* K.Dangelo is in his dressing room in prayer *
K.Dangelo : Father I thank you all you have done and what you are going to do. Watch over me as I continue to fight in your name .
* K.Dangelo rises and sits in front of the TV *
K.Dangelo: Well ppv time but I guess it's not any good according to Pugh. All he talks about is his matches with Dupree.
K.Dangelo: Plus the revolving door brings back the Epic Smythe DA Wonder. Heck Aries ,Mania or maybe that big slug Mayhem can all come back and get dumped on their skulls .I respect them for their accomplishments but this is something totally different .
K.Dangelo: My focus has to be on my legacy. I will and must eliminate the evils of this place . I have done so much for others and they turned their back on me . That is where I will start . Deceit and dishonesty are traits of a dead man.
K.Dangelo: I make a new very soon, get ready OCW .
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
The Main Event is coming soon but lets take a look at this Epic Rivalry. |
Epic indeed! |
The Xtron Flickers On!
I cannot wait! |
Soon Charles Soon! |
Tobin stands in the back exhausted after his hard fought match. Beads of sweat running down his face he exhales in relief. Tobin is near the gorilla position as a barely moving Sean McGee aka Buffness is rolled passed him on a stretcher.
Buffness body brace and all shows a glimmer of strength and points at Tobin before losing the strength and gets wheeled to the ambulance. As this happens a furious Lexington Walker, who if white, would have been has red as an apple, comes up to Tobin.
Lex: What have you done?! Did you see what you did?
Tobin says nothing and just takes in what Lex is saying to him.
Lex: Sean has millions and endorsements waiting for him after this match, and you’ve thrown that all of in the air. You stupid piece of trash. He might lose it all because of you! He’s supposed to be your partner you may have damn well ended his career.
Lex pokes at Tobin who doesn’t respond.
Lex: You have ruined everything Tobin, everything!
Tobin: What exactly have I ruined?
Tobin pushes back Lex who falls to the ground.
Tobin: In that match tonight I didn’t bring those steps into the ring. That was Sean! What do you think he planned to do with the? Was he planning to sit on them and have a pow wow with me or something?
Tobin: No he was going to drop me on my head or slam my back into them. I just did it first Lex. I pulled the trigger on him before he could on me. In the confines of that match I fought within the rules and that’s it!
Tobin: Am I sorry that Sean isn’t walking out on his own power? My God yes, I respect the hell out of that man but that’s the nature of the beast. So just take your little guilt trip and shove it because I’m not having it.
Tobin steps toward Lex who is still on the ground.
Tobin: You approached me first, you came to me and said you would do great things, but what have you really done for me Lex. Sean is Nike’s new poster boy and what do I have?
Tobin: Nothing from you, I have what I’ve always had, my heart and determination. That’s gotten me everything that I’ve ever gotten up to this point.
Tobin: Right now the gates to the top of OCW are wide open. We are in a complete state of flux. The brass ring in hanging right there for anyone to take. I’m done sitting around, I’m ready to take the brass ring and run with it.
Tobin: OCW is a huge pond and at the moment everyone is treading water. I can’t lie to you all I have too. The heart and soul of this place, love them or hate them have stepped away. And it is time for new names to step into that spot.
Tobin: Our champion is the scum of the earth. Cody Storm is a disgrace to everything that I stand for. He can’t be the heart or the soul because he has neither. It still burns me up that I couldn’t be the one to take that belt off of him. Jacob Trance has shown what kind of man he is. You know damn well it’s not him either.
Tobin: You saw the men who stepped out in the ring with me tonight. You know that Spider and Minio have the desire to be more. But that aren’t there just yet. Sean showed tonight that when he takes the time to focus on the ring he can do great things. As great as those guys are, there was one guy who stood at the top tonight. That was me! I was the last man standing.
Tobin points at Lex.
Tobin: In my time year I’ve seen so many guys walk through these doors. There is only a fraction of that left here. Those people out there need heroes, and OCW needs it’s heart. But the heroes are gone or have sold their souls. But I’m here Lex, I’ll be the soul of OCW. That’s who I am. So either jump on the train or stay the hell out of my way.
Tobin walks away leaving Lex stunned on the floor.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
Powerful words, from a powerful man. And with that said it is now time for the Main Event. Strap yourselves in its going to get crazy! |
It's GO TIME! |
Jacob Trance vs Cody Storm
The Camera pans to the announce team!
He threw everything he had at him. |
A counter to a counter of a counter into a counter! |