Cobra’s failed. He's failed to gain some semblance of redemption for the past couple of months he's had. The torment, the belittling, the beatdowns, all of it could’ve been forgotten with a single win over Tre Golden for a second chance with the title.
But he failed.
Kill me with a beat
And it seems as if the torment is about to continue. There seems to be something different in the air tonight as Ragnarok come out. Something about the look on Xander’s face as he watches everyone lift Cobra up tells a different story than the past couple of weeks.
Something about his face seems ominous, and the Crowd know it. They boo heavily as Kassidy lifts him into position to turn him him inside out and drive his head into the floor with The Turn. They scream and beg for The Wolves to leave Cobra alone as Nathan stalks him before dropping him with The DTF. They come completely unhinged when none of this is the end and everyone holds his limp form up for Rane to deliver a devastating Silencer right to the jaw.
Everyone else raises the Ragnarok Wolf to the sky and smiles at the broken form of A.C. Cobra before them, but not Xander. He goes and grabs a Mic before addresing the nearest cameraman.
Xander: I wanna tell you something Cobra, but I'm sure you can't really hear me right now, huh? *glances at said man as the Crowd Boos heavily for him* Anyway, I just want you to watch a replay of this in the future, when you're laying in that hospital bed contemplating retirement. Give up Cobra. I need you to realize that it's time for you to GIVE. UP. OCW isn't a home for Cinderella stories, it's all too real. And here in reality, bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to weak people. You don't GET a happy ending in reality.
Rane pauses for a moment as the entire crowd jeers and hollers at him, denying the message he seems to be sending not only to A.C. Cobra, but to all of them as well. To wrestling fans, this IS supposed to be the Cinderella story. This IS supposed have a happy ending.
Xander: Well, I guess if the message isn't clear yet, this will have to convince you.
He picks Cobra up on his shoulders in what seems to be a sideways Fireman’s Carry, and holds him over the barricade with a clearly sickening intention.
Xander: *whispers as the Crowd is begging him not to go through with this* Tear Drop
EMTs arrive on scene, they fit a collar around Cobra’s neck and strap him onto a stretcher. The scene cuts to black as the ambulance carrying AC Cobra away from the arena speeds away into the distance.
The camera pans to the announce team.
What the hell man! |
Animals! |

Rhyme Time vs The Crew
The camera pans to the announce team.
What a tussle! |
That kick though! |
Kassidy Hayes is many a things: Despicable, greedy, merciless, and for lack of better verbatim, evil. However, what Kassidy Hayes is not, is a man to be trifled with and because of that he in a very foul mood.
Tre: Are you listening to me Kass? Hey, hey Kass! KASS!
You see, Kassidy had just lost his title. Kassidy had just lost his dominion over an entire roster of men. As such, Kassidy has very quickly lost his temper with Tre.
Kassidy: Will you Shut that hole you call a mouth.
Xander: *just now walking into the room* Leave him alone Tre, he lost his title, I can sympathize, don't ya think?
Tre sheepishly grins and backs away
Tre: Yeah I know what you mean, but right now we need to focus.
Xander: Yeah he's right Kass. Seriously, we need you to go out there against Austin and send him a little message from me and Tre. The wolves are ALWAYS gonna get their scraps of meat.
Tre: *grinning* last time we met, I left him in scraps, maybe I should pay a visit to his assistant, I love red heads.
Xander: You need one of us to watch out for big bad Sid for you out there?
Kassidy: If he comes out, he goes down. I've got some frustrations to take out out there. Hell, I hope there's more.
The camera pans to the announce team.
Looks like Hayes is ready to get back on the horse! |
#beatingswillcontinue |

Austin Lee vs Kassidy Hayes
The camera pans to the announce team.
HAH! |
