up. Smiling Prince stares into the camera dead center.
Prince: Well, well, well. We meet again OCW, and how I have missed you. So you see, just two years ago I used to be in this very locker room that I am now.
But, back then I was a different man, wrestler, and competitor. I let greed, ego, and anger get ahead of me as I stormed out of this company.
But now, now I am different. I traveled around the world, experienced different things and traversed through many roads.
All of which lead me back here, to OCW. That was always my end goal to make it back here but not as an arrogant snobby man I once was.
I've come back with a new will and mindset this go around. I won't let my foolish past get the best of me, besides.
I can recover for lost time. This second opportunity won't be wasted as I've come in ready to fight and ready to prove myself once and for all. I can't wait to show you more, but for now that is all I have to show.
Thank you for your time OCW..
Prince gets off of bench he was sitting on and exits the room as the cameras pan back once again to the announcers table..
We turn over to the backstage area with Johnny Law, standing next to Jim Black. Johnny looks contemplatively down toward the ground while Jim prepares his usual routine.
Jim: Johnny, what do you make of the mind games that Ace has been playing on your client?
Johnny: To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of it nor do I understand why this has been happening. For the past month, Dragana has been acting strangely and this......psycho has been latching onto her.
He shakes his head.
Jim: Recent reports indicate that she is out of the hospital despite the injuries. Is this true?
Johnny: Yes, she's out of the hospital despite me telling her not to do it. She wants to prove she can get to the top again, but I don't know if her heart's in it like it was before she lost the title.
Johnny: Ace says she wants to help her out, but she's totally out of control! And if she gets in Dragana's head too much, then who knows what will happen.....
He takes a deep breath before he continues.
Johnny: So at Super Turmoil, Dragana will face off against Ace in a No Holds Barred match. And hopefully we can be done with this damn menace. I don't know how it's all gonna go down, but I know this for sure;
Johnny raises his index finger toward himself.
Johnny: I'm not gonna let her go to the dark side.
Jim: Thanks for your time.
The scene fades.
We continue the PPV with a cameraman following H2O towards The Inception‘s private locker room. He’s wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and some flip flops.
He continues to dry his hair with another towel he has in hand. H2O makes his way to the door, turns the knob and….
”I can hear them inside. But before I go in, I have to figure out a way to tell them this fight is over. But the war with TTT and Kasstianity is far from it.”
“At least that’s how it feels.”
H2O inhales deeply and then exhales as he walks in. KD who is squatting so much weight that the bar is bending. Tyson Wagner proceeds to power clean weight lift with relative ease.
”This Baltimore Arena is much like The Colosseum. The OCW Universe is prepared for a barbarian and war vet to do battle with a bunch of hyenas.
By the looks of it...I don’t think the hyenas are ready for this.”
The sound of weights crashing to the floor breaks Harvey’s train of thought.
H2O: You boys ready for a fight?
KD recognizes the sarcasm from H2O’s voice. KD walk towards Harvey slowly. Harvey continues to dry his hair and stops when KD stands over top of him.
H2O: Look, if you’re still mad at H2O about Valk-.
KD: Welcome back, Harvey Ocean. Future OCW Heavyweight Champion.
H2O smiles at KD. Just over KD’s shoulder Harvey notices Tyson giving him a nod and he returns one back to him.
KD pats Harvey on the back and heads over to his locker to pull out some tape to wrap his hands.
KD: During your match with Kassidy Hayes I was telling Tyson here that we need to release our inner demons.
Cyborg: Looks like he’s already halfway there.
KD looks back at Cyborg.
KD: No he’s not.
Then looks back at H2O.
H2O: Not even close. None of us are. Except for one but they’re no longer with us.
The Future OCW World Heavyweight Champion received that message from KD loud and clear as both of them lock eyes.
KD: After watching your last interview with Charles Scaggs, you want our team to be respected. The only way I see that will happen is to let it all out like you did tonight.
KD: You cut the dead weight off your head.
H2O gets a flashback of a familiar voice that haunts him in his dreams.
Future Harvey: “ think you’re Tiberius Dupree!”
Then a scene of H2O from the night before is standing in front of a mirror cutting his hair.
Harvey continues to be deep in his thoughts. As H2O is stuck staring into nothing, KD looks at him and smiles.
KD: Cyborg and I are going to follow up with the performance you had tonight. You should sit back relax and watch how demons work.
H2O begins to sit but looks around first like he lost something.
KD: If you’re looking for Bobby Minio, he stepped out.
Cyborg: Yeah, after KD mentioned he wanted to see the demon come out that defeated you Harvey. Once he got done talking to him about that he left.
He DIDN’T do that! That’s the Bobby Minio NO ONE wants to see again. Not even me!
KD: That’s The One Man Revolution we need to come back. Inception will be respected after tonight. I suggest you jump on board Harvey otherwise you’ll end up like Valkyrie.
KD checks to see if Tyson is ready; who is still working out with elastic bands in the background.
Tyson drops them and heads towards the door.
Cyborg: All this talk is releasing an inner demon to within itself already. I’m looking to take lives tonight.
H2O: Yeah? Don’t get yourself suspended!
Cyborg: One thing you don’t wanna do is tell me what to do when I’m battle ready, Harvey.
Tyson walks out of the locker room. KD follows him but stops at the door without turning back to Harvey.
KD: Remember what I said, H2O.
KD leaves to follow his partner to the stage. H2O starts to put his shirt over his head and stops.
”I dig that.”
H2O continues to get dressed as the scene fades.