OCWFED.com Presents Riot


The scene opens to the camera being focused on the entrance to the boiler room of the arena. One man is seen crouching by the door, the camera focusing on the man revealing it to be General Raze.

General Raze: According to the Recon, this where he dwells..well lets do this!

The General gets in a ready position and then kicks the door open, charging in


The General comes to a stop, looking around, seeing there is no one around. Two small cages are seen against the wall, a few buckets here and there, and a small cot. The General strolls over to the cot and leaves a note on the cot and marches out of the room.

The camera zooms in on the note: You may not be here now but you will be in the ring with me at Certified Greatness. I WILL AVENGE MY GRENADES AND STOP YOUR INJUSTICES!!!


We get it, the Grenades

I don't think you understand. His grenades are his testicles.



Our acting BOSS Leonheart is backstage in his office. His desk is filled with tissues. You can see that Leonheart is clearly quite poorly as he sips some herbal tea. On the right of him are his inhalers for his asthma. Leon quietly talks to himself.

 “I should be at home resting but nay, as the guiding light of this company I am here, ready to work. Why because I lead by example, and yet I remain to be unappreciated by these degenerate savages!

Leonheart starts to cough; he picks up a tissue and coughs into it loudly, damn near coughed up a lung. Leonheart puts his head down on the desk for a second but all of a sudden his door slams open, the SON of GOD enters.

Cody Storm:
 “ha-HA!!! Leon did you see that!?”

Leonheart doesn’t respond. Cody pounds on the desk right next to Leon's prone head.

Cody Storm:

Leonheart slowly looks up to Cody with a look in his eyes that only the Son of God would dare play the staring game with.

Cody Storm:
 “I asked if you saw that.”

 “You attacking Sean?”

Leon begins to cough again.

Cody Storm:
 “No, Tobin Frost coming out to the ring. What kind of B.S. is that? What right does he have to get involved in Cerberus affairs?”

 “I guess Sean made some new friends.”

Cody Storm:
 “Funny, just a few months ago it was me standing between the two of them trying to keep Sean from maiming the man in cold blood. Nevertheless, CERBERUS IS NO MORE!.”

Leon's eyes narrow seemingly placing the blame at Storm's feet.

 “I would say so after that attack on Sean.”

Cody Storm:
 “We where done a long time ago, I just did what needed to be done. Besides, you have no right to talk about backstabbing partners. I was just doing what you would have done yourself! That is in your prime!

Leon completely ignores the not so veiled insult and keeps on going, still hoping to get some bit of guilt to show itself in Cody.

 “The only difference is Cody, I picked the right moments. Cold and calculating, where as you have the subtly of a Bar Mitzvah.

Cody Storm: BAR MITZVAH TANK!!!!

Cody Storm:
 “There's never a wrong moment when you're The Son of God! I want what I deserve Leon, and I deserve it all! I am untouchable, I am damn near undefeated where as Sean, he loses, and yet his name is still tossed around like he's the second coming of yours truly. But you're the man in power here, what more do I have to do to get what I deserve? You need to do what is right for this company Leon. Think of the Marquee! THE SON OF GOD, THE FACE OF OCW!, THE CHAMPION OF GOD! Together WE WILL BE RICH BEYOND ALL MEASURE!!!!!

Leonheart once again starts coughing.

Cody Storm:
 “I am asking you a question.”

Leonheart goes to grab his inhaler but The Son of God snatches it from the table wagging his finger to and fro.

Cody Storm:

Leonheart stares a hole through THE SON OF GOD, as he goes into his drawer and pull out another inhaler. As he puffs he makes sure his middle finger is extended! 

Cody Storm:
 “Damn it!”

Leonheart looks annoyed.

 “You, you, I have no words, to deny a man his inhaler? What kind of monster are you? You trying to kill me? because if you are, you suck at it.”

Cody Storm:
 “People have been trying to kill you for years, you'll be fine. Listen, Leon I just want what I deser…”

Leonheart cuts Cody off.


Cody Storm stands in tight-lipped silence.

 “What you deserve is a match Cody. A match at Certified Greatness against....Sean McGee! You want what you deserve? Then let’s see if you can beat Sean in a fair fight. Now get out of my office.”

Cody Storm just looks at Leon.


Cody Storm who once again feels a bit defeated at not having "It All" leaves the BOSS'S office with hate in his eyes.



Hollywood vs Frost


Its like Ambition all over again


Um.. I'd like to apologise for my part.....

aa Shite.









