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The scene opens in the backstage area. The new OCW Women’s Champion Valkyrie is standing next to Stacy Clark.
Stacy:Valkyrie, what are your thoughts on …
Valkyrie: I DID IT! I was right all along Stacy! Fairy Tales! They always have a Happy Ending! YES!
Valkyrie: In the darkest moment of my career I managed to pull the biggest upset in the women’s division history! Nobody thought I was going to win! But I did!
Valkyrie stops for a moment. She places the Women’s championship belt on her left shoulder.
Valkyrie: Fairy Tales always have a Happy Ending, Stacy. I said it the first day I joined this place and today I proved it to the entire world. But…
She shakes her head.
Valkyrie: To be fair, even though this Fairy Tale ended well, I wasn’t the Hero my fans deserved. I lost faith. I doubted myself and I should not have done that. I thought about leaving OCW... I was almost a quitter!
Valkyrie: But that doesn’t matter now. I’m here. I’m at the top. And I am here to stay.
Stacy: Listen Valkyrie. We saw tonight how Ashley Moore immediately tried to cash in her FI contract after the match. We also know that Empress is next in line for a title shot. How does it feel to have a huge target on your back?
Valkyrie: Having a target on my back is something I’m used to by now. Empress and Ashley have been ganging up on me since January... And now they are going to do everything in their power to make me lose my Championship.
Valkyrie: Ashley is mean, wicked and unpredictable. The perfect FI holder, we could say. The cheapest and scummiest way to get her hands on a title! By preying on a wounded champion!
Valkyrie: And what about Empress! We all know she will stop at nothing to become the new face of the women’s division. Don’t get me wrong, she is strong and talented, but she is also a terrible role model for kids! And I cannot allow her to become the new Champion.
Valkyrie: And let’s not forget about Blaine. She will be back one day, asking for a rematch. I pulled it off tonight but who knows if I’ll be able to do it again next time!
Valkyrie stops again and takes a look at her Championship belt. Her image is reflecting on the silver plates.
She is smiling.
She is smiling for the first time in four months.
Valkyrie: Wrestlution XIII is the Happy Ending to my Fairy Tale. Tonight we celebrate and starting from tomorrow it will be time for my Happily Ever After.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The scene opens on the backstage interview area, one of the previous match participants just having wrapped up as a slightly worse for wear Wrex is dragged along by Fury and Mistico in front of the cameras before sliding down the wall to the ground.
Wrex: Three and a half years I waited for this, three and a half year waiting for the chance to finally end what me and him started on turmoil all that time ago. And its finally over, and yet I don’t feel complete, I don’t feel fulfilled. You’d think that wouldn't you? Finally pulling the thorn out of your side and pile driving it off an apron.
Wrex can't help but try to laugh before grabbing his gut.
Wrex: Fuck.. what happened to you Lee, where was the bastard I asked for? Cause I didn’t see him. I came here tonight expecting war, expecting destruction and this is what you gave me? Was this your final attempt at mocking me? Stealing the real Lee from me and giving me this substitute?
Wrex: Where is he Lee? Where’s the real Austin I came to kill? That wasn’t him..
Wrex: All that work, all those mind games, you know how hard it was to actually find your house? All that to bring out the killer I knew you were, the killer I met January 27th 2017.
Wrex: I came here to avenge two years of failure, erase the memory of the moments you took from me, fill it with new ones.. I guess this should be a good moment though shouldn’t it? Erasing the legacy of Austin Lee, ending this little streak he liked to talk about behind the scenes, but it isn't. All I saw tonight was a man who lost it trying one last desperate attempt to find himself, and failing to do it. I didn’t end Austin Lee tonight, I freed him.
Wrex: Its finally over, Lee me and you are finished. I proved who the better one of us is. Go home to your family, I’ll take good care of Turmoil. You’re relieved of your duties, we’re free now..
Wrex: Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a show to look over.
The scene comes to an end with Fury helping Wrex back up to his feet and acting as a crutch as they leave the interview area.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Mad Man actually did it!
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Oh my goodness! |
We return to the locker room of #Austin Lee.
Slowly unwinding the tape from his right hand throwing it on the ground as he makes his way towards the showers. The water echoing throughout the empty locker room , no friends, no family. Just #Austin Lee alone trapped with his own thoughts.
Waiting for the shower to heat up as he stares into the mirror placed above the sink. Just blankly staring at his own reflection.
Not even blinking as the steam from the shower begins to fog the mirror, just cleaning it off as he continues to stare. Going through the same motions over and over again as he continues to just stare at his reflection.
Cleaning the mirror yet again as a smile grows across his face only to be covered by the fog. Only this time #Austin Lee delivers a straight right hand. Shattering the mirror directly over his reflection, cutting his hand as blood begins to slowly drip out into the sink.
#Austin looks down at the blood dripping into the sink, sliding his finger through it as he draws a smile back on his shattered reflection...
#Austin Lee: I'm Free……
The steam from the shower covering the camera lenses as the screen fades to black.
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