Lucky is prancing around the ring.Dancing after his victory.Cobra is standing in the ring holding the back of his head.Lucky runs to the top rope to celebrate his victory.Scaggs and Poling are on the call.
Scaggs-Man this have to be embarrassing for A.C. This young man has wanted this opportunity all his life.He keeps losing match after match
Poling-Scaggs please with the sympathy this is OCW.The best wrestling in the world.
Camera is still on A.C. he turns around and goes and tap Lucky on the shoulder.Lucky turns around and A.C. extends his hands for a handshake.
Scaggs-You gotta love these rookie a little brotherly love. A.C. being a good sport.
Lucky jumps down from the ropes and goes to shake Cobra hand.As he does A.C. clothesline him and begins to stomp him out. A.C. then picks up Lucky and does some flipping pile driver maneuver.Lucky is laying there A.C. stands up and signals the ref to come in the ring.
Poling-This has got to stop.Cobra frustrated with the losing we get that but this isn't needed at all.
The ref gets back in the ring and Cobra signals the ref to the ground.He signals the ref to count.The camera zooms in ring side AC snaps to the ring side announcer to bring him the mic.The ring side announcer slides the mic in the ring.AC walks over picks up the mic.
A.C. Cobra-What are they paying you ref? 30K? 100K? You get payed every night to do the same thing over and over.Count 1...2...3... I tell you to count and you look at me like I'm stupid? Do I look stupid to you?
Crowd begins to boo.
A.C. Cobra-You had no problem counting the 1,2,3 earlier what's wrong now? Why because the match isn't official?!?!
AC turns around and begins to speak to the ring announcer.
A.C. Cobra-You ring announcer ring that damn bell!
The ring announcer slowly gets up and walks towards the bell.He stands there nervously seems rebellious but also kind of frightened.
A.C. Cobra-What the hell are you waiting for Jesus to come back?!? Ring the damn bell!!!
The ring announcer slowly lifts the gavel and rings the bell.A loud ding ding can be heard threw ought the stadium.
AC lays on Lucky who's knocked out.AC looks up at the ref.The ref lays down and counts slowly 1...2....3...
A.C. gets up and dances around the ring.The camera zooms in ringside and you can hear Cobra yelling "I did it I won!" A.C. gets up and begins to stomp out Lucky some more cowardly. He stomps him 2 or 3 times and taunts the crowd then continue stomping him.The crowd is booing left and right.
Scaggs-Nobody in the back is going to do anything? Nobody?!?
Just as Scaggs says that Reckless Kid theme comes on.He runs to the ring.A.C. slides out the ring like a coward.The camera zooms out and shows RK in the ring with Lucky and A.C. out side the ring. RK checks on Lucky to see if he's ok.
A.C. slides in the ring and RK spots him.The camera zooms in on RK.
Reckless Kid-Stay back C'mon A.C. stay...............
Before Reckless Kid can finish telling A.C. to stay back RK begins to stomps on Lucky.A.C. joins in as there both stomping Lucky and the crowd boo's.A.C. turns to RK and extends his hands. Luke gives him and hand shake and yells "C'mon" while doing it.
A.C. holds RK arms in the air and the scene fades.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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Is this the commander Reckless Kid? |
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I don't Poling but I don't like the look of this at all. |
The camera opens up in the arena restaurant, Cut-Throat is seen sat at a corner table, enjoying his pre-debut match meal, but instead of being relaxed and focus, he can be seen in the middle of a heated argument, not with a fellow diner, or a table acquaintance, but with the green sack that is placed on the chair next to him.
Cut-Throat : Ye lost it, not me...How dare ye blame me.
He pauses for a second, seemingly listening to the sacks response.
Cut-Throat : That wasn't my fault either, ye are the one that abandoned your post, I tried to save ye, and ended up wasting good rum on the head of a wench.
Again he pauses, listening intently, growing angrier every passing second.
Cut-Throat [shouting] : OF COURSE I DON'T REMEMBER WHERE THE HOLE IS!! That was the whole point!! If it was easy to find, it wouldn't be called 'hidden treasure' would it!!
Cut-Throat : But what good is a hole if we don't have any treasure to hide? And YE lost the map, not me, YE! The HMS Matsuda continues to allude me, she be a more treacherous foe than first imagined.
Cut-Throat : WHAT? No...I don't care what she thinks either, the treasure will be mine, but tonight I must get past something called a 'Reckless Kid', I have never heard of this monster before, and I am not sure how I feel about fighting a child, but, like the time I was forced to eat a bucket of hot wings with no barbecue sauce, I will overcome!!
He again pauses as the sack responds.
Cut-Throat : I be sick of your negativity!! And ye wonder why ye ended up in there in the first place!!
The camera continues to focus on the chair, as a hand reaches on-screen and grabs the sack, the scene fades as the sack is pulled out of sight and a door can be heard slamming in the background.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Did he just throw a water at his sack? |
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It was being disrespectful. |
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....... Up next a battle of the Tigers, as Tigerman takes on KING TYGA! |
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The hell is this Animal Kingdom? |
Tigerman vs King Tyga
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Tigers everywhere! |
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Drago is going to lose his mind! |
Tobin Frost sits in the locker room holding his OCW referee shirt given to him in preparation for the OCW Championship match later in the night. He looks at the shirt first with anger, as the shirt symbolizes the OCW Championship opportunity that was snatched right out of his hands.
After a moment the disgust begins to fade as he thinks about the fact that he has the fate of the OCW Championship in his hands.
As Tobin sits in silence a man walks into the locker room. As Tobin looks up and sees the man his thoughts creep back to the past Riot.
He thinks of his meeting with Cody Storm and his North American Championship match. The fact that he lost his championship as well fills Tobin with more anger as the man gets closer. Tobin stands as the man stops walking about a foot from him. It is none other than Sean McGee.
The two stand face to face and don’t say a word. You could hear a pin drop at this moment as the two men with a storied history gaze at one another. Tobin, still up set about the weeks events, is thinking about the fact that Sean walked away just as their partnership was taking off.
Sean knows that Tobin wasn’t happy about that, but Sean isn’t about to apologize for anything. Both look waiting for the other to break and say something.
After what seems like an eternity Tobin finally breaks the silence.
Tobin: Welcome back…
Tobin extends his hand to Buffness.
Sean: Glad to be back…
Sean shakes Tobin’s hand.
There is no need for either man to say anything after this show of respect. With all of the battles that the two have been through fighting each other both men know what the handshake means.
Tobin has no need to spill his thoughts to Sean. While Sean doesn’t need to go on a long monologue explaining his situation to the former NA champion. The handshake said it all for these two. With that hand shake Slam U is reunited.
Sean: Yo tonight, drop that punk Cody on his head.
Sean exits the room as Tobin looks at the referee’s shirt again. Thinking about his options for tonight. Does he go with his morals and call the match down the middle. Or does he let his feeling take over and decide for himself who is going to walk out champion.
He sits back down as the camera cuts to the hallway. Sean McGee is walking when he’s stopped by one Lexington Walker.
Lexington: Mr. McGee… Mr. McGee… imagine what we can do…
The scene fades as Lexington begins to talk to Sean.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I don't trust Lex one bit. |
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You don't trust anyone, that's why you have no friends! |