We find ourselves in Jasmin Kaffee’s abode once again as she watches the TV, almost seeming like her old self… almost. Her son is sitting next to her on the couch, but Marcus McMichaels seems to be in the other room. As Summercide rolls on, mother and son both seem to be enjoying their time together.
Atlas: Hey, mom? Why do you think Quartz keeps changing colors? Like, what causes it?
Jasmin: Hm?
Atlas: Like, I know that it’s… ‘different’ people, kinda, but I don’t know why he does it? Does that make sense?
Jasmin: I think it does, yeah. Sometimes, kiddo, people do things just because. It ain’t because they wanna do it, or they think it’s right, necessarily, it’s just their nature. I dunno if that’s what it is for Quartz, but that’d be my guess. Some people are just born a certain kind of way.
Atlas: Yeah?
Jasmin: Yeah.
The subject has made Jasmin uncomfortable, and it almost seems like she’s hiding something. Her discomfort only grows when she sees the next segment on television- it’s Dr. Langley.
Atlas: Hey, isn’t that your doctor?
Jasmin looks shell-shocked as the interview with Marcus McMichaels plays out, and upon hearing the accusations regarding her parenting, she almost goes pale. Atlas, hearing that, becomes equally disturbed.
Atlas: Why is your doctor on the TV? Why is she talking about all this stuff?
Jasmin doesn’t respond, instead getting off the couch and making her way to the front door, grabbing her keys and a baseball cap on the way out.
Atlas: Mom? Are you okay? Where are you going?
Jasmin: Nowhere, sweetie, I just need to get some fresh air.
The door slams shut, and the camera cuts away shortly after.
We turn back to the General Manager’s office as EMP and Spider prepare their presentation. Emp holds a remote but it doesn’t seem to work when she pushes one of the buttons.
EMP: What the f***, I thought you were a computer expert!
RYU: I told you, the only thing I know how to do on this thing is watch Charity on stream!
Seated opposite them are the COO Drago Cesar and General Manager Tiberius Dupree. Drago sighs and puts his shades on, leaning his head back while sipping on a good cold beer. Dupree’s eyes are still puffy from their last encounter.
Dupree: This is PHREAKING ridiculous. I am NOT about to sit through a Valmont beatdown sized Powerpoint. My Summer was taken from me and this feels like DEJA VU!
EMP: Ahem, WELCOME one and all to our case study on the injustices performed on ME and only ME in this trash heap of a federation.
Drago / Dupree both sigh
RYU: Me too!
EMP: Yes. But let’s make it more about ME. Let’s go back to where it all began. Riot 521. My debut against A-Ruth.
RYU: Air Rays?
EMP: NO. A-Ruth. Look at what happened here.
The projector shows the finish to the match, with Ted counting the pin quite slowly after Aerith performs the GTS on Empress.
EMP: That was a fast count! There was no way I should’ve lost that. My shoulders didn’t even touch the mat!
EMP points to Dupree and Drago.
EMP: And it was all because of YOU, YOU SEXIST PIGS. If it wasn’t for Dupree, I would’ve won that match in twenty seconds blindfolded!
Dupree groans in frustration, looking at Drago.
Dupree: Are you seeing this???
Drago’s expression is unchanged, his eyes remaining focused on the projector screen.
Drago: Yep.
He takes another sip of his beer.
EMP: Moving on…
EMP pulls up footage of Road 2 Glory 2018’s main event: Kassidy Hayes vs. Sean McGee. The footage shows Kass hitting the Cessation on Sean through the top of the cell, plunging him down into the mat below. Dupree winces.
Dupree: Kneesus CHRIST!
EMP: Look at this. Sensation’s RACIALLY driven motives are clearly at play here. If we had an honest and fair person in charge (like me) this would’ve never happened.
Sean wouldn’t have to retire to that old fart at Wrestlution. And because Sensation did this, it’s all YOUR FAULT TOO. THIS IS WHY I DIDN’T MAIN EVENT LUTION.
Dupree starts to feel physically ill from all the mediocrity. He turns once again to Drago, who is still laser focused on the screen.
Dupree: Please…do something, make it stop.
Drago: Relax. Let the woman speak.
Dupree: My Summer.........again....
The camera fades!