Drago cuts his celebration short, opting to leave the ring with his title as McGee slides in looking to end his night in a most violent way. Instead of chasing Sean looks over at his fallen partner, he goes over to check on him as The Monster starts to stir. Instead of getting to his feet Monster rolls to the outside and immediately locates Tobin Frost who made the mistake of standing around a little too long.
The Monster stalks around the ring looking to take out his frustration on the man he blames everything bad in his life on, but before he can make it all the way around McGee is out on the floor standing between the two men. He's looking at The Monster shaking his head "no" but the Monster is stalking forward nonetheless.
McGee sticks his hand out halting Monster. The Monster starts shaking, seething, but he halts his progress once he reaches McGee's outstretched hand. Monster turns around screaming, he paces over to the ring keepers area grabbing the chairs stood up nearby. He throws one into the ring then turns and violently shot-puts the other into the crowd. He turns back staring daggers at Frost yelling at him.
Tobin motions for The Monster to bring it.
Tobin: Let's go then!
Tobin steps up but McGee has leverage on The Monster and pushes him further away, The Monster yelling at Tobin as they exit.
The camera pans to the announce team.
This is going to get worse before it gets better |
I can only hope! |
The Xtron Flickers On!
The camera pans to the announce team.
This is never going to end is it! |
Can we get some infosec here already! |
The camera pans to the announce team.
The camera fades in to the outside of NYU Medcial Center. As we follow the camera through one of NYC's leading health care facilities we finally arrive at room 112. The room is dark say for the moonlight shining in we see the imposing figure of Birdie with her back toward the camera.
As we enter room 112 you will see she is standing behind a man in a wheel chair. Non other than Our Hero, Mr.Sensation. He is looking out at the night sky, his gaze lingering.
This isn't the angry, plucky, C.E.O. What we have here is a man, a man who looks like he has been told he only has a few weeks to live. He signs as his confidant tries to get him to eat a hand crafted sandwich with no crust!
Birdie: It's your favorite, boss!
Mr.Sensation: ............
Birdie: You haven't eaten since Sunday, c'mon boss. At least have a bite. For me.....
Mr.Sensation takes a bite from the sandwich albeit a small one.
Birdie: Want me to get you something to drink.
Mr.Sensation: NO!....I mean no, thank you just stay here please.
Birdie: I.....I..had no idea...If I would have...known.
Mr.Sensation remains silent.
For once the Stoic protector of Our Hero, looks genuinely worried. Throughout the years Mr.Sensation has walked the path of the righteous man, the villainous man, the funny man, the fighting man, the defender of man, the angry man etc.
And through it all Birdie has been there for the good and the bad. From the shark attack booby traps, from the arguments with Guy Fausto, the battles with Parker, Smythe, his own son in law Nate Ortiz, Geomon, etc. But now something is different, and she is showing signs of concern.
Just then a rather tall grey haired man with a clip board enters the room. Birdie out of instinct stands ready to fight. The man quickly identifies himself as Dr. Kerr, he is taken aback by the darkness of the room but never the less proceeds!
Dr.Kerr: We got the results back Mr.Sensation, looks like you have a slipped C4 and C5 disk. I honestly don't think you will need surgery but we will keep an eye on it for the next 6 weeks I have prescribed some medications for you and we will monitor your progress. Must of took a hell of a fall huh?
Mr.Sensation: You could say that.....
Dr.Kerr: I will start on your medication and have the nurse start you up. I'd like to keep you till the morning for observation just to be on the safe side.
Birdie: That's fine we aren't going anywhere.
Dr.Kerr leaves as Mr.Sensation continues to stare at the beautiful night sky.
Mr.Sensation: I should be there right now......but...whats the point.
Birdie: It's your company that's what!
Mr.Sensation: Is it really? since we came back its been one thing after the other. These, these people don't respect me......they don't even like me...
Birdie: They don't have to like you, they aren't friends they are you employees! This isn't a popularity contest.
Mr.Sensation: I know...but..am I that bad of a boss? am I really this villain??? I'm just trying to put food on the table...I...
Birdie puts her hand on Mr.Sensations should, he proceeds to grabs her hand. It comforts him as he tries to process the why of OCW.
Mr.Sensation: He smiled in our faces Birdie, he smiled in our faces, we laughed. It was like old times. Finally an ally, a friend, someone who didn't think I was some kind of monster. But it was all a trick. It was all a ruse. Even my best friend betrayed me......
Mr.Sensation: I have no one Birdie.....no one will stand with me....
Birdie moves her hand from Mr.Sensations shoulder and kneels down next to him.
Birdie: You got me boss.
Mr.Sensation: I know my dear, I'm sorry but you are just one soldier in my army of none. The gates of Hades are opening. And I fear you and I won't be able to stop whats coming.
Birdie slowly rises as she and Mr.Sensation continue to stare quietly into the darkness of the city.
The camera pans to the announce team.
I don't think I've ever seen him like this! |
We have broke him!!! |

Ryu Matsumoto vs Sean McGee

The camera pans to the announce team.
What in the world! |
He's baaaaaack! |

