We cut to the lockerroom of Turmoil, passing by a few wrestlers training until we reach Cort Marshall, who’s unzipping a large gym bag full of cassette tapes. He’s got a bright yellow “sports” Walkman on his waist and the earphones around his neck. 

 Let’s see here… that’s a classic, but not in the mood… haven’t listened to this one in a while… hmm.

Cameraman: Whatchya got there?

Cort looks up.

 Oh. Workout music. Gotta get hyped to POOMP DE MOOSCLES, you know. 80’s music makes you work out twice as hard, it’s science. Look into it.

Cameraman: Uh-huh. Anything from, uh, recent times in there?

Cort looks hurt.

 First of all, nobody makes cassettes anymore. And secondly, music died in approximately 1992. So no. This is all from the GOLDEN ERA, baby.

Cameraman: The era in which everybody used the same three synthesizer presets?

Cort: Better watch your mouth, boy.

Cort is distracted from his imminent assault on an OCW employee by one of the tapes.

 Oh, here we go, baby. Now THAT’S what I call music!

He grabs the tape and is about to put it into the walkman when he’s interrupted by another voice. Coming into frame is OCW’s favorite loudmouth submission expert, Maxwale. He begins to soliloquize without prompting, as usual.

 Maxwale is having the single greatest run in OCW history. Not only did I slaughter Jerry Boy and dismantle Buddy Burns. But I picked up a victory over Snort Blogger. 

Cort: “Snort Blogger.” That one doesn’t even make sense! And it’s richer than paris Hilton’s tit coming from a man who stole a countout win by pretending to be dead on the outside!

Maxwale: I mean it’s fine. I’d make excuses too if I were you… Wait I’m not you. Hahahaha. 

Irritated by the insults, Cort stands up.

 And if I were you, my mouth would be a-shutting and my feet would be a-moving before my ass gets a-nother kicking!

Maxwale: Hahahaha, I got bigger fish to fry. Now if you’ll excuse me. 

Maxwale turns around to leave. Cort rolls his eyes and begins to sit back down, but Maxwale spins on his heels and attacks him while his back is turned, laying in a few shots before the other wrestlers in the room--Tre Golden and AC Cobra--pull them apart. Maxwale takes advantage and quickly exits, laughing as he does. Cort struggles with Tre and Cobra.

 Unhand me, you floppy-titted cad!

AC: First of all, I’m working on it. Secondly, these are moobs thank you very much.

Cort: Whatever you say, Private Portly.

Cort rubs his neck where he’d been hit and groans. After a few seconds, he calms down, only then realizing that the tape was broken in the scuffle.

 My autographed copy of Van Halen’s 5150! How could he!

AC scratches his head.

AC: Who’s Van Halen? What’s his gamer tag?

Golden: Forgive him, he only understands video game speak and I’m pretty sure he’s so out of shape that he’s getting no oxygen to his brain.

Cort shakes off the funk of having an EXTREMELY VALUABLE ANCIENT RELIC destroyed, turning his attention to the other two men for real.

Cort: Oh yeah, you guys were practicing right?

Golden: Yep, we been bulking AC up. He been hitting the gym, these breasts *holds on to AC’s chest* will be gone in no time.

AC quickly gets behinds Tre as he talks. He whips out a sign from his pants that says “Please Help.”

 We both got our sights on the Pride Championship, well Cobra wants to win a date with winters, but I think this is more healthy for him.

Cort: Ah yes, the Pride Title… I know her well. Not sure about that Winters lady though, seems like kind of a b-word that rhymes with “itch.” Might as well join you in training, anyway?

AC nods.

AC: Join the party.

Cort: You guys need tunes?

Golden: Only if it’s Hearts on Fire.


Cort shrugs, leaving the Walkman on the bench as he goes to spar with the other two.




Fell better now?


Like a new man.



It's a Match!
T.Y. Sparks vs Rust Cohle


The camera pans to the announce team.



Well then...


He's gonna feel that in the morning.

The scene opens in the backstage infirmary. The EMTs are checking on Valkyrie to make sure she can be cleared to compete once again. 

EMT #1:
 Does it hurt if I touch here?

Valkyrie: No. 

Valkyrie’s expression gives away the pain she was actually feeling. 

EMT #1:
 Lying to me is not going to clear you faster, missy. 

Valkyrie: Let me go! It’s nothing. I’ll tape myself up and fight, no big deal. 

EMT #1: You fainted on Riot after Moore kicked you in the face. It did look like a big deal to me, and underestimating it will only make things worse…

Valkyrie shrugs, as her rival makes her entrance in the scene. 

Ashley Moore:
 Hi, Valk. I knew i would find you here.

Ashley Moore: Before you say something, I want to congratulate you for your performance in our match.

Ashley Moore: How long you were able to keep fighting. You have my respect for that.

Ashley Moore: Nonetheless you deserved how you ended up here and you should get familiar with the place. You will spend a lot of time here.

Valkyrie: Oh, I'm very familiar with this place, believe me. 

Valkyrie: I made my debut one year ago, on Turmoil 197. On that same night I was jumped by Showblitz, three on one. Result? Dislocated shoulder. 

Valkyrie: Wrestlution 12? My ankle was completely shattered. I spent the entire summer in rehab. 

Valkyrie: Riot 513? After my extreme rules match against a 289 pounds freak of nature, Heather Angelo decided to piledrive me again, and again and again. 

Valkyrie: The thing is, people have been trying to injure me since I've joined OCW. They see I'm short, tiny and they think they can take me out easily. That might be true biologically, but what's also true is the fact that I always get back up. 

Ashley Moore: Should you not have enough of that? Going out every time with the certainty that you will end up here again sooner or later.

Ashley puts her right leg on the table directly next to Valkyrie and points to her heels.

Ashley Moore:
 The next time I hit you with them, do me, and especially yourself, a favor: Stay down!

Valkyrie: We’ll see about that.

Valkyrie can’t really do much else except glaring at Ashley with a look of despise in her face. The scene then fades to the commentary team.




A large colorful mat fills the screen before being placed on the ground gently. Terra Daturas wipes her brow and places her hands on her hips proudly as she checks the time on a nearby clock.

Terra: I think her grace would be proud of the calming aura I've created!

The camera pans around quickly to show various indoor gardens, dimmed lamps, colorful flora and rug and mats covering the floor. The room was designed by Terra to exude peace and calmness.

Terra nervously checks the wall clock again and an unnerving look passes over her face.

After a few moments, she walks over to the door and opens it, looking left and right to see nobody. Nothing. As she goes to close it, her eyes catch a note clumsily taped to the door. After a quick double take, she pulls the note from the door and brings it inside.

Terra. I don't think I'm ready... Something came up. I can't make our first session. It is what is is. Will talk to you soon. - #Notorious

The camera pans down to the floor and Terra is seen walking slowly away into the background near the mats. Just as she reaches it, the note is seen in the foreground gently falling down as Terra had just dropped it after reading.

Terra Daturas calmly sits on the nearest cushioned mat, places her colorful flower garland on head and holds her hands together, seeming to meditate.

The camera slowly fades out as the defender of Mater Natura attempts to use meditation and peace to move past her disappointment.







