OCWFED.com Presents Riot




We're taken over to an undisclosed location backstage, where the resident animal hunter, Drago Cesar is seen pacing back and forth.

Drago Cesar: Yes, tonight will finally be night where I can get hands on the tiger! This will be a epic battle to see if the hunter can finally capture the tiger, or maybe the hunter is hunted......

Drago keeps rambling over his excitement, but then the cameraman's phone can be heard vibrating. He tilts the camera over a bit to get it from his pocket, and reads his new text, which is off the view of the camera.

Cameraman: Um, Drago.

Drago Cesar: What? We have problem or something?

Cameraman: Dude, you aren't going to believe this. I just got a text from someone in management, and it says that King Tyga isn't here tonight.

Drago looks at the cameraman with his eyes wide open, his face turning slightly red.

Drago Cesar:........WHAT?!?!?!

Drago starts pacing around more intensely, walking back and forth much faster than before.

Drago Cesar: Ok, ok......So maybe is not here THIS week, but he will still be there ne-

Cameraman: Uh......Drago, I don't know how to put this without pissing you off, so I'll put it bluntly: King Tyga took his ball and went home.

Drago looks confused as he stares at the cameraman, tilting his head.

Drago Cesar: Took his ball and go home.....I'm no understand.

Cameraman: He left, Drago. He's gone, vanished off the face of the earth, the tiger is missing in action, simply put, he ain't coming back anytime soon......Or possibly ever.

Drago, looking defeated, sits down at his chair. He looks down at the floor, his face showing the effects of deflated anticipation.

Drago Cesar: Man, I just wanted to be best animal hunter in world, you know? I thought maybe I'm capture this tiger and take him home, people like me, respect me.....Instead tiger runs away and who care, right? Nobody care......Except me......So what is match tonight now?

Cameraman: It's you against Trance.

Drago's eyes widen, as if his day couldn't get worse, he leans back in his chair as if he's stopped caring.

Drago Cesar: So what now? No tiger means no point for Drago. Eve-

Cameraman: Wait, wait, wait. If you're an animal hunter, that means you're not just limited to tigers. There's gotta be some other wildlife around here, right?

I mean, tigers are one thing, but what about all the other animals that are occupying this area? I know some around here that, if you captured them and took them home, you would get worldwide recognition!

Who cares about that tiger, nobody was paying much attention to him anyways. I've got a better idea, one that'll make people realize the legend that is Drago Cesar, resident animal hunter!

Drago Cesar: So what is this new species you talking about?

Cameraman: Well, I'd have to turn the camera off first, it's a surprise.......

The camera tilts as the feed suddenly cuts off.


The camera pans to the announce team.


Hmm wonder what he has planned?





The scene opens to a suburban house straight out of “Leave it to Beaver”, white picket fence and all. Standing on the brick walk way leading to the front door is Tobin Frost.


He looks a bit perplexed not sure if he should do what he is planning. Since the moment his father figure Samuel was taken he’s been on the verge of completely losing it.

(To himself) This is what you have to do Tobin. Fire with fire…

Tobin walks up to the door and he looks down at the floor mat that reads “Storm”. Tobin knocks on the door but receives no answer.


He knocks again with the same result. Losing patience and the anger inside him boiling over Tobin rams his shoulder into the door. *Boom*


The hinges of the door begin to loosen. *Boom* With a second shoulder strike Tobin bursts through the door. The door lays destroyed against the door frame as Tobin looks around the pristine house.


He sees images of Cody Storm with his mom on various occasions. From birthdays to graduations these pictures capture the life of the OCW champion and his mother.

Tobin picks up a picture of Cody and his mother from his 13th birthday and throws the frame on the ground. Tobin thinks about what Cody has done and wants to hurt him as bad as he hurt him.


Tobin begins to flip over tables and pull pictures from the walls. As he makes his way into the living room he turns around as he a woman’s scream.

As he returns to the entrance way he sees Cody Storm’s mother on her knees crying as she sees the state of her home.


Tobin begins to be filled with great remorse but that subsides quickly when he thinks of Samuel. Cody’s mom looks in fear at Tobin who is now glaring at her.

Cody’s Mom:
What did you do!

Tobin just glares at her as he gets an idea. Cody’s mom, realizing who he is from watching Riot the past few weeks, walks up to Tobin.

Cody’s Mom:
You sorry!

She goes to slap the Human T-Plex Machine but Tobin grabs her wrist to stop the strike.

I’m sorry but your son brought this on your family. Now you are going to help me help my fix this. Your son took the person I care the most about, so I’m going to have to take you with me.


Tobin: And you are going to tell your son the truth about who he is. And you are going to tell him to give Sam back. Or so help me god, your son will finally learn what pain is and I’m going to drop you right in the center of the..... Let’s just go…

Fear runs through Cody’s mom’s face. Tobin escorts Cody’s mom to his rental car without much resistance. She understands the severity of the situation. Tobin sits in the driver’s seat and is overcome with regret for what he’s done. But he knows that he has to go to this level if he wants to get Sam back.

I’m sorry I have to do this…

The scene fades as Tobin drives off.


The camera pans to the announce team.


I can't belive this! I won't belive this!

You push a man to far he breaks!


The scene opens up backstage in the interview area. We find 2/3 of C4, The One Man Revolution himself, Bobby Minio, and the Lord of the Lariat Mugen. Bobby, looking disheveled from what happened to him earlier, has a mic in his hand ready to spit out some verbal venom as usual.

Minio: I could speak to you about what happened earlier tonight and make some shallow excuses for being a little out of it later tonight. Instead I'll hand it over to this man right here.

Mugen takes the mic and motions for Minio to go get changed for the match.

Mugen: I'm a man of a few words but when I speak, I know everybody listens. See last week, these two pathetic excuses for wrestlers decided to piss me off not once, but twice. First off, the two rookies jump my biggest fan in one of the biggest matches of his career. And you know what, he came this close to actually winning.

Mugen shows how close by putting his thumb and index finger close together.

Mugen: AND THEN, these rookies have the nerve to call us out? They have the nerve to call out your North American Champion, that loud mouth over there....

Mugen motions off camera towards where Minio is

Mugen: And this dangerously handsome fellow on the mic? Let me shoot on you for a second "Webelooshion"

Mugen makes air quotes with his hands.

Mugen: The last rookie to call me out, was a man who wore furry boots to the ring. He was a man who decided to comment on my unpleasant choice of attire. A man who stepped in the ring with me and got dominated.

Mugen puts his hand on his brows and starts looking around as if he is searching for someone.

Mugen: Oh where are you Austin Lee? Oh yea, that's right. #Jobbed

Mugen steps up to the camera closer than before.

Mugen: Just remember this, Luke, Cobra. Every morning, I make two wrestlers like you in the toilet.

Mugen drops the mic and smirks for the camera as the scene fades to black.


The camera pans to the announce team.


C4 is ready to put boots to rookie asses!




Cut Throat vs Power Nation


The camera pans to the announce team.


My word!


We return to In Your Crib with Trisha Waldrop featuring Tiberius Dupree. After Tibby contacted his Step Uncle Yamaguchi about building a counter Jaeger, they finish the long tour around the Mega Mansion.

She visited the prestine kitchen where Patolomai cooks his delicious mystery meat. She saw the 10 bedrooms where Tibby's betterness supposedly sleeps. The training facility, which looks like an adult sized playground, equipped with a slide that could support a 400 lb Samoan. All and all she's never seen a home quite like this...

Before Tibby could end the tour, he gets summoned through his ear piece to his command center. They immediately make their way to the large sitting room with a even larger fire place. Tibby presses a hidden button under the mantlepiece and a secret entrance opens and they walk through.

After making their way through a dark hallway they enter a open room designed like the bridge of the USS Enterprise. A captain chair sits in the center, and gigantic monitor covers the adjacent wall. Tibby's Aunt Marie works the main computer terminal. Tibby takes a seat in the captain's chair, as Trisha observes.

Dupree: What's our status report?

Aunt Marie: Well Madeline just reported this footage from the field...

Aunt Marie presses a few buttons on the console and the footage pops out on the main monitor.


Dupree: I didn't authorize that...and how and God's name did they get those t-shirts? I don't even have OMG BOLD shirts in circulation!

Aunt Marie: How do you want to handle this?

Dupree: I may not have authorized this utterly justified attack on that buffoon Roofus, but I definitely liked it. This could be a good thing...tell Maddy to stay out of sight and report anything else out the ordinary.

Not really wanting to intrude, Trisha's journalistic instinct takes over.

So Bedlam is OMG now?

Realizing Trisha is still there, Tibby replies.

Dupree: He's not just OMG now...he's OMG BOLD...BETTERNESS OVER LIFE & DEATH!

The camera fades, don't fret there's still more to come.

The camera pans to the announce team.


You know how sometimes you just don't have the words.

I know that feel.

Backstage we see a table, decked out like a valley, toy soldiers and tanks are scattered across the landscape. Holding a green figurine is Jacob Trance who seems to be playing with the plastic soldier.

Left, right, left, right...

He keeps repeating himself marching the little man up a cliff, at the precipice has stops, relinquishing the piece only to swiftly pick up another, presumedly a lowly private.

Left, right...

The mantra continues until the solider reaches the cliff edge, and tumbles down to the bottom, prompting a big grin from Jacob.

Another American hero sent to his death by a foolhardy general. A man fit to lead only in name... That's the differ cry between the army and my brethren... Whilst I do lead, my heart beats in one! I MARCH WITH MY OWN!

Jacob barks his words.

I. March. With. My. Own! To the edge. Over and back again! As one, as equals! Hand in hand to our demise, keyword. OUR!

Jacob straightens, smoothing his hair back as he laughs.

That is where we are different, I show people their darkness before they step into the light...

A bulb flickers in the background as if on cue, illuminating the figure from last week, he is no longer restrained but remains hooded to protect his identity.

You... You Justin...

Jacob paces slightly, wagging his finger as if accentuating his point.

You keep them in the dark, keep them stupid so you can create ignorant mannequins for your cause, devoid of thought! I give these people something to believe in... Something to love!

Jacob swiftly seizes the remaining toy soldier in his fist and holds it up in front of his face, twirling it this way and that.

The thing with toys Justin...

Trances other hand emerges and seizes the head of the soldier, snapping it in two. It tumbles to the floor, Jacob whispering his final words before all light dies.

They eventually break...






