The scene opens up backstage in an room that usually would have been used by the Strong Style Daigaku as their locker room. What remains is a bench in the center of the room with the OCW North American Championship laying on top of it. Mugen enters the room solemnly as sits on the bench next to the belt.
Mugen: Tonight. I'm in my home away from home of New York City. See home is where the family is and I don't mean that family of bums who looked like they stole clothes from the homeless shelter. When I say family I mean people you can trust, people you understand and people that are almost like brothers.
Mugen forms a C with one hand and puts up four fingers with the other.
Mugen: Now what I call family.
Mugen picks up the belt from the bench as he still looks away from the camera.
Mugen: It pains me to think that one of my biggest accomplishments here in OCW has led to one of the most difficult times in my OCW career. It pains me to think that I have to go in to a match with two other opponents to defend my title. But all that pain doesn't even compare to what I plan to do to you Matsuda.
Mugen looks at the camera as he holds up the belt and points at it.
Mugen: HIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! For a minute there I considered you as part of my family but you really wanted this all along. I'll admit that some of the smoke and mirror magic tricks distracted me from the inevitability. But thank god, I'm smarter than you think. Old friend, remember what I've said numerous times to our opponents?
Mugen holds three fingers up in the air
Mugen: I'm always three steps ahead. And in this case, nothing has changed. That's why I've been plotting since the day we became a tag team. That's also why I've been working out harder than ever so I can kick your leg out of your leg.....and punch your face off of your face and rip your arm out of your arm to beat down the rest of your dead body until there is NOTHING LEFT OF YOU MATSUDA.
Mugen starts freaking out as he throws down his title belt and turns around to kick the bench over into the wall. He then picks up his suitcase and throws it into the wall as well.
Mugen: JEEEEESUS. DID YOU THINK I WAS BLIND? I've seen you look at my belt before and quietly whisper to yourself, oh you will be home soon. BUT GUESS WHAT? IT'S NOT COMING HOME SOON BECAUSE I WILL LEAVE THE RING TONIGHT WITH THE BELT STILL IN MY HAND.
Mugen picks the belt back up from the floor and pats it down almost as if he was holding a baby.
Mugen: Drago, I'm sorry you had to get in the midst of this, but you best stay out of my business with Matsuda. Don't think for a second that I won't knock you out and feed you to the bears at the Bronx Zoo.
Mugen moves closer into the camera and stares at it
Mugen: Somebody once said about New York that, if you could make it here, you could make it anywhere. For you Matsuda, if you make it to the ring here, I will make sure that you will never be able to walk anywhere. C4 Over Everything
Mugen walks out of the locker room as the scene cuts out
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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The Champ is fired up tonight! |
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As he should be! |
The X-Tron Flickers on!
-Institutionalized by the Suicidal Tendencies plays over the loudspeaker as baxter makes his way down to the ring carrying a bag over his shoulder with kendo stick in hand-
Baxter: TEN YEARS!
-Crowd chants O C Dub-
Baxter: Man it has been fun. -Welcome back chants- when i first walked down that ramp over 8 years ago. I faced a monster known as mayhem then found this niche as a pirate and ran with it for years. I became the ultimate underdog before it was cool and put my body on the line in day in and day out. with my blood sweat and tears i was one of the pioneers for what the Ex-division is today
-Baxter Pauses for a bit-
Baxter: then i broke down and was sent to a loony bin. a few things happened .. made some friends.. some enimies.. lost some weight -Baxter reaches down into the bag and pulls out a bottle of medication- and had to take these damn things that were FORCED on me, made me break into multiple personalities and i am Siiiiick of them.
-Baxter opens the bottle and pours the pills on the ground and begins to stomp on them and whack them with the kendo stick-
Baxter: Stupid .. Stupid .. CRAP!!
-Baxter begins to pace around the ring.-
Baxter: All they did was force a persona on me that was some soft .. laid back ... PANSY!!
-Baxter begins to smile and laugh as he pulls out more medication.-
Baxter: who wants some free anti-depressants? They go for.. what?? $20 a pill
-Baxter takes the bottle and throws it into the crowd he begins to do this with several other bottles of pills.-
Baxter: Now .. Back on the Show .. Ten years of Blood, sweat, and tears have been shed into this night and im looking forward to one match. One with that damn impersonator of my former life Cut-throat.. that filthy scallywag shall not -shakes head- no -smiles- control -deap breath- and Matsuda. -points kendo stick at the entrance- I saw what you guys did tonight, I will be watching you both carefully from hear on out.. -leans over ropes- It's only a matter of time before i will be holding that title .. i know I'll be starting from the bottom but you soon shall face the Lakeland Lunatic known as Chris Baxter.
-Baxter leaves through the Crowd and poses with some fans-
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Issuing Challenges, looks like. Baxter is back for good! |
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Indeed. |
We cut to Djesus on the top rope pandering to the crowd with his music playing in the background. Djesus takes off his shirt and tosses it to the crowd as he awaits his opponent.
“Murder Reigns” by Ja Rule hits as K Dangelo makes his way down the ramp. Djesus goads KD on as he makes his way down the ramp.
Djesus flees from the ring through the ropes as KD gets into the ring. KD begins demanding that Djesus get back into the ring as Djesus hops the guard rail and makes his way through the crowd.
Just as KD turns to follow Djesus through the crowd he is attacked and kept in the ring by three attackers in all black.
The cage descends as the three men struggle to overpower The Alpha. The camera cuts to Djesus pointing to his head and laughing.
KD falls to his knees as the three men punch at him. Two of them hold him by his arms and shoulders as the third winds up to deliver a clothesline.
He comes off the rope, but before he can connect KD breaks free and catches him with his signature Big Boot.
The other two go to attack him again but KD catches them both by the throat and delivers a big double choke-slam.
He then picks up the first assailant by the arm, he points out into the crowd and at Djesus. He then hoists the attacker up into a Black-Rack.
KD drops the attacker behind him and begin yelling towards Djesus, his words can’t be made out but his intentions are clear.
Djesus shakes his head at his failed plan and clears out of the arena.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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Looks like Djesus got a case of the limber tail. |
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You would do the same! |
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Up next, Austin Lee takes on Smythe D. Wonder! |
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I can't wait! |
Austin Lee vs Smythe
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Hold on a second! |
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Woah Woah Woah! |
(Previously Recorded)
We return to see Johnny and Drago ready for their next move. The duo stand on opposite sides of a door, where two doctors are coming in.
They both step through the doors, and Drago throws a net on one of the doctors, instantly knocking him out.
Johnny kicks the other doctor in the groin, and throws him into a wall to take him out. After the screen fades to black, it fades in with Johnny and Drago disguised as doctors.
Johnny Law: Now, we just gotta act cool and get out of here.
The pair step out of the doors and calmly walk down the corridor. A nurse steps up to Drago and starts pestering him.
Nurse: Doctor Johnson, you must be ready to perform the incision on the Ebola patient, otherwise he wi-
Drago shoves her out his way and proceeds. Drago and Johnny make it to an elevator, where upon being called, they notice that it's almost entirely packed.....full of doctors.
Drago doesn't really pay attention, but Johnny starts to get paranoid. His cover could be blown. Sweat starts to drip from his forehead as he and Drago get in the elevator.
Johnny Law: Just stay calm.......
They get in, and the elevator closes. We fade back in to the ground floor, where the elevator opens up to reveal all the doctors laying on the floor, unconscious in the elevator. Johnny runs out as Drago follows suit.
Drago Cesar: Johnny, I'm thought you say we have to stay calm!
Johnny Law: That's my way of staying calm!
They run out of the building as Johnny calls a cab. One pulls over beside him as they both get in very quickly.
Taxi Driver: What'll it be, fellas?
Drago Cesar: The Madison Square Garden Arena. We....have a show to catch.
Taxi Driver: That's fine by me!
The taxi drives off as the screen fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Is he going to make it? |
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Talk about LATE! |
We return to the 10 Year Anniversary of OCW, where we find the Family's chosen golden god, Matsuda, talking strategy with his brethren in Trance, Crowe and Eli, just moments from his second match of the night for the North American Championship.
When the Eternal Ex Division Champion is shown on the Riotron, the crowd who had remained hesitant to outright boo the thirsty champion, had lost all patience for Matsuda due to his recent actions toward former friends Mugen and Bobby Minio.
Matsuda: Tonight, everything goes exactly as planned. With the help of you, my brothers, I will be the one who brings the only remaining title into the family, and as such I will ascend as the golden god I am.
Eli: ELI!
Matsuda: But we need everything to go smoothly. I'm going to need you guys out there with me. Break the eggs and I will clean up the pieces, and that North American Title. We do this together. His will be done.
Trio: His will be done.