The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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Welcome everyone to a historic night! |
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Welcome to Turmoil 200!! |
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We have an amazing show for you tonight! |
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Lets not even talk about it lets get to it! |
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Cactus enters the ring and the original Watering Hole set has been placed in the center of the ring. The Watering Hole bar sat in the middle with an old bar stool in the front of the bar.
Cactus enters the ring and grabs his mic before walking to the back of the bar and taking out a small glass full of ice. After taking out his favorite bourbon and pouring himself a drink, he walks to the front to toast to the Turmoil Universe.
The crowd is chanting “Cacti - Watering Hole - Cacti - Watering Hole”
Cactus: Miss me?
A pop from the overbooked arena as the Turmoil Universe has crowded in for the once in a lifetime show.
Cactus: Well, truth be known, I haven’t really missed this place.
Cactus takes another drink and finishes off his bourbon before placing it down on the bar.
Cactus: No, I haven’t missed this drama-filled, ego-ran, group of misfits one bit.
Cactus: But you guys…
Cactus: Now you guys, I missed.
Cactus: You see I don’t miss that locker room because they threw me away just as quickly as they accepted me in.
The next red hot rookie fathead who walks in the arena and grabs a mic to host a show gets applauded like they solved cancer.
Cactus: Speaking of cancer, since when did B-17 become the voice of this place?
Didn’t he try to destroy it?
Now he runs it?
I’ll need another drink or two before I can wrap my brain around that one.
Cactus: It does feel good to be back in my old set, hosting the award winning, Turmoil original show - The Watering Hole!
Crowd cheers.
Cactus: Now I am glad my fellow Gentlemans Club brother is back and trying to knock off the ring rust. This place needs a good man like him here to bring some honor to that locker room.
Cactus: As I began thinking of my return for this very special show, I thought to myself, Cacti - who is worth of being put over on the best show, best interviewer, and most entertaining storyteller in the game today?
Cactus: Well, that answer was easy.
Cactus: No one. Not one dang person back there deserves to be out here with me on this special night, but this show is special and it deserves a real Watering Hole.
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Cactus offers Valmont a seat at the bar as Cactus walks to the back and fixes a drink.
Cactus: Vincent, welcome to the Watering Hole.
Vincent: Thanks for having me here tonight. You got any tequila?
Cactus: I think so my overly tatted friend.
Cactus looks through his bar, finds a clear bottle and pours a small amount in a glass before sliding it over to Vincent.
Cactus: Vincent, help remind the people, this new generation in the locker room, and anyone else who’s been living their life on welfare - what your history is here at Turmoil.
Vincent: Sure I don't mind. Well to keep long story short I'll say I got my first big break my debut on one of the very first Turmoil shows ever.
Vincent: Back when I actually had the best blonde hair around or a lot less tatts.
(Valmont laughing)
Vincent: It's funny to think that was over 10 years ago.
I lost to none other than Malu.
Back when he was probably 200 pounds heavier. I bounced back afterwards, and the rest is history for my journey on Turmoil.
Vincent: I will say the rookie class I came into OCW with at that time was simply amazing. Impossible to try to compare with other rookie classes from different eras.
Cactus: Why did you come back, why now, what is it that you have left to prove or even what do you have left in the tank?
Vincent: I been telling myself different reasons in my head for years why I should return... why I shouldn't. In the end I'm a fighter I love to compete, and beat the best there is to offer.
Vincent: I walked away last time because I didn't felt needed. I wasn't myself, and it showed. Beyond that it was the fighter in myself that wanted to be inside a ring, but not for just anyone.
Vincent: I wanted to be where I was born at. In sense I wanted to be back home. To fill that empty void in me that never left no matter what I tried to fill it with.
Vincent: As for the timing I guess there wasn't any timing to it. I just returned after many of years debating against it.
Vincent: I seen what OCW has evolved into it, and was impressed. I was interested in the vast majority of the young talent that has stepped into the long history of many others that has joined before them.
Vincent: OCW evolved because the roster did. This roster has my attention. They're all hungry, they all want to be the best, and don't mind getting dirty to do it.
Vincent: All it takes is one moment in a career to change your future forever, and watching this roster made me feel again what that feeling was like.
Vincent: To strive for greatness again as if there was never a Vincent Valmont to begin with, and this is fresh start, a new beginning for me, and I wanted it now.
Vincent: No more waiting or delaying the inevitable.
Vincent: Lastly I wouldn't be here if I didn't think without a shadow of doubt I wasn't at 100 percent my old self inside a ring. If I didn't think I couldn't compete I wouldn't give up, I keep trying, improve, and get better.
Vincent: Train my ass off, and prove that I do have a lot left in this tank of mine.
Vincent: I been gone 4 long years, and I know I'm not past my glory days, but only still in my prime. I win some, I lose some, but I live to fight another day!
Cactus wipes a fake tear.
Cactus: That’s a very touching story Vincent. I think it’s safe to say that we are all moved by your touching story telling.
Cactus: But speaking of wins and losses, I think I have someone who wants to come out and say hello.
The Camera Pans To The Ramp!
Captain Alex grabs a mic before giving his good buddy Cactus the Too Sweet.
Captain: Vincent, I want you to know how much I respect your story. How much I respect your history here in the OCW. I also respect your skills in the ring.
Captain: I’d also like to challenge you again to another match. I don’t care when, I don’t care where, and I don’t care how.
I’ll let you and the people smarter than me decide those things. I just want another shot at you.
Captain puts out his hand to shake.
Captain: With respect of course.
The two men shake hands as Cactus walks between the two and raises both of their hands to a pop from the crowd.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Looks like we have a rematch! |
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I wonder when hmmm? |
Capo sits in an office with Gene sitting across from him. He is in full gear for his match tonight. Gene sits with a nice business attire on. She is taking notes.
Capo: Ok, so just so we are clear. How many questions are you to ask them?
Gene: 3, very short, and open ended so that they can feel free to express themselves.
Capo: What do you do if they get long winded?
Gene: Quickly laugh, cut them off and end the convo as fast as possible.
Capo: Are you sure you can handle this? I appreciate you for doing this for me.
Gene: I got this Cap!! I know just what to ask!
Capo: Genie, please stick to the script...Ok, I gotta go…
The two embrace as Gene smacks Capo on the rear.
Gene makes her way into the backstage at Turmoil 200. She quickly finds Capo’s camera crew all ready to go. She leads them to the men’s locker room and eagerly anticipates her first Speak Easy interviewee.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Is it still a Speak Easy without Capo! |
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Why are you Sexist? |
Rookie Rush Returns
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What a match! |
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What a finish! |
Wrex: Episode two hundred.
Wrex can be seen sitting on one of the benches inside one of the communal locker rooms inside the building, dressed up for a change in an (albeit very dirty) suit as he watches the show on a small TV along with the awful viewers at home.
Two hundred episodes of Turmoil.
A beer still attached to it's security tag in hand with the ol' case close still by his side all these months later.
Wrex: A show filled with the legends that started it all, and the new blood that climbed on the bandwagon with them, all this time later. And yet something seems to be missing from it. Can you guess?
Wrex reaches into a pocket and takes out his phone, setting a quick timer.
As it reaches zero and the beep begins he continues his rantings.
Wrex I signed my developmental deal with this place in October 2016, debuted jerking the curtain of the twelvth anniverary show, and started on this show a week later filling in for another scottish flake.
Episode One. Four. Three, and over fifty seven episodes later, with barely any time taken off. Here I sta- well sit.
Wrex Half that card is people I've never heard of. And the other is mostly people I've beat.
Wrex So, would someone like to explain why Im not on it?
?? I can take some guesses.
The camera pans to the announcing ying to Wrex's abusive yang. Jim Black.
Jim Black: Could be how much you've tried to run the product and the staff behind through the dirt.
Wrex Prove me w-
Jim: Maybe has something to do with how much you endanger all the other workers.
Wrex: They would've don-
Jim Black: Or maybe it's because no one here really likes you.
Wrex jumps to his feet and straight into Jims face.
Wrex: Do you think I give a shit about what people think of me!?
Think the thoughts of some mark keeps me up at night?
I didn't come here to make friends, I didn't come here to gain fans.
Jim Black: Why did you come here then? Be seen as the best in the world?
Jim Black:
Take over the company like every other new guy wants to?
Wrex: Jimmy, I don't care about being the "best" or shaping the company in my image like every rookie that claims to be gods gift then loses to a bunny or a clown and runs off to some shithole indie to repeat the cycle.
Wrex: My reason?
Myself, It's all in the song Jim, I'm here for the paycheck, I'm here to look out for number one.
Me! And If I need to cheat my way to the top to get all that for myself. Then it's what I got to do. And I've got my tools with me at all times. My time is coming Jim, my moment is waiting.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Could tonight be the night? |
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You never know! |
The crowd cheers as FloJo appears in the scene with a smirk on her face.
FloJo: Hiii Gene, long time, no see!!
Gene: Bitch you see ME!!! SHININ!!! What the hell do you want? Do you remember how badly Showblitz beat yo-
Flojo: blah blah blah grand ma pannies!!! Valkyrie is gonna have your asses shook tonight.
Gene: Don’t catch a beat down on PPV little boi!!
Flojo: By the way, how are those ESL classes going? I swear I had to hit the SAP button every time you speak.
Gene: Firt----Firsssst of all... How dare you come into my show area and start talking trash lil boi?
Gene: Tixx has a high profile match tonight and I don't mind beating your little Carolina ass.
Flojo Speaking of asses, why do you have all hips and no ass? Haha
Gene: Lil boi, you got 5 secs to get out of my face before it becomes this becomes the Gene Invitational..
Flojo: Whatever…. You walk like you got a bullet in your ass.
Flojo: byyyyeeee...Oh!...Tell Capo I said hi for me. K, thanks!
Gene stares in anger as Flojo races off….”Bitches these days”...
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well dam! |
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Safe to say those 2 are not fans of each other! |
Backstage at Turmoil 200, Cort Marshall barges through a door in the locker room, Christian Shepherd following behind.
Cort: ... and so I told her, you can take your subway fare and shove it where your husband can’t reach!
Cort laughs as Shep just sighs.
Shep: And now you’re banned from public transport in New York. Congrats, did you win?
Cort guffaws.
Cort: Damn right I won! Just like I won on Riot 500!
???: Your momma ever tell you pride was a sin?
Cort and Shep look around, confused.
Cort: Did you say that?
Shep shakes his head.
Cort: Well, I didn’t say that. Which means…
The Steve pops into frame behind Cort and Shepherd.
The Steve: The Steve said that.
Cort and Shep jump back a step, facing their interruptor.
Cort: How do you keep sneaking up on me!?
The Steve: The Steve moves in many ways, young padawan.
Cort: I’m about to move my fist in many--
But Shep interrupts him by extending his hand towards The Steve.
Shep: Excuse my tag partner… I’m a big fan. That was a great match.
The Steve raises an eyebrow and shakes Shep’s hand.
The Steve: Seems to The Steve that you might have something to learn from your tag partner, Mr. Marshall.
Cort crosses his arms and stares, pouting. In an american way.
Cort: Maybe. But why are you here?
The Steve: Is The Steve not legally allowed to be anywhere The Steve pleases? I simply wished to catch a milestone show, ringside.
Shep: Actually, that’s why we were here. It was Cort’s idea...
Cort: I’m not a mark. It’s reconnaissance!
Shep: Uh-huh.
The Steve: Looks like we have ourselves a coincidence.
Cort: Coincidences are a myth. It’s all part of their plan to make you complacent, man!
Shep: Hell, why don’t we catch the show together? There’s free beer for employees, right?
Cort: More like free water. But yes.
The Steve: The Steve has no problem with this. As long as The Cort can keep his mouth The Shut.
Cort: We will “The See.”
Shep: Guys, guys, next match is starting…
And so, the three men make their way down to ringside to watch the Turbo Too Sweet Turmoil Two Hundred Spectacular!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Now this is interesting! |
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It's an invasion of privacy! |