Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

The Camera Pans To The Ramp!

We cut away to a hallway backstage, with Cort Marshall and Justin Jehst trudging along, looking morose.

I was clawing my way back, I just couldn’t quite clinch it...Well, that’s my year ending on a low note...

Cort: I can’t say anythin’, buddy. It is what it is. I think we both could use this break coming up.

Yeah, maybe. I need to train. I can’t keep letting rookie mistakes get to me.

Cort: All work and no play, huh. I dunno. I need to go home and do some thinkin’. I’m not getting any younger, y’know…

Jehst looks at him seriously.

You don’t mean…

Cort shrugs.

I don’t know. Maybe. It’s just getting hard to keep up.

Jehst: Hey now, that’s not what I’m seeing. You hear the fans after Turmoil? They’re going up on twitter saying CORT-V-P!

Jehst pumps his fist in time, trying to hype Cort up. Marshall, though, just tilts his head.

What they say and what I feel are different. It ain’t just the ego, it’s the joints…

Jehst stops angrily, grabbing Cort by the shoulder.

Jehst: You wanna know how I feel? I don’t want to come back in a month to find yet another partner has quit on me!

Cort shakes his head.

I don’t want to either. But if I can’t get my groove back I’m just holding you down.

They reach the entrance to the car park, and Cort gazes at his pickup. He tosses his keys up in the air and catches them, staring down at the gleaming metal.

Look, I’m not saying I’m gonna quit. Maybe I just need some hot dogs and hometown gossip. See the base again. Talk to some old friends. All I know right now is that I need a break… and things need to change.

He walks to his pickup, Jehst following. He opens the door, then turns to his partner.

I will be back. Just dunno in what capacity.

Jehst, stoic but clearly taken aback, simply replies…


They share a bro hug before Cort gets in and starts the motor, rattly old V8 echoing through the garage as it drives off. The camera follows the pickup before moving to Jehst, who looks on after him with clouds in his eyes. 



Thats going to do it for us for Season 15. I want to thank all the members of staff
Kent, Theo, Jake for helping to keep the ship afloat and dealing with my insanity.
I want to thank all of our commentators throught the season for adding a touch of spice to our weekly Main Events.

I want to thank all of our writers, recorders, players and handlers. You know that to run something like this on the level that we do is a hercuelean feat. Thankfully by not being stupid and lazy like other generations it helps make our lives easier in the end. A shout out to all the new rookies who seem like they have good heads on there shoulders only time will tell but they are off to a great start.

I want to thank anyone who comes to our stream our fans on youtube and twitch are top notch and we appreciate you guys showing up. I also want to thank our Patreons who help make this possible on a financial level for the first time in many years OCW is 100% supported through patreon and donations, it helps a ton and I thank you for it.

So what happens now? Now we rest we relax we chill what it is the fuck out.