The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Welcome everyone to Night one of a 2 night E-Wrestling Extravaganza!
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Are you excited? because I am excited? |
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We have a great show for you tonight we are jam packed!
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Screw it lets go!!!!! |
Recorded Earlier In The Week!
We pan to the set of WRESTLUTION XI Event Media Super Hub™. Manning the desk is OCW’s own Jim Black and the King of the Indies himself Kalix Eastbrook
Kalix grabs the stack of papers in front of him and orders them, he clears his throat and begins
KALIX: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Kalix Eastbrook here at the Wrestlution Eleven Event Media Super Hub™ brought to you by your home for all Wrestlution coverage.
KALIX: I am joined by my colleague Jim Black, and boy do we have a treat for you guys tonight, tell them about it Jimmy!
JIM: Good evening Kalix, Ladies, Gents; and boy is Kalix right tonight we are going to have EXCLUSIVE coverage of the First Annual HausofHoot Transpacific Road Race to the Tokyo Dome.
JIM Each of our esteemed competitors will form teams and will load up in their vehicle of choice and they will compete to be the first ones to get to Wrestlution at the Tokyo Dome!
KALIX: WOOOOOOOW AMAAAAAAAAZING! And what will our esteemed winner get for accomplishing such a fantastic feat!
JIM: I’m glad you asked! Our winner or winners will receive a complimentary Dinner at Ribera’s Steakhouse™!
JIM: We are gunna cut to a quick commercial break! But when we return we will be live with our competitors!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Tell me they didn't!
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Recorded Earlier In The Week!
The cameras start rolling in Los Angeles, California inside the The Purge Mobile 6000 which looks like……………
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Mugen is seen at the steering wheel but he is barely paying attention to the road. We see Molly sitting beside him and Dimsmore and Lacy seated directly behind them two in the cockpit area. Tobin, Bertha and Liger Mask are spotted in the back playing a friendly game of Mexican Poker.
Lacy: Let me get this straight… are going to drive through the Pacific Ocean in this?
Mugen: Correct! The Purge Mobile 6000 is an upgrade from The Purge Mobile 3000 and it is now an amphibious vehicle as well.
Lacy: I’ve never been in an amphi…..amphi… and sea vehicle before. How about you Myyyy Dimmy?
Dimsmore shakes his head as he continues to look forward
Tobin: What happened to The Purge Mobile 3000?
Mugen: Ehhhh let’s not talk about it.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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You say unsafe, I say a work of functional art! |
Previously Recorded!
Kalix Eastbrook is standing next to Sentai Hare who is trying out various poses in front of her green sidekick, Bunny D.
Kalix: And we’re back to the races and Sentai Hare is apparently riding on fo-
Bunny D: Every member of your bloodline can do this Hare. You are the chosen one! Embrace your spirit animal!
Sentai Hare: I’m trying…
Bunny D: Here try this out.
Bunny D raises a golden coin with a rabbit motif over his head.
Bunny D: If you can grab this coin you will have mastered everything I have taught you.
Sentai Hare: SENTAI KICK~!
Sentai Hare does a leaping spinning kick knocking the coin right out of his hand and catches it in mid air. She spins around and kneels into a kung fu pose. A catchy heavy guitar riff starts playing in the background as a Hot Pink GIGANTIC Mechanical Rabbit appears out of the sky LANDING behind them.
Sentai Hare: YATA!
Bunny D: The legendary Rabbitzord!
Sentai Hare: Alright let’s hop in.
Both luchadors leap the 20+ feet [s]with the help of a trampoline and camera cuts[/s] and fall into the rabbit hole protruding out of the Rabbitzord’s head.
Kalix: You heard it right here folks, Sentai Hare is riding the Rabbitzord!
Kalix: To be continue?
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Now this is just getting out of hand!
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Better hope Sentai and Molly made it in time because they kick things off! |
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The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I can't belive it!
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She did it!! she made history! |
Unseen footage of Riot 467
Heather returns home after the disturbing call she received at Riot. The loft is dark and eerily quiet inside.
She walks inside keeping the lights off, drops her keys and looks for her metal baseball bat she keeps hidden behind a bookshelf. To no avail. It's missing. Then a deep raspy voice breaks silence from the dark.
???: Lesson #1, Stay two steps ahead of your opponent. Fighting is a game of chess.
Heather: Where are you!? Show your face so I can break it, you scum!
???: Now now. Is that anyway to talk to your superiors?
???: Lesson #2 Maintain mystique. Don't react with emotion. Hmph, don't react at all. Remain unpredictable.
???: You said something like that to your… H2O friend at that restaurant a few months ago.
Heather is searching to find where this voice is coming from. She pauses as this voice mentions her talking to H2O at Panorama. Not phased at all by the comment.
She finds a bike chain with a padlock on the end. She wraps it around her fist looking to see where this voice is coming from cautiously swinging the chain in circles.
Heather: Stalking me I see. Once Harvey finds out….
??? THAT IMBECILE IS NOTHING!!! The arrogance he displays kills his potential. I'd destroyed MANY of men like him. I WILL NOT LET YOU FALL WITH HIM!
Heather discovers where he's yelling from. He's yelling from upstairs. She smiles to the discovery as she makes her way up the stairs.
Heather: I do what I want. No one lets me do anything. Lesson #3, practice what you preach, viejo You reacted.
???: Hmph, splendid my dear. You learn rather quickly. Knowing I don't like... the boy, you mentioned him and I reacted.
???: Which brings me to Lesson #4, Study your opponent's weakness.
She clicks on the lights upstairs and still don't see him. But she's getting closer to the voice. It's coming from their bedroom. She approaches.
Heather: I had enough of your games. When I find you I will break you.
She enters their bedroom and sees a silhouette of what appears to be a man standing near the bathroom.
She whispers.
Heather: Gotcha.
She flicks on the light and rushes the assailant but there's no man. Just H2O’s hoody vest hanging on a coat rack.
She notices an antenna hanging out of his pocket and she pulls it out. It's a walkie talkie. The voice comes over it again.
???: Lesson #5, repeat Lesson #1.
The room blacks out again and she gasps as her assailant grabs her from behind with the baseball bat she was looking for.
???: Daddy's Home.
Heather opens her eyes wide as she finally recognize the voice.
The assailant swings the bat at the camera and all you hear is static. Scene over.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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What in the hell!
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Ohhh boy! |
We cut to Drago as he is positioned on top of an extremely large elephant. He yells something and the elephant trumpets. Kalix Eastbrook walks up to the pair with a ladder. He climbs to the top of it.
KALIX: Folks, I’m here with Drago Cesar riding his vehicle of choice…..A war elephant? Why a war elephant? Why not something fast like a cheetah?
DRAGO: No question bubba.
KALIX: Oh….Well, will you at least buy my DVDs?
DRAGO: ….Sure.
Drago pulls out his wallet from his pocket, then as he’s about to buy a DVD, the elephant gets restless, causing it to hit Kalix and send him falling to the ground.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh for the love of god!
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The following was pre-recorded earlier in the day outside the Saitama Arena.
Stacy Clark is standing by with the self proclaimed queen of OCW... Madison Cox. It looks like they're in the middle of an interview.
Madison: "My king has not lost a match all season and tonight won't be no different Stacy! Tonight my king is going to complete his cycle. It's because of my king that Matsuda went from being the villain to a superhero!"
Madison: "This story is going to end as the final chapter is written here tonight. History will be made and it will be our king, MY KING!!! Who is standing over The fallen idol... Hideto Matsuda!!!"
The fans walking past the Tokyo Dome with their Matsuda signs boo Madison.
Madison: "They know I am right."
Stacy: "The Tokyo dome is sold out tonight."
Madison: "You have me and my king to thank for that."
Stacy: "We have one more question for you Madison. Tonight you team up with A..."
Stacy loses her train of thought as the former women's champion Alex Robinson comes walking by. Madison hasn't noticed Alex.
Madison: "You going to ask me that dumb question or not?"
Alex: "Awwww hun..."
Madison turns around to the shock of seeing her former best friend.
Alex: "You miss me that much that you're teaming up with some wannabe lookalike of me?"
Madison: "She looks nothing like you."
Alex: "Hun her name is ALEXIA!!! I mean C'MON!!! I seen the way she talks and tries to act like me but you know she can never be me right?"
Madison: "Alex what do you want? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your match with Tiffany tonight?"
Alex: "Madison... I am the former women's champion! I beat you and six other people to be the champion. Do you remember that?"
Madison: "I remember you losing the championship to Sophia. Wasn't that 3 months ago now?"
Alex: "Whatever..."
Madison: "It's your ignorance to why you're going to lose. She made you tap out a few weeks ago and she's going to do the same again tonight."
Alex: "She caught me off guard. There is no way she's going to do it again. Tonight it's going to be a walk in the park beating her."
Madison sighs.
Madison: "Whatever you say."
Madison is about to walk off when...
Alex: "Wait Madison."
Madison: "What?"
Alex: "I want to apologize to you."
Madison looks confused.
Alex: "Some of the best times I had here was teaming with you and if I have one regret. It's the day I had to turn on you."
Madison: "It's a little bit late for that now don't you think?"
Alex: "Look, I was put in a situation I didn't want to be in and I had to do it for Leon. You of all people should know what it's like and I am sure you would do the same for Dennis."
Madison stays quiet as she thinks about what Alex is saying.
Alex: "I mean it when I say I am sorry Madison, so let's say right here at Wrestlution. We put it all this behind us and the greatest women's team of all time gets back together?"
Madison is about to speak but Alex talks over before she gets a chance too.
Alex: "Think about it... You could drop that wannabe partner of yours and I can help you take care of them losers Betty Ford. Then... You could accompany me to the ring while I fight Tiffany tonight. We would be unstoppable together!!! So... What do you say?"
Madison: "You're right. Together we would be unstoppable but you had your chance and you chose to side against me."
Alex: "Come on Madison... You need me hun."
Madison: "I think it's you who needs me Alex. I am fine, I have Alexia."
Alex: "OH C'MON!!!"
Madison: "You don't need me at ringside tonight because like you said. Fighting Tiffany is just a walk in the park right? You will be fine. I got to meet up with my king. Big match for him tonight. Good luck though Alex."
Madison leaves towards the parking lot as Stacy Clark who has been standing here this entire time turns to Alex.
Stacy: "It looks like you're on your own."
Alex looks agitated as she too makes her leave towards Saitama!.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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That felt very awkward!
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You ain't wrong! |
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