Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Segment With Empress

LEARN WITH EMPRESS The Camera Pans To The Ramp!


A very familiar game show theme song starts playing as the crazy graphics from an 80s movie starts playing across the screen. We see the P3 logo flash across the screen and as it fades out, we see the logo saying, OCW JEOPARDY!

As the logo fades out we find ourselves on the very familiar P3 Soundstage 9000 which has been modified to accommodate OCW Jeopardy tonight. Drago is seen hovering over a podium as he begins the introductions.


Drago: Welcome gentleman and lady girls to the P3 Bonanza, OCW Jeopardy special. Tonight we have great questions for our 3 contestant to answer and maybe win prize or something.

Drago starts waving his hands at the opposite side of the soundstage as he continues speaking.

Drago: And he your host for tonight………..my good comrade……...Mugen!


Mugen comes running out sans shirt and starts high fiving audience members as he runs to Drago and the podium.

Mugen: Thank you comrade for the warm welcome. Tonight is a very special night as we will have a night of OCW Jeopardy!

Mugen starts raising his arms like he’s raising the roof and the crowd follows. Bubba growls as he follows suit.

Mugen: Before we can continue, we will of course have to introduce you to all of our contestants tonight. All OCW Superstars themselves and maybe one day they will be up here hosting this show with me. Please let me introduce you to all 3.

The Panel

Mugen: We have ourselves the man himself Maxwale J Freeman, The Deez Nutz Master himself, Buddy Burns and a good friend of mine, Tobin ‘Iceman’ Frost.

Mugen and Drago clap furiously in unison as Bubba growls.

Mugen: Welcome to the show!

Buddy: I gave your momma a show!

Mugen: Now that is just uncalled for.

Maxwale: Your face is what is uncalled for.

Drago motions for both of them to stop before he intervenes to which Buddy and MJF laugh. Tobin sighs at the absurdity.

Mugen: Before I am interrupted again, the categories for tonight are……

The OCW Jeopardy Board

Mugen: Golden Era, Rookies…….Amirite?, Ha”ll” of Fame, where all responses will contain the letters L and L next to each other.

Buddy: Just like deez nutz!

Mugen ignores Buddy as he continues.

Mugen: Dummies, What’s Your Finish Kid?, I Can’t Remember, all answers will start with the phrase, I Can’t Remember.

Mugen motions towards Tobin.

Mugen: Now Tobin will be going first.

Tobin: I’ll pick Golden Era for $200

Mugen: Fantastic…….the answer……….This wrestler is known for wrestling in the first pro wrestling match ever against President Abraham Lincoln.

Maxwale furiously hits the buzzer as he is selected.

Mugen: Maxwale.

Maxwale: Who is Nate Ortiz?

Mugen: Correct!

Tobin visibly sighs.

Mugen: Your pick Maxwale.

Maxwale: Thanks Alex, I would keep going with that category but frankly, who cares about that era right?

Maxwale is laughing on his own at his joke.

Maxwale: Alright, alright. I’ll take What’s my Finish? For 200.
Drago: This move forced Dimsmore into retirement.

Buddy is jumping up and down slamming his buzzer. Drago points at him.

Buddy: What is the Truth Siren?

Drago: Incorrect


Drago: Anybody else?

Tobin and MJF both shake their heads as a buzzer sounds.

Drago: We looking for the answer, “Sensation’s tight nut hugging jeans”

All the contestants nod in unison and realize that was the solid answer.

Mugen: Still on you to select Maxwale.

Maxwale: Alright, I’ll go with Ha”ll” of Fame for $600

Mugen: The answer, What word best describes the Hall of Famer who was at one time known as the S-Bomber.

Tobin calmly hits the buzzer and gets the first pick. Mugen points at him.

Tobin: Unintelligent.

Mugen: DING DING DING CORRECT. We would have also accepted challenged, numbskull, unskillful, illiterate and salmonella. Tobin you have the board.

Tobin nods as he selects the next category.

Tobin: I’ll take I Can’t Remember for $800

Mugen: The answer, Matsuda


Maxwale buzzes in. Mugen points at him to confirm.

Maxwale: What is I can’t remember the last time he was relevant because it has been so long?


Bubba growls in approval.


Drago: Ok. Now is time for Final Jeopardy. Bet all money you want...or bet nothing. Is up to you. Now then. Here is final question….

Drago: This is most overused meme in OCW history. GO!

The “Final Jeopardy” tune starts playing as the contestants write in their answers. Buddy can’t contain himself as he’s answering. Maxwale has a look of complete confidence on his face, and Tobin looks rather uninterested. The tune finally ends.

Drago: Let’s see your answers! Maxwale?

Maxwale: I wager every single dollar…..

His board shows a doodle of Carlton from Fresh Prince doing his infamous dance.

Drago: Incorrect.

Maxwale’s jaw drops in complete shock.

Drago: Tobin?

Tobin’s board is shown and...there’s nothing. Except “$0” written on it.

Drago: Ok, Tobin choose not to wager….Buddy?

Buddy snickers and his board shows a doodle of a pair of nuts along with the phrase “Forty thousand!!!!”.

Drago: You don’t have that much, but is correct!!! Buddy Burns is your winner!!!!

The studio audience, Drago, Mugen, and Bubba all clap for the victor. Buddy motions toward his crotch numerous times and starts gyrating his hips, much to the chagrin of Maxwale.


Drago: Buddy’s prize is….uh….

Buddy walks up to Maxwale and points to his crotch yet again.


He then screams while again pointing at his crotch. He screams so loudly and with such intensity that you can start to see his veins popping. Finally, Maxwale has had enough and starts throwing some hands at Buddy’s face, who retaliates. The pair fight all over the arena while Tobin shakes his head and leaves the set.

We Will Be Right Back!







The scene opens with The Uncrowned together in an unfamiliar site as of late; an actual locker room.

It seems as if whatever influence FAME had in forcing rookies to prepare for matches in the parking lot has died down, with Everrett sat on a folding chair, Light Heavyweight Championship over his waist, towel draped around his neck, and an ice pack held against the back of his head while Doc stretches in the space around.

What a night this could be, ey Doc?

Everrett: I mean, who’d have thought just a week ago that by the end of tonight I would be an official BDC member and THE OCW Light Heavyweight champion of the world, and you’d have a damn good shot at winning the big one tonight?

Everrett: Nobody, that’s who, but we were made to achieve the impossible.

Doc doesn’t divert his attention from warming up but speaks to Ant without making eye contact.

Doc: Listen man, that’s been our ethos ever since we arrived here. Never back down from a fight, never.

Doc: We were raised to stand our ground, and fight for what we believe in, and for everyone who believes in us.

Doc: And for us, right now, that’s everyone who’s suffered at the hands of FAME.

Doc: By the end of tonight, we take back RIOT together and if that means toppling a giant in the process, I’ll find a goddamn way, believe you me.

The camera cuts back to the announce team. 



Segment With Empress

Once again, the camera leaps from the action in Baltimore to New York. The camera quickly cuts back to NY, NY. The outside of the RIOT Arena is shown and covers the entire screen. The sounds of pedestrians shouting and honking of taxis can be heard.

After a few moments panning around the RIOT Arena... A street sign comes into view.

The sign reads "Atlantic Ave". Once again, the hustle and bustle of the New York streets is heard loud and clear. The camera cuts to Barclay's Center... The home of Turmoil week in and week out.

The kid who was seen earlier in the evening with the two briefcases is seen once again through a window in a skyscraper. The camera zooms into his face.

Kid: So, I gotchu what you wanted.

Both briefcases are slammed onto the top of a desk, knocking off of a name plate, further hiding the identity of the mysterious man, who sits facing the window, his chair obscuring the camera's view of his face.

???: ...and everything is there?

Kid: Uh, yeah? You ain't payin' me to make mistakes.

???: Good. What about the-

Kid: Was even easier.

The kid reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a contract with Jaysin Sensation's signature on it.

Kid: It's official. All you need is a signature.

???: Well done. Thanks for all of your help.

???: You can go.

The kid takes a step back and looks confused.

Kid: What about the money?

???: What money? I don't know you.

The kid, understanding what is happening turns around to see 3 business men and 2 security guards standing behind him.


???: Gentlemen. Please remove this criminal from my office.

The 5 men grab the kicking and screaming kid. Despite being a master of espionage, he is unable to break free and is slowly removed from the office, kicking and screaming the whole way.

An ominous hand with several rings reaches over to an open briefcase and removes a document reading...

Glasgow, Scotland
Alastair Ross
Welcome to Scumchester

???: That street urchin actually did good work. What a shame.

The camera zooms in on the document before zooming passed it and through the nearby window, which overlooks nearby Barclay's Center, home of Turmoil...