The bell sounds after another hard fought Justin Raze match, he pulls himself up to his feet as an all too familiar voice is heard, accompanied by sarcastic clapping.
Trance: Bravo... A brilliant display for the white knight of justice, a champion of virtue... That's what you want to be Justin, but there are no heroes left in this world, only those who cannot accept they are a dying breed, only those that would have... Jacob spins, pointing to all sections of the arena.
Trance: All of those people believe that I'm a monster and they should put all of their trust in you, a man who...
Jacob strokes his beard as he walks down the ramp.
Trance: A man who throws his friends away like trash, telling them he doesn't need them to prove something to himself, to prove a point that you don't truly believe in. That's where we differ, my point is clear, it is concrete, it is believed. Jacob now reaches the steps.
Trance: And at Wrestlution you will be surrounded by my point, my message giving physical form in the guise of steel.
He moves along the apron, standing in front of Raze now.
Trance: I hope you are ready to die of dehydration in the desert of your own disbelief, expire, cease to be... Driven to exhaustion by your own thirst for glory...
Raze has had enough and he swings for Jacob who drops off of the apron, a tell take smile on his face.
Justin realises instantly what this means and turns to block a right hand from Sid Harrison.
Raze lands a continuous hail of strikes, forcing Sid to his knees as Trance looks on, Sid pushes Raze away when he goes for the Artillery Shell and charges, only to be backdropped over the ropes and onto Trance.
The crowd pops for Raze finally getting one up on the cult leader but it's short lived as he turns to be planted into the ground by a big boot from the monstrous Eli.
Jacob has since recovered, slapping Sid across the face to get him motivated.
Meanwhile in the ring Eli sets Raze up for a powerbomb and connects, sending the fans into silence. Sid now enters the fold and the pair heave Raze up to his feet, holding him for Jacob who is perched on the middle rope, he screams something at Raze before coming off, connecting with Jacobs Ladder.
The fans groan at the horrible angle Justin's neck was twisted to as Jacob gets up with the assistance of the ropes, favouring his back.
Jacob: At Wrestlution you set to extinguish my flame, my passion... But this little light of mine... Is going to shine... Let the beacons of Jacobs Fall blaze until my word becomes a raging inferno...
With their damage done Jacob and his minions depart, leaving Raze sprawled in the middle of the ring as we cut to a commercial.
Jackson Morrow vs Jookie Marley
The camera pans to the announce team.
Oh boy
Drago and Trisha are in the living room, which looks to be a standard living room.....if not for the various pets strewn about.
Pets including a cat, two dogs, a parakeet, and a gorilla sitting in a corner. Trisha appears to be frozen in fear of the gorilla as Drago walks toward it and pats it in the back.
Drago Cesar: See, is no problem! He a nice guy. Come on, you can go pet him, he no eat you!
Drago motions for Trisha to come toward the silverback, and she manages to pet him for a brief moment, right before getting slapped upside the head and knocked out. Drago looks around and shrugs.
Drago Cesar: Guess he not like you. After some static, we return to the living room with Trisha having awakened, ice pack on her head. Drago motions for her to come upstairs.
Drago Cesar: Come, we go to my room.
Both of them arrive upstairs. Drago, looking a bit hesitant, opens the door to his room, where a few medals can be seen on a wall.
Trisha Waldrop: That's a lot of medals.....You were in the military?
Drago nods.
Drago Cesar: Yes. I use to be in Serbian army, long time ago......People say that I was natural, very good for job. It was never my choice to be in army, you know?
Drago Cesar: Is be draft for army, select me for the service. I'm almost die so many times while in war, is be horrible. I make friends, but lot of them die in war, you know?
Drago Cesar: I'm have shiny gold medals and stuff, but is mean nothing when almost every friend you know is be gone..... Drago opens a drawer and pulls out a dogtag, still slightly dirty from the war.
Drago Cesar: This person, used to be my best friend before the war. Like me, he was draft in war.....Lucky I manage to get out of it ok, he.....was not so lucky.
Drago looks as if he's going to tear up when he places the dogtag back in the drawer.
Trisha Waldrop: I'm...sorry to hear that.
Drago Cesar: Yeah. I'm come to America after war, try to start new life. Is why I'm be animal hunter. Try to forget about everything that happen, take it out of my mind. Let's go downstairs.
Drago and Trisha go downstairs to the living room.
Drago Cesar: That is really my house. not too big, good for me, you know?
Trisha Waldrop: Well, that looks to conclude this episo.....
Suddenly Drago's phone rings. He immediately picks it up and answers it.
Drago Cesar: Huh? Oh, ok.....I'm be there right now!
Drago runs past Trisha, runs out the front door, and into his neighbor's house.......
The camera pans to the announce team.
What in the!
It's best not to ask!
Stacy catches up to Illuminati as he is making his way backstage.
STACY CLARK: Illuminati, a moment of your time please?
Illuminati stops, turns, and looks at Stacy, as if he was looking at a piece of meat.
ILLUMINATI: AH! My dear Ms Stacy Clark! Illuminati puts a hand to his throat, expecting a Pink Mist Stacy covers her face and cowers. After a moment Stacy peers from behind her arms to see a laughing Illuminati.
STACY: Well Illuminati you’ve been gone for close to a year after your I Quit Match with Matsuda at Wrestlution 8, and now you’ve suddenly returned to be a referee in this match between Matsuda and Tibereus Dupree; the question on everyone’s mind right now is Why?
Illuminati pauses for a moment carefully considering his next words and begins, almost eratically
ILLUMINATI: That word… that word… ‘suddenly’ I don’t like it [Illuminati stifles a laugh] you see nothing I do is ‘sudden’. Everything I do is part of Illuminati’s Plan, everything Matsuda has done is part of Illuminati’s Plan, everything Tiberius has done is part of Illuminati’s Plan, [Illuminati lets out a chortle] EVERYTHING that has happened in OCW since I came to OCW is part of Illuminati’s Plan.
STACY: Well please tell us what is…
Before she can finish Illuminati snaps forward and sprays a pink mist at Stacy which douses her face, she immediately collapses. Illuminati lets out a controlled laugh that seems a little too calm as he wipes away the mist that stained his mask from the spray.
ILLUMINATI: Now now Stacy, that would spoil the fun [he begins singing]
Forget your troubles
Come on get happy!
You better chase all you cares away!
Shout hallelujah
Come on get happy!
Get ready for the judgment day!
The camera fades with Illuminati laughing hysterically in the background