OCWFED.com Presents Riot





The crowd stares toward the ramp and the screen, looking for some hint of what is to come. Their curiously is interrupted by the rapidly growing sound of an air raid siren. A looped chant followed by a beat drops in to complete the first few seconds of the instrumental of Childish Gambino’s Bonfire. The theme song of the One Man Revolution.

Bobby Minio appears at the top of the ramp wearing dark jeans and a black “C4 > EVERYTHING!” shirt. With a Mic Drop TV graphic behind him on the ramp, Minio throws his fist into the air, a mic held firmly in his grip. The crowd pops to reply. He nods back to no one in particular, and with no signs of last week’s beating in his stride, he walks down to the ring where a large set piece begins to be lowered toward the ring.

A gigantic microphone, pointed down toward the ring, lowers to rest fifteen feet above head level. Minio climbs into the ring, his eyes locked on the over-sized microphone. One detail in particular, the silver tip of the microphone having been replaced by a huge disco ball, seems to have Minio’s attention locked.

He moves to stand directly below the massive microphone before his gaze finally breaks. His eyes drop to the mat, as he mouths the words “**** me.” to himself. It seems apparent that there is a long distance between Minio’s vision for the segment and the OCW’s set design team. He gathers himself before his shoulders stiffen, his elbow bends and he holds the mic to the lips on his downward facing head.

Bobby Minio: Welcome, OCW Galaxy, to the first edition of Mic Drop TV… rave edition, apparently.

He gestures up toward the disco ball, pulling a low chuckle from the crowd.

Bobby Minio: You know, I figured out a few weeks ago that Paul Pugh, and myself, in the same ring, on the same speaker system… well that should be a special occasion. So I pitched the idea of Mic Drop TV to the fellas backstage and it all seemed like a no brainer. Somehow, I ended up with a goddamn disco stick hanging over my head. I guess that’s appropriate considering I’m going to be welcoming Pugh out here in just a few minutes. He’s been stuck in some time machine lately, and while the disco era might be a little off for his new butt rocker attitude, it seems a bit closer than the present.

Bobby Minio: Things have gone a bit crazy all over OCW lately, and myself, I was a victim of that, but my man Mugen showed up and proved that C4 is still the only crew in the OCW who mean SOMETHING. That mean ANYTHING. I’m about to bring out the guy that decided I should be a member of that crew, shortly before the sand in his vagina forced him to turn on his brothers and take his failures out on us like a teen girl would project her crap on her favorite teddy bear.

Bobby Minio: Quite frankly, even though at one point, I actually looked up to Pugh, he exposed himself for what he truly is. A joke, and coincidentally, I’ve treated him as such ever since he wandered back in here looking to step back into the spotlight that I have occupied. Everyone knows now how sad that is… because Paul Pugh, for whatever he once was, he’s a pretender now. He’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing, and it’s going to take a lot more than a glam rock mixtape and some empty works to shake me up.

Bobby Minio: Most of all though, more important than any of that… C4 is better off. Without him holding us back, we’ve both found ourselves in a better position, more accom-


The crowd pops big much to the chagrin of Minio, who has yet to introduce his guest. Pugh’s music hasn’t hit, but he’s still swaggering out onto the stage, not a care in the world. He begins gesticulating at the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp.

Pugh: I know you can do better than that… WHAT'S UP ALBANNYYYYYYYYYYYY????!!!!!

A deafening roar reverberates around the arena as Pugh makes it to the ring. He’s dressed in a shredded C4 T-Shirt, skin tight leather pants and a pair of aviators. The crowd begins to reach fever pitch as Pugh pops into the ring and gets face to face with Minio. The camera locks on the two men as a huge smile cracks Pugh’s face. They hold each other’s gaze for a moment too long before Pugh breaks the situation with a quick blown kiss in the direction of his former apprentice.

Minio: This is MY sho-

Pugh rests his index finger on Minio’s mouth before saying “watch this junior” into his face.

Pugh: Albany NEW YORK. How are you feelin’ tonight?

The cheapest pop in all of the North East is thrown back towards him

Pugh: Albany ARE YOU READY?

Minio shakes his head behind Pugh in disgust as the returnee continues to play the crowd. The arena is completely into it as he goes on

Pugh: Follow me Albany. 

He points out to the crowd

Pugh: Do exactly what I do… SWIGGITY SWOOTY




They pop and chuckle as Pugh takes a quick look over at Bobby Minio’s caboose.



Pugh points at a man in the front row who is wearing a red and white striped shirt and glasses



They pop again as the X-Tron shows Waldo man to the world.



Pugh’s demeanor suddenly changes from a jovial show off to apparent fury. In a whisper, he continues

Pugh: Let’s kill Minio…

Before the crowd can shout it back Pugh drills Minio in the face with the microphone he’s holding. Minio spills to the mat as Pugh jumps on top of him and continues smashing his brains in with the business end of the Shure SM58.

As Minio tries to cover up, Pugh eventually relents, sliding the microphone into his back pocket and diving out of the ring. He then grabs Minio by the hair and drags him towards the guard rail - tossing him into the front row and quickly hopping into the crowd with him. As Minio desperately tries to fight back, Pugh relentlessly punches his former stablemate in the face, dragging him by the C4 shirt up the bleachers and towards the exit of the arena.

As they reach the top row, Pugh stops and holds Minio’s now bleeding head up by the hair. Pugh gets into his face, and rubs his own forehead across Minio’s, covering himself in his victim’s blood. He shouts “YOU MADE ME DO THIS” in Minio’s face before headbutting him. Minio wobbles backward, his feet balancing on the corner of the stair as his body teeters back and forth, an auto pilot response to the violence as he is virtually a sleep on his feet. Pugh steps back a few inches as he lowers his stance. He mouths the words “Mic Drop” just before his body whips into motion, smashing a boot into Minio’s face with a brutal superkick. Minio goes airborne for about three feet before landing flat back on the stairs, tumbling half way down the stairs in a violent rolling plummet while the shocked crowd gasps in response. He lands in a heap, with only the sickening sound of a guttural groan breaking the stunned silence.

Pugh grins as Bobby lays motionless many floors beneath him, a signal of victory perhaps? We focus back on Minio again as he bleeds across the arena steps. He shifts, rolls onto his side and vomits a small puddle of sick at the feet of the fans who recoil in horror and disgust. The camera rejoins Pugh as he walks down the steps, smiling away, slapping hands with fans and even going as far as trying to get one of Albany’s finest chicks to show her breasts for the television audience. Fortunately for the censors, he doesn’t succeed, but continues towards Bobby anyway.

As he arrives at his victim, he takes the microphone out of his pocket and places it in front of his crotch, holding it as if it were his own genitals. The “7 second delay” quickly kicks in at this point as the camera remains locked on Pugh’s face, but the audience in attendance are privy to Pugh’s real actions. As he kneels over Bobby, he is simulating the act of loving oneself all over his victim. He teases the big finish several times before finally giving in and providing the money shot we all came to see.

The live feed is apparently safe to show again as Pugh gets to his feet and casually walks up the bleacher steps towards the exit. Medical staff arrive on the scene as Minio begins to stir. The scene fades as they tend to Minio’s battered skull.



<---special GM note



Did he just 'Spiderman' him on live tv?

I think he did Scaggs...luckily that '7 second delay' was there to save us all.





Drago vs Wheeler









Lex Walker and Tobin Frost stand in front of a camera, in one of the OCW production rooms. Lex talks as Tobin stands looking refreshed after his week away from the ring.

 Hello OCW, I am Lexington Walker. The man who always has a plan. Tonight you will this man Tobin Frost make short work of Eli and show Jacob Trance what he can expect at Summercide. Jacob escaped by the skin of his teeth when he faced my client. But that won’t be happening when the OCW Championship is on the line.

Lex: I’m also proud to welcome back Buffness tonight. Sean isn’t here yet, but tonight he will go from the hospital bed to North American Champion. Mugen has been a place holder for too long and it was only a matter of time before Tobin or Buffness was going to get a chance to take him down a peg. I can see it now Sean as North American Champion and Tobin as OCW…

As Lex says this he stops in show as Buffness, showing no signs of injury walks up to the two men. Lex steps back as Buffness ignores him and stands in front of Tobin. The two has a staredown that looks no different than the ones that they’ve had during there years long rivalry.

 Glad to see you back…

Buffness just looks at the man who put him out of action for weeks.

 Good luck tonight…

Buffness clinches his fist for and puts out his fist for a bump. Tobin obliges and nods at Buffness, who doesn’t say a word, but walks away as the scene ends.








*Valmont paces the ring. Not scheduled to be booked tonight, and earlier was seen in street clothes. It seems Valmont is here for a fight, but with who? Valmont is handed a mic after requesting it.*

Valmont:"I'll make this short, and to the point. Last week I last my return match in OCW. I didn't enjoy that. Not....one...bit! In fact I'm out here now in this very ring to get things interesting again. I have an open challenge. For anyone that wasn't already booked tonight to come down that ramp, into this ring, and accept this open challenge.

You see ladies, and gentlemen... this is a message to Raze. My offer from earlier is legit. You can either end up like the person that decides to come out here, and accept my challenge. Or you can accept the offer, and play it smart. I'm not here to play any games. 

What I do tonight to whoever comes out here to accept my challenge... what I do tonight won't be funny. It won't be pretty... there will be broken bones... hurt feelings... regret... and pain. Not for me, but for the opponent. Everyone backstage, and everyone in this audience... I think all of you may have just forgotten how deadly I can be? How diabolical, emotionless, and cunning I really am." 

*The crowd turns against Valmont as they boo loudly toward him. He smirks and paces the ring.*

Valmont:"I said this the moment I showed up. I'm not here to make friends... not here to kiss management asses... not here to please you like a dancing monkey... I'm here to kick ass, and checking names off as each week passes by. You're indeed looking at a future OCW Heavyweight champion... a three time champion, and it's not a matter of how, but when. When will it happen? Who will be....

*Before Valmont could finish a familiar theme hits the PA speakers in the arena. Out comes Arnaud on stage. With a mic in his hand he looks eager to speak. Standing in his wrestling gear as the crowd begins to cheer for someone interrupting Valmont.*

Arnaud:"You coming out here borin everybody...that's not cool, Val. It also ain't cool how you gonna come back, and think you gonna run everyone six feet under the dirt. Tonight I make history...I'm going to beat Valmont!

So let me tell ya somethin, boy...I'm Mr. Amazin...tonight you're gonna find out how amazing I can be. If staff don't wanna book this perfect talent then I'm starting to make my own luck tonight. Valmont....I accept your challenge!!"

*The crowd cheers for the accepting of Valmont's open challenge. Valmont's expression hasn't changed. He grows a smirk across his face as Arnaud tries to pump up the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp.*

*It appears we're gonna have ourselves an impromptu match right here... right now!*








