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B17 and Doc Green stand apart on opposite sides of a room. OCW ring officials, including their referee for the night stood between them. Mr.Sensation Sensation entered the room and the chatter stopped.
Mr.Sensation: I'm gonna make this short and simple. This is the OCW Championship you are fighting for. The most prestigious title in my damn company. OCW legends have held this championship. Nate Ortiz, Paul Pugh, Aries and others.
Mr.Sensation glares are both competitors and points at their ref.
Mr.Sensation: You will have a clean match, there will be no bullshit. If this man tells you to break, you sure as hell listen. If he tells you to get back in the ring, you get back in the damn ring. He says, you do. Understood?
Doc Green stares in B17’s soul, processing the atrocities committed by this man against himself and his wrestling family. His eyes scan the room, paying close attention to the same protectors to B17 who were present at the press conference days earlier… then down at his championship.
Doc: Understood.
He smiles at the belt he worked so hard to achieve.
B17: Yeah.
Mr.Sensation: Good.
Mr.Sensation turns to leave, leaving the two in the hands of the officials placed to keep the peace.
B17: There is one thing. When I win, make sure my coronation is one that OCW will never forget.
Mr.Sensation storms through the door.
Doc: This is mine, you know that. My championship, my moment, and you’re not going to take it away from me; any means necessary.
B17: Those are my fans. My love. I'm going to remind them why tonight. That means your moment ends, a brief blip in OCW and mine continues, as it should!
The two part ways as B17 is ushered out by his bodyguards as Doc makes his way out of an opposite exit.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Previously Recorded
In a dimly lit room sits Nate Ortiz. Surround him are relics of OCW’s past plastered on the walls. Pictures of the likes of Nick Kage, Versus, Guy Fausto, and Majin. Nate holds in his hands a pair of boots belonging to OCW Hall of Famer Sideshow the Klown.
Nate: You die a hero… or you live long enough to become the villain.
Nate stands as the room becomes a little lighter. You see images of Mr. Sensation kicking Nate to cost him the OCW Championship. Paul Pugh piledriving Nate at Wrestlution 10, Parker delivering a Truth Siren to Nate at Wrestlution 12, Drago delivering the Double Drago at Wrestlution 11.
Nate: Two men have been here since the birth of Wrestlution and still stand now. Nate Ortiz and Jaysin Sensation.
Nate continues to move walking past his jackets from victories over Deano Horse, for the International Championship, and Nick Kage at Wrestlutions 3 and 4.
Nate: Despite everything that has gone on between us and the end of the day he was a father to me. But that’s gone now, for the opportunity to step in the ring for one more round with the two men that come closest for what I’ve accomplished here. Not just that but in the house that I built.
Nate stops as he reaches two images. One of himself holding the OCW Championship after defeating Tyranny in the first Wrestlution Main Event. In the second Nate is laid out on the floor as confetti falls in celebration of Versus pinning Nate, to become the second OCW Champion, in an impromptu match right after.
Nate: Wrestlution was the beginning of my story.
Nate pulls the picture of Versus down as he continues to speak.
Nate: My story is one of extreme highs and lows but at the end of the day I’ve always risen to the top. My father doesn’t believe in me anymore. But I’ve proven time and time again that there is no one better than me in that ring.
Nate: For all the talk that Pugh and Dupree give it eats away at both of them that everything they’ve done I’ve done it before them, more than than them, and at a higher level. But that doesn’t erase the fact that the last two times I stepped in the ring with them, they were the ones to have their hands raised.
Nate: Failure, losing is apart of any heroes journey. But in the end they come out on the other side better for it. But when a hero has been around long enough sometimes the people turn on that hero. Even when that hero becomes the villain in the eyes of the people the hero still saves them.
Nate: Tonight this hero will do whatever it takes to bring the win home tonight for the people. For his family. For himself. If it means I put on the black hat tonight so be it.
Nate puts the picture of Versus back on the wall.
Nate: All of the heroes of the golden era are ghost now except for me. The man who’s not afraid to sweat, not afraid to bleed. The white hat, the dark knight, whatever OCW needs.
Nate takes a deep sigh.
Nate: The golden boy, The Franchize Nate Ortiz!
Our camera hurries backstage. There’s all types of debris layed out in the hallways. Garbage, chairs, lighting fixtures the whole nine yards.
Thru twist and turns throughout the corridors we hear man screaming obscenities. When we finally get thru all the wreckage we find Harvey Ocean out back in the parking garage next to a huge green dumpster with KD and Tyson.
KD: Don’t do this Harvey.
Cyborg: I came back to OCW because of you. It’s because of you I’ve became a champion with KD. Don’t do this!
H2O looks somber. He is standing there holding and staring at his custom made jacket “Head Superstar of The World”.
H2O: There’s nothing more I can say to you gentlemen. Actually…..
H2O lifts his head and looks at his worried friends.
H2O: ...there is something I could say….
H2O throws his jacket in the dumpster. Tyson and KD looks shocked.
H2O: I’m sorry.
H2O walks away from them and heads up towards the exit ramp.
KD: Where do you think you’re going, Harvey!
H2O keeps walking out of the arena leaving KD and Tyson dazed as to what may have unfolded right before their very eyes as the scene fades.
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