The smell of essential oils flow through the backstage area as the camera cuts to Holly Hunter standing backstage. She looks as prepared as one could be for The Chamber.
Holly: It’s been over three years since I’ve had a shot at the women’s championship. I crushed the competition then and fell prey to the same garbage that got many of that time period. No excuses her I didn’t get it done.
Holly: Since then I won’t lie, I’ve been a waste of potential.
Holly looks down.
Holly: It’s been a long road but I’ve found me. I’ve found what I’m fighting for. That’s my people, the forgotten ones. The voiceless many who need that light shined upon them.
Holly: What better way to lift every voice than to become the first woman to escape The Chamber as champion?
Holly slaps her shoulders as she starts to get hypes up.
Holly: I’m going to draw on the power of my people tonight, those here in attendance and everyone at home. They will propel me to victory tonight. You five in there with me better pray that you avoid that wrath of the Hurricane.
Holly: Sound your alarms because a Category 5 is about to run through the Clash, and not even The Chamber is going to stop it!
The scene fades as Holly glares into the screen.
Jim Black: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time: Judge Leroy Brown III.
The camera pans over to the Judge with an unamused look on his face, towering over Black with his large stature.
Jim Black: So Mr. Brown...
Judge Leroy Brown III: Your honor.
Jim Black: I’m sorry, I didn’t hear…
The Judge looks intently at Black.
Judge Leroy Brown III: I said “your honor.” If you’re gonna talk to me, you address me properly boy.
Jim Black begins to look worried.
Jim Black: I’m so-sorry your honor. So, your honor, last week you said after your match that you weren’t interested in a rematch with Jordan Trance. In that case, what’s next for you?
Judge Leroy Brown III: Of course I’m not interested in no darn rematch, and I’m sick and tired of these children they keep givin’ me week after week. Where’s Mark Reese? Where’s K’Dangelo? Those are real men! Not these rascals I’ve been hangin’ out to dry on my clothesline!
Jim Black: Mr. Br-I mean your honor, my apologies but didn’t you cheat against Jordan Trance to make sure he didn’t pin you?
The Judge’s unamused look turns to anger as he looks at Black with fire in his eyes.
Judge Leroy Brown III: What did you just say to me boy?!
The Judge grabs Black by the collar with his right hand before a voice suddenly interrupts the confrontation.
Jordan Trance: That’s not very honorable of you, Judge. But then, neither is ducking someone you have a problem with
The Judge releases Black before looking toward Trance on the other side of the camera.
Judge Leroy Brown III: Last time I checked, I no longer have business with you personally. Now run along runt.
Jordan Trance: I guess you’re right Leroy, I’ll call you Leroy so don’t worry about it… I guess you’re right just like you… Y’know… Don’t have any business being in a courtroom any more.
The Judge smirks and goes to respond but gets cut off.
Jordan Trance: But not because you’ve made that transition into being a wrestler, I’m talking about how you’ve turned your back on the law, on upholding the rules, you’ve become what you hate, a cheating punk.
The Judge’s expression turns to an angered confusion as Trance continues.
Jordan Trance: That’s your legacy, isn’t it? A so-called honorable man who turned his back on it all just because he couldn’t beat a “little runt.”
Judge Leroy Brown III: YOU WANT A MATCH?! IS THAT IT?!
Jordan Trance: Old school, just like you wanted.
The Judge storms off-camera as Trance smirks. The camera fades to black.
Lucha Country Returns