The marching of one can be heard coming down the hall, rushing to the ring. The camera pans to the corner and around it comes General Raze, marching quickly to the ring.
Raze: Damn Colonel Sanders, he tried to stop be from being this match tonight but he didn't know that his extra spicy Diablo Ass Burner wings wouldn't stop me! His form of Chemical Warfare is a weak form of Injustice!
Raze: Nothing can stop the might-
As quickly as he speaks, he's flying through the air and landing hard on his knee, cursing out in pain
Raze: What form of Injustice has declared war on me!?!? What has tried to assassinate the mighty General??
Just then, medical personnel come rushing from the hall to evaluate the fallen superstar. Another staff member looks back to see what the General tripped on.
Raze: What was it?? Was it the Colonel again???
OCW Staff Member: tripped over a cup...
Raze: Was it from the Colonel?? Look for his marking on the cup, I MUST KNOW!!!
The staff member picks up the cup and flips it over...TO REVEAL THE GOLDEN ARCHES!!!
Raze: So...the clown is at it again! THIS IS A DECELERATION OF WAR!!! As soon as I get done in this match toni...
But as the scene starts to fade, the medical staff looks back at the camera and shakes their heads as the general tumbles over in a heap, the scene fades.
The camera pans to the announce team.
I don't know how to feel. |
(Puts down his McDouble) |

Jacob Trance vs Drago Cesear

The camera pans to the announce team.
Close one! |
Indeed. |
Lexington Walker walks up to Tobin Frost is sitting near the doorway to the arena boiler room. A place that Tobin finds in every arena to clear his mind. Inside the room is Cody’s mom that he brought to the arena tonight. Tobin seems to be stuck in his thoughts as Lex begins to speak.
Lex: What have you done? Why would you even think to do this? It’s a freaking felony!
Lex: You need to give her back now! You want to be champion, I get that but not by doing this. Getting that old man back this way?
Tobin grabs Lex by the coat.
Tobin: You said you wanted me to let go… I’ve let go. That old man is responsible for me being here today.
Tobin: Before Nate guided me, before you slithered into my life, there was Sam. I’m playing by Cody’s rules. I’m not going to hurt… I’m not planning to hurt her.
Tobin:I’m just sending a message. She’s a bargaining chip. I’ll hand her over and I get Sam back. Then I put an end to that piece of trash we have as champion and his two buddies.
Lexington fixes his coat as Tobin lets go.
Lex: This isn’t a game Tobin, there will be hell to pay for this. Sam isn’t worth it. I’m not going to be involved in this one…
Tobin: I would lay down my life for him… I know it’s not a game. But all these guys I’ve come across seem to think it’s one. They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt.
Tobin: Time and time again it’s ended the same. But not this time. You can wash your hands of this tonight that’s fine. This is all on me. But just say a prayer for Cody because he’s gonna need one.
Lexington shakes his head as he walks away from Tobin.
Lex: How am I gonna handle this one.
The scene fades as Lexington ponders the situation.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Dark times indeed! |
You have to do what you have to do! |

C4 vs Rebelution

The camera pans to the announce team.
This is the future right here! |
Indeed! |
The Camera pans to Leonheart's Office. The CEO has remined silent since the challenge was issued by Mr.Sensation last week. The door swings open and Leonheart walks out with purpose.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Has he come to a decision? |
I guess we will find out soon enough. |
The Xtron Flickers on!

Marley walks around the ring soaking up the "GUY" cheers before he is handed a mic. He clears his throat as he raises the mic to his mouth.
Marley: Guy and Guyettes!!
The arena cheers get louder. The camera zooms in on Marley as he smirks. He signals for the arena crowd to calm down.
Marley: Guy and Guyettes it feels good to be back home. For those of you that don’t know me, and for those of you who don’t remember me I was the three time, three time, three time OCW EX Champion. I am the one time OCW Hardcore Champion. I am THAT GUY!! I am Marley.
Marley: Now that we’re up to speed, I got a few things to talk about. It has been over a year since the last time I been in this ring. I’m not gonna lie I missed it, and I missed all of you.
The fans burst into cheers as Marley points to the sold out crowd.
Marley: I sat at home watching how the face of OCW has changed and especially how the EX Division has officially went hardcore. The ones that know me have heard this time and time again but I want back in on this OCW action.
A few of the fans start to boo, and others start to boo just for the heck of it.
Marley: I guess I deserve the boos. I know you’re tired of hearing it, but this time I am back for good. I missed all of this. I missed that feeling I got when I would walk onto the stage. I missed getting put through tables, and putting myself through tables. I missed holding up that EX Belt. Dammit I missed JKOing suckas.
”JKO” chants ring through the arena. Marley walks to the middle of the ring.
Marley: Guess I won’t be using the JKO anymore since someone has made it theirs. I got something new, and more hard hitting. I mean hard kicking. When the time comes for me to use It I’ll give you guys the signal and I want everyone to shout GGGOOOOLLLLAAAAZZOOOOO!!!
Marleys drops the mic in the middle of the ring and jumps up on the turnbuckle as his theme hits. The crowd chants “GUY” as the scene fades out.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Is it fly by night because of Wreslution 9 or is it the truth? |
Only time will tell! |