Standing backstage at Don’t Come to New York, we see The Pride of Wilkes-Barre, Joe Deaver. He paces back and forth in front of a large screen that is playing the live feed of the Pay-Per-View.
The camera pans from behind him, to in front of him, the television screen obscured. As the camera moves around him, he notices the crew and shouts at them, looking just above the camera itself.
Deaver: Jesus, what?!
Deaver: You can’t tell that I’m trying to be left alone right now?
The crowd cheers loudly, which causes Deaver to curiously look around and pause. Behind Deaver walks the CCW World Champion Inness Quartz.
Deaver recognizes what is happening and turns to see Quartz.
Quartz: Joe.
Deaver: Hey Champ, what's up?
Quartz I am sure you were aware of what we have been dealing with for this entire year. I don’t take you as a fool.
Quartz: My former mentors, my own flesh and blood. Rust’s sister. Heather… and now Chris Greene.
Quartz: Kassidy has everything he needs right now to take this place away from me. To take it away from all of us… Well, everything except this.
Quartz holds up the CCW title and pats the faceplate firmly.
Quartz: …and he’s not going to stop until he gets it… or unless I- we finish him once and for all. What happened with Greene, it’s all too familiar for me.
Quartz: I keep fighting and fighting and fighting... but I can't kill what Kassidy Hayes has created. At least not alone..
Quartz: I figured you could use an ally. Which is good news, because team OCW always needs more soldiers. What do you say?
Deaver Well Quartz, it would be an honor to fight alongside some of the best wrestlers OCW has to offer but, I've clearly been in a slump lately. Do you really want me on your side in this?
Quartz Joe, the only power we have left in this fight is willpower. Kassidy thinks he can break us, but I can't let that happen. I know you’ve not been here a long time, and people can say whatever they want about you, but if there’s one thing that nobody can ever shake or take away from you, it’s that you believe in yourse-
Deaver ...That's the thing man, I don't believe. I used to say I was the Believer In Chief, I used to go out there and rally The Believers. I used to truly believe in myself, I used to believe in what I was doing out there. I just don't think I'm the same person that came here just over a year ago.
Quartz Your words can’t trump what’s in there.
Quartz points a tense finger into Deaver’s chest, nudging him backwards slightly.
Quartz: I don’t want you to lie to me, and you definitely shouldn’t be lying to yourself. I have seen it since day 1. You don't stop, even when you feel you're done, even when others tell you to. You just keep fighting. Keep believing.
Deaver looks away, still listening to the champion.
Quartz: That's what we need for Team OCW. We need the man that I know you are. We need the man that came out there on day 1 with a big ass sign that said "Believe In Me".
Quartz pauses as he steps to the side where Deaver is looking, meeting him eye-to-eye once more.
Quartz: Kid, you wanted Believers? Well you’ve got them. Now is not the time to lose the biggest one of all. Now is not the time to lose yourself.
Deaver You're right, Quartz, I do need to become that guy. That guy who didn't stop, didn't stop believing or fighting. I just don't know if I'll be what you guys need. Kass is in my head, and I can't let Chris go. I'll need time to think about this.
The champion nods his head and takes a step away from Deaver.
Quartz: Just think about what's gonna be best for OCW, and for Chris.
Quartz continues walking away. The thoughts racing through Deaver’s head only intensify as he slowly turns back to continue watching the show from his isolated area backstage. The scene fades as the camera slowly zooms in on the Believer in Chief.