It’s been quite some time since The Blue Show has seen something in Hard 2 Obtain Definition.
One of my most memorable battles sparked a rivalry, in which of course, I’ve ended...Blackbeard.
Unfortunately, tonight Turmoil 200 cannot witness my full illumination without The Good Light in my possession. I will take care of Bobby Minio after tonight.
Throughout the evening I walked through Turmoil’s halls silently. I watched Capo prepare himself like a champion.
Valkyrie, you’re so cute. If you were any taller your face would perfect regulation height.
H2O puts his hand waist high of his True Religion jeans.
I’d hoped to bump into some Old Country players like my man Leon, Malu and even that scum of the earth Jackson Montgomery but to no avail.
Wait of minute who is this? A member of DeBarge?
Oh no, it’s not him! He makes me chuckle all the time!
B-17 is in the hallway doing a workout routine much like Richard Simmons. H2O breaks out to a song….
H2O: ”When it feels like the world is on your shoulders”...And all the madness has got you going crazy…”
B17 perks up. Eyes wide, his feet start tapping.
B17: “It's time to get out step out into the street…
Where all of the action is right there at your feet!”
Dogs would howl at the screech of B17’s rendition, but H20 is undeterred.
B17/H20: “Well I know a place where we can dance the whole night away...Underneath electric stars!”
B17 claps with joy as Harvey fixes his shirt and regains his composure.
B17: Yes! It is so good to see you, Scuba Harvey. The Dihydrogen Monoxide the scientifically predisposed may call you. Are you here to bask in the glow of my night of Living Bingo Color?
H2O: It’s good to see you as well. Although, The Glow of your night is almost as equivalent to Harvey’s Good Light. ALMOST!
B17 frowns in a bit a disappointment.
H2O: Now now don’t you fret because tonight I’m here to support your glow in winning The CCW Championship from its renter, Austin Lee.
By the looks of B17 body language he is now intrigued by The carrier of The Good Light.
H2O: You and Harvey has something in common, B17. We both had to endure and accomplished success thru a rough terrain of tournaments that we had to endure.
H2O: In a disrespectful fashion, The OCW Wormhole had the audacity to put Austin ahead of you in The Power Rankings! I’ve just come to realize that The Wormhole doesn’t recognize hard work when they see it.
H2O: But Harvey sees it in you, B17. Take what’s rightfully yours and…Gloooow!
H2O looks up to the ceiling as B17 looks confused.
He looks at the ceiling and then Harvey. He just shrugs his shoulders and joins him side by side to look up at the ceiling with him.
Harvey puts his arm around him and gives him a brother hug and with his other arm he just slowly raises it into the light.
H2O: You see that brother?
B17: Mr. Ohhh. You have gained another member of the “just add water fan club”.
B17 shakes H20’s hand with rigorous happiness.
H2O goes to pull away, continuing his quest, but B17 pulls him back, and looks down at H20’s clasped hand.
B17: You have such smooth skin, what moisturizer do you use?
This was the type of thing they were talking about with him. They think he’s a switch hitter, metro (you know), likes to swerve in the middle of the road kinda guy.
Ok, I have to stop looking at him funny before he thinks I don’t like him anymore.
Quick, show him you have confidence in your sss (you know).
H2O pulls his hand away slowly from B17.
H2O: Ocean Breeze. It’s a bath scrub product made by Lush. Made just for men like yours truly. “O” nat-true-al.
Oh dear God I hope that wasn’t inviting!
B17: Mmm. My boys would find it...Bewitching.
H2O backs away slowly.
H2O: Welp, I’m going to go find my seat. Good luck tonight and remember….
H2O breaks into another song and points a finger to B17.
H2O: “You got the glooooow….”
B17 points right back at Harvey and goes back to his pre match warm up as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Haha I love it! |
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Oooooof! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He got all of it! |
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Did he ever! |
Ragnarath was in his locker room watching some of the matches that were going on during Turmoil 200 strapping his ankle he heard a knock at his door walking to the door he opened it and walked out.
Stacey: Hey Ragnarath can I get your thoughts on your chance in tonight's Pride championship title match tonight?
Ragnarath: Sure I have a 25 percent chance of winning this match maybe a little more maybe a little less this match ultimately comes down to who is in the right position at the right time it comes down to experience and both Archer and Jimmy have it spades if I am going to come down with the title making sure they can do as little damage as possible is the key to winning.
Stacey was about to say something as someone approached them.
Archer: Ah! It’s the man whose only accomplishment has been to clean up his dirty face! You and I have a little unfinished business if I remember rightly…
Archer chuckles.
Archer: The idea of you conducting business amuses me.
Ragnaroth: You better…
Archer cuts Ragnaroth off, shouting at him whilst pointing down towards his Italian leather shoes.
Archer: I’m sorry! I cannot hear you over the sound of how expensive my shoes are! Perhaps you should try having more than fifteen bucks in your bank account, I might be able to understand you then!
Ragnaroth: You know Archer… Not everything is measured in wealth and not everything that glitters is gold, just look at Invictus.
Archer: I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, Invictus is fine, it’s great, it’s beautiful, it’s a wonderful utopia of friendship and joy! So you shut your welfare sucking mouth before I slap you so hard that I double your net worth!
The pair look like they’re going to come to blows when they are stopped in their tracks by the confusing sound of some Italian walk on music. The camera pans sideways to show Capo Genevieve grinning widely.
Capo: Fellas, fellas… There’s no need to be upset.
Archer: Tell me how you made that music play pizza man! Have you stuck a radio up your cannelloni?
Capo:....Sigh, still playing this childish games Archer...Why couldn’t this be a table match? I been feeling like putting jerk-offs like you through one.
Capo: I promise not to take a dump on youse guys when I’m swinging in the air, balls dangling--clutchin the loot!!! #TEABAGS TO ALL OF YOUSE!! #TEABAG CITY BABY!!!
Archer: I don't understand why you'd want to soil yourself but… No, I could never thank someone like you. I appreciate your sentiment. Now if you excuse me, this feels a little too much like the United Nations… Good day!
Archer departs, leaving Capo and Ricky alone.
Capo:.....What the hell is wrong with him? Guy walks like he has too much starch in his tighty whities…
Rickly chuckles as Capo salutes him and wishes him luck.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This one is gonna be wild! |
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You said it! |
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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He nailed that with Authority! |
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Who you telling? |
We find ourselves backstage in the Invictus dressing room, it’s full, sort of. There is no B-17 and more alarmingly, no Austin Lee. Archer is on the phone shouting.
Archer: No! I don’t know how long it would take to convert an escalator into a ladder, but I need it tonight! I do not LIKE ladders! I do not want to have to climb the ladder… Hello? HELLO?! HELLOOOOOOOOO!?!?!?!
Archer continues shouting at his phone before looking up at the monitor that tells him to start preparing for the match.
Archer: Nooooooooooooooo! How can this happen to me? I’m rich!
Archer grumbles and goes back to his locker, stowing away his possessions before leaving to continue his match preparation, or hopefully to get a portable elevator installed for his match. A loud sigh permeates the chatter, coming from Jacob Trance who, also, is using his phone.
Trance: I can’t believe he’s not here yet…
The door clicks open and in walks a smiling Aerith, fresh from having won her debut match. Jacob stands just in time to catch his wife as she flings himself at him with a hug.
Aerith: I did it! Did you see?
Trance:I did, well done… How’s your back?
Aerith frowns as she’s set down, looking up at her husband.
Aerith: It’s a little stiff, but it’ll be fine…
Trance: I don’t understand why you shook her hand after doing that.
Aerith: Well… You used to always say to Tommy and I that sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for yourself… I thought that was one of those times, and she sort of gave me the chance to put on a show.
Trance: And what a show… I’m proud of you. I’m just distracted… Austin’s not here yet, have you seen Karissa? Maybe she knows what he’s doing.
Aerith smiles.
Aerith: You can ask her yourself, she’s coming here to celebrate with me.
Trance scratches his beard, staring a hole at the wall, prompting his wife to snap her fingers.
Aerith: Earth to Jacob, hello.
Jacob blinks, shaking the cobwebs from his head.
Trance: Sorry.
The door opens again and in walks Karissa, Aerith flings herself at her as well and they both spin around, squealing like only excited white girls can.They eventually calm down to a degree, grinning wildly at one another.
Aerith: I did it!
Karissa: You sure did!
Aerith smiles before asking the important question: So Jake and I were wondering… Have you heard from Austin?
Karissa’s facial expression begins to change as the smile faded away into more of annoyed look on her face.
Karissa: Oh so that's why you keep me around huh? I get it now, I was brought here to just keep an eye on Austin?
Karissa steps back pushing Aerith away from her.
Karissa: You all just want me to sit around be the dumb klutz to entertain you people and keep track of everything for you all.
Karissa: Know what I'm sick of it, not going to pretend to be something I am not anymore, I'm not just some dumb klutz you hear me!!!
Karissa let's out a loud scream.
Karissa: Screw all of you I am out of here.
Karissa storms out slamming the door behind her.
Trance: So was that a yes or a no on if she has seen Austin?
Aerith: Not now Jake… I'll go… I'll go try and speak with her.
Aerith follows after Karissa, her face worried.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I guess she is still sore about Dragana! |
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You are sucha chatty patty! |