OCWFED.com Presents Riot


Timestamp Monday January 27 3:37am PST

It’s the wee hours of the morning after Chill Factor. No sign of the sun just yet on the Seattle skyline. Our camera is just outside a decent 4-Star hotel in the heart of downtown. As we head inside, the transitions to a 2-level loft. Up the narrow set of stairs in the room, you see 2 figures in the dimly lit room. One figure is laying in the bed and the other is sitting at adesk, one arm resting on the top of the desk. The other the figures other arm resting under the figures chin as the elbow is on the arm rest of the chair.

The figure, finally noticing the camera man, rises from his chair and approaches the camera. The figure slowly removes the camera from the shoulder of the camera man and places it on his or her own shoulder. He or she takes the time to focus the camera. When he or she is content with the picture quality, he or she gives the camera man a Spartan-like kick down the narrow spiral staircase. He grunts and crashes all the way down to the first floor.The figure in the bed is awaken by the noise and reaches for the lamp on the night stand.

Lacy: Dimmy, what…… the hell??

Dimsmore is standing at the foot of the bed. Camera on his left shoulder and was still focusing on the fallen cameraman. 

Dimsmore: Sorry dear. Wasn’t sure if it was an intruder or what. Just go back to sleep.

She cuts the light back out and Dimsmore places the camera on the end of the desk. He sits in the chair with the camera at his side. Dimsmore turns on the little lamp at the other end of the desk. He folds his arms and rests them on the table. He then rests his head on his arms staring at the wall.

Dimsmore: And so Paul. We meet once again. This time on a much bigger scale. But since we have time, let’s review how we got to this point.

Dimsmore: When we first met, you were a wet behind the ears rook that could hack it on Ambition with the likes of what is now OMG. But you managed to come back not too long after. 

Dimsmore turns his head and rests on his arms but now facing the camera.

Dimsmore: Fast forward to your feud with the 2x International champ version of myself. And by god, you shocked the world and claimed my title. Congratulations, your wallowing on the pre-show and opening card gave you the gravitas to hang in the ring with the likes of Dimsmore.

He raises his head to look back at the wall.

Dimsmore: And then we move to the third miracle of your life behind the fact that you were even born and that you beat me for the International title. You get an upset win over Tiberius Dupree and become the OCW World Champion. Bravo Paul, Bra-freaking-vo.

Back at the camera.

Dimsmore: So you manage to survive some title defenses. Built up a rep with the boys in the back. Hell, you even managed to form a clique that lasted all of 4 minutes. Until we tookout the heart and soul with one snap of an elbow.

Back to the wall.

Dimsmore: And the final stop on this memory train is last night at Chill Facktor. You were in the ring with two of the largest athletes that OCW has to offer, and you once again manage to slip through the cracks. Fair enough. Now I…

Dimsmore reaches to his side and places the slightly dented Future Investment Briefcase directly across from the camera. Then returns to his same position looking at the camera.

Dimsmore: I sat on this contract since the 350th episode of Riot. I sat back and watched as you got thru defense after defense. Survived match after match. And above all else, each time you managed to come out champion. 

Back at the camera.

Dimsmore: But alas, a feline, such as yourself, only gets 9 lives. And by my calculations, your time as champion is running thin. So do whatever you have to do to mentally and physically prepare yourself. Eat your vitamins, say your euro prayer chants, do whatever you have to do to brace yourself for life after the OCW world title.

Dimsmore sits up and lifts the camera up close to his face.

Dimsmore: And I guarantee you Paul, you will not be able to run from your problems forever. You managed to run from me last night because I allowed it. You’ve managed to avoid me cashing in because I’ve allowed it. And you will remain OCW World Champ as long as I allow it. 

Lacy(In a whiney tone): Dimmy…… Come back to bed……

Dimsmore: Well, duty calls.

Dimsmore places the camera down on the desk facing the lamp. He turns the lamp out as the scene fades.


I does Dimsmore consider cutting a promo on national TV foreplay? What a man.

Umm... Oh no more filth


We hear sounds coming from the official locker room of Overness Meets Greatness, sexual, erotic, sensual sounds. As the camera moves closer to the door we hear the moaning getting louder and louder.

????: Oh right there, don't stop ahhhhhh yes.

????: Your hands are simply magical, MAGICAL.

A woman's voice can be heard in reply.

????: If you would stop moving, let me just.....

A broken man's voice returns with.

????: Owww that freakin' hurt, did you have to pull so hard!

Her soft voice replies..

????: Shhh...I'm almost done.

For a few seconds there's complete silence, till the woman replies again.

 Just a little tug here, and a little twist here. Hmmmm... Satisfied?

The man triumphantly says.

????: Ahh yes, look it's still bouncing up and down.

We hear a smack on skin, and a stark reply.

????: Stop playing with it, you'll make a mess of things.

The camera pans away from the door to show Matsuda standing right there listening, obviously he's been here as long as we have. He gives a devilsh grin and barges into the OMG locker room.

Matsuda: There better not be any stains on any of my stuff!

Minami slides into the room behind her hubby and says something in Japanese. Dupree and a dark haired Bombshell stare at him wide eyed.

Matsuda: There are stains on my stuff! Why is it purple?

The Eternal OCW Super Junior Triple Crown Champion then realizes the situation he barged in on. He looks over and sees the Benign Behemoth Patolomai playing Xbox One with his hippo hands ignoring the lot of them.

Dupree: Sorry we ran outta towels so I had to use a few of your shirts.

Matsuda: There's a stack of towels right there.

The camera pans to show a large pile of towels over by Dimsmore's area.

Dupree: Oh... I didn't see those. Anyway, this is Madeline Osiris, my newly sponsored Bombshell Assistant, and she's freakin' wonderful. In 30 minutes she did what no stylist in the world could do, just look at me...I mean look at her, look at me, then look at her.

The camera pans to show Tibby's wonderful new hairdo, complete with a springy superhero curl dangling above his forehead. Then pans to show the attractive Madeline Osiris standing with a comb and scissors.

Madeline: Nice to finally meet you Hideto, I've heard great things about you.

Before Matsuda can even reply, Minami goes HAM and starts spewing out insults in Japanese. What nobody expected was for Madeline to understand her slander, she gives back a viscous glare.

Matsuda: I don't like liars, there's no possible way he said anything nice about me.

Madeline: Your right, I'm sorry, but he told me you were kind of sensitive, so I was just trying to be nice.

Madeline gives Our Villian a genuine innocent look, while Tibby gives his classic half smile. He in return gives a sinister smirk of his own acknowledging his arch-rival's jape as the camera fades.



Cody Storm vs Matsuda




The camera opens to the locker room, where the One Man Revolution, Bobby Minio, stands with one leg propped up on a folding chair. His elbow resting on his knee, with his chin in his palm, he's facing the white bricked wall of the room, either lost in thought, or in a deep study of the porous surface. Approaching footsteps break the silence, followed by a familiar voice.

Luke Fuentes: "Aw c'mon!"

The Reckless Kid had shouted his familiar line expecting a reaction from Minio, but no reaction follow.

Luke Fuentes: "Uhh, c'mon?"

Minio snaps from his thoughts, turning to face Fuentes. He attempts to force a smile but mostly just accomplishes an emotionless smirk.

Luke Fuentes: "What's the problem? We had great matches at Chill Faktor, Bobby. We did what we can, we're getting there!"

By this point, Minio turns to face Luke. He tries to let the pressure out, to drop his shoulders and relax, but he is tense, it's written all over his face and his body language.

Bobby Minio: "Luke... I look like a real ***hole here man. Between that In Your Crib segment... the incident in the car..."

Bobby trails off on the last note, an expression of regret washing over his features.

Bobby Minio: "That idiot in his damned Lexus... Chasing Matsuda and his Ex Division title around like it's a damned milkbone! I look stupid Luke!"

He plants a palm on his face, dropping himself roughly into the folding chair. Luke shakes his head. Minio glances up, his face twisted with confusion as he studies Luke's head.

Bobby Minio: "Why did you do that to your hair?"

Minio asks the question with a sincere curiosity, the subject taking his mind off of his recent pitfalls and failures.

Luke Fuentes: "I needed a change. I needed to hit that hardcore match as the Reckless Kid, and I almost had it. You know, Bobby, if you feel like you're stuck in this rut, following Matsuda's lead, why don't you stand the hell up and do something about it? CMON!"

The "CMON!" echos through the room as Minio's arms drop. He looks up at Luke, his face explains that he is really pondering Luke's advice.

Bobby Minio: "You know what Luke? I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do something about it, TONIGHT."

Luke Fuentes: "Alright! Cmon cmon!"

The Reckless Kid nods in proud agreement, excited to see the life flowing through his old friend again. Minio jumps up to his feet, he heads out of the locker room, palming Luke's shoulder on the way out. As Luke turns to his gear bag, Minio's head pops back into the frame of the door way, a quickly look on his face.

Bobby Minio: "It looks badass."

Minio disappears into the hall again, as a confused Luke deciphers Minio's words. It dawns on him that Minio was referencing the new haircut, which Luke nods along with and lets out a small laugh.

Luke Fuentes: "I know it looks good, cmon."

The screen fades into the next segment.








