A while after her match has ended, Ace is barraging the backstage looking for her beloved FloJo. Unfortunately, she’s nowhere to be found.

Ace: FloJoooooooo?

She turns a corner, but instead of running into FloJo, she encounters-

Dragana: …

Ace: What you want!? Find FloJo!

Dragana scowls heavily at the crazed one.

Dragana: …

Ace: BAKA!

Before Ace can move, Dragana SLAPS her across the face, bewildering her. She immediately prepares to retaliate, but pulls back at the last second. Instead, she smiles, almost chuckling as Dragana stares her down, no fear in her eyes.

Ace: I see you.

She slowly backs away from the silent warrior, still smiling and laughing whilst holding her chin.

Ace: I… see… YOU!

Ace eventually disappears from view, leaving Dragana to herself.





Scene opens with the camera on the face of Code Jackman. His eyes are closed and he has headphones on listening to an audio version of himself talking.

 I am better than Bray, I am better than Betamax, I am better than Austin Lee, I am better than Aries, I am definitely better than B17, I hate B17….

Jackman begins to fall to sleep listening to an audio of himself. Jackman begins to dream. 

Code Jackman:
 Do you think I am done with you? I am not finished yet. I am better than you.

Jackman stands over the body of B17 as he lays unconscious.

Code Jackman:
 What I did to you in the ring is what you are going to be feeling for the rest of your life.

Jackman walks over grabs two steel chairs places one on the ground and moves B17 face first on the chair. 

Code Jackman:
 You know, you had this coming. People, people respect what I am doing here. They see me as a leader. They see what I’m doing here and want to join me. 

Jackman beings to laugh and grabs the other chair. 

Code Jackman:
 Just so you know B17 you name is perfect for what I’m about to do… Bingo!

Jackman than uses the steel chair on B17s head as he keeps pounding his head in. This goes on for 10 shots to the head and blood starts to cover the chair and the floor around him. 

 Jackman, Jackman, wake up you have a match! JACKMAN!

Jackman jumps up and punches the person in front of him. 

Damien Bourne:
 Mother fu…! You have a match! Get to it!

Jackman Takes his headphones off and walks to the gorilla position.


The camera pans to the announce team.


End of the road.


Still I can't let gooooo!


The Main Event

It's a Match!
Quartz vs Code


The camera pans to the announce team.










