We pan back to the Office of Mr.Sensation, Our Hero aka Big Boss. Matt Bloom runs in to confirm if Jacob Trance will Indeed defend his Championship against Matsuda.
Our Hero: Well what do you think?
The Camera pans to another person in the room.
Voice1: Break his back and make him humble!
The Crowd cheers, as Parker scowls into the camera!
Our Hero: What about you?
Voice 2: Who? I want to go home, Trance is stupid, let them have cake!
The Crowd cheers as Guy Fausto looks confused and slightly agitated.
Our Hero raises an eyebrow.
Our Hero: What about you?
Voice 3: Do it, it's time for a change around here!
The crowd cheers for the one the only Nate Ortiz!
Our Hero: Well there you have it, mostly everyone (Our Hero gives Guy Fausto The Side Eye) agrees. So tonight at the OCW 10 Year Anniversary, Matsuda will go one on one with Jacob Trance!
The Crowd Cheers! as the camera fades!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Looks like its official! |
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It's go time! |
We turn to the backstage area, where a fatigued-looking Drago Cesar, the newly crowned North American Champion, high fives Johnny.
Drago Cesar: What can I say, Johnny? I think I'm deserve this one!
Johnny Law: Dude, you kicked ass out there! I still can't believe it, you proved to everyone that you're the real deal!
Suddenly, Jim Black steps in and brings a cameraman in with him.
Jim Black: Sorry to interrupt Drago, but we'd like to have a few words with you regarding you being the newly crowned North American Champion.
Drago Cesar: Um....ok.
Jim Black: Drago, what were your thoughts heading into this match?
Drago Cesar: I was expect to have Triple Threat against the Suda Sun Bear and the Mugen. My original strategy was to let them tear each other apart, like a cheetah does a zebra. But things turn out......different.
Jim Black: Indeed they did. Due to....events, the originally booked Triple Threat match would turn into a one on one showdown against Mugen. How did you feel about that change to the match?
Drago Cesar: Well, I was a little disappoint, but at same time kind of happy. You know, I'm wanted to combat the Suda Sun Bear and the Mugen at the same time, but after what happen, I was excite to FINALLY get revenge on the Mugen.
Jim Black: Revenge on Mugen? What do you mean by that?
Drago Cesar: You remember the week after I make the KD humble? The first time? One second.
Drago hands over the belt to Johnny as he pulls out a good, cold beer from the bag near him. He pops the top off with his bare hands and proceeds to chug the entire thing. Of course, after drinking the entire thing, he burps and throws the bottle down, breaking it. Johnny shakes his head as Drago begins his tirade.
Drago Cesar: Those FACKIN jabronis think they get SMART with me! The KD become so SALTY that he send over the Mugen to help me.
Drago Cesar: I don't like it when people fack with me, bubba. So the weeks later, I make the KD humble by facking his ass in the middle of that ring.
Drago Cesar: After that, he never say a thing about me and his fackin garden, because everybody know: I am THE REAL. And weeks go by, the months go. FINALLY, I get the opportunity to get even with that ninja douchebag Mugen.
Jim Black: You certainly did. How did you manage to dig deep and put Mugen away for the 3 count? I mean, you got speared through the barricade and you got kicked in the head quite a number of times!
Drago Cesar: If there was one thing the military taught me bubba, it be that you gotta be tough. Everybody know that the Mugen is the good. But he no good like THE BEST, THE REAL, Drago Cesar! He the paper compared to me, because I h-
Despite being sort of ashamed at Drago's drinking, Johnny steps in to accentuate Drago's points.
Johnny Law: Jimbo, let me tell you something. Nobody, and I do mean NOBODY has the drive or the balls like this man does. He beat guys like KD and Cody freakin' Storm when he was still considered a rookie!
Johnny Law: This man is one of the hardest working guys in this business today, and even though he might be a little unhinged, he's a guy that deserves every bit of respect that he gets! And I think after what just happened, he'll get a lot more of it.
Johnny Law: Mugen came into this one expecting a fight against any other jabroni. What he got was a fight against a true soldier, a man who knows no limits, and a man whose face you will continue to see for a long time, that man's name......is Drago Cesar. Your NEW North American Champion.
Johnny walks away as Drago looks either impressed or completely out of it due to his drunk state.
Drago Cesar: Hey Johnny, that was the pretty FACKIN good! Hey Johnny, where you going? Sorry, Mr. Black, we have championship to celebrate and good cold beer to drink.
Drago drunkily walks off as Jim Black chuckles in amusement. The scene fades to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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A big hand for that man! |
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Here here! |
We cut backstage after the block buster announcement, confirming that we will indeed see Jacob Trance in action later on in the evening. However, he doesn't seem to be angry, in fact, we join him with a wide, wide smile on his face.
Trance: You wanted it all Matsuda... You could have had it all, but you choose to defy me, you choose the path of a god thing, a tyrant. So, living God... Tyrannosaurus.
Trance: Tonight you will meet tyrannicide. You haven't read your history... You don't know what I'm capable of... What I'm going to do to you... All you do is regurgitate your lies, with your false lessons... You can grow... But remember, god king... Empires always fall.
Jacob scratches his beard.
Trance: I will send you back to the dark world, shinigami. Death god, you do not create, you merely destroy... And you will not destroy the utopia that I have created, I am the only dictator nature respects and obeys and you leave me with no choice but to eradicate.
Jacob leans back, putting his weight on the wall.
Trance: You have made an enemy here today... And once I'm done with you... My family will have their turn, and they will take from you what you worked so hard to get.
Trance: You will return to the darkness, all light bar mine shall be removed... And you will carry this message back to the other worlds; I have X'd myself from your world, from the world of darkness I did loose demons and devils in the power of scorpions to torment.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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It looks like it's defintatly on! |
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He ain't even phased. |
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Up next our Co-Main Event. |
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Paul Pugh takes on Bobby Minio. |
Main Event
Paul Pugh vs Bobby Minio
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Oh my god! |
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Word! |
Deep in the bowels of Madison Square Garden is a secret laboratory. Inside this secret laboratory is the Grandiose Galactic Galivanter himself posing as a mad scientist of sorts. You ask who in the heck is that? Well if you don't know it's the Mustard King of Betterness, Your Girl's Favorite Wrestler, the Canadian Dragon, Tiberius Octavius Dupree.
Tibby is shirtless except for his official mad scientist lab coat, red boxers with little orange flames and tube socks nearly up to his knees. His gorgeously long blonde hair in pigtail form nearly sweeps the floor as he swaggers along. Escorted by Madeline Osiris, his former lesbian manager and legendary interviewer Stacey Clark, Tibby walks them through the pristine halls of his secret laboratory.
Down this specific hallway are various cells containing various experiments and specimens. It seems as if each cell contains a puppet or mannequin of some kind. Both Stacey and Madeline bombard the former World Champion with a ton of questions. Of course being the Essence of Better he truly answers only to himself.
Madeline: What is this place?!
Stacey Clark: I have a better question, why do you have puppets in cells?
With his lab coat slowly falling off his shoulders, a millimeter at a time his nonchalantly replies.
Dupree: Well I couldn't possibly experiment on animals, what kind of monster do you think I am? As for your question Maddy, this is my Laboratory of Greater Longevity.
Madeline: Greater Longevity?
Dupree: What is today Maddy? Why has the cosmos aligned in perfect unison for this particular day?
He gives her no opportunity to reply.
Dupree: Because at this very moment in every known universe, it is the 10 Year Anniversary of the greatest wrestling promotion ever! The Greater Longevity Experiment is dedicated to finding out what makes OCW better than the rest. To deduce the all reasons why we are the benchmark of everything wrestling on multi-galactic scale.
Both Madeline and Stacey exchange looks of confusion. More importantly, Tibby's lab coat continues to fall at a amazingly slow rate. (Kill La Kill)
Dupree: Walk with me...
They view the first cell containing a strong jawed puppet with enough OCW Championships and accolades to fill a dozen Express trains heading to OCW headquarters. Another cell full completely of smoke, labeled Versus meets The Steve.
The wall of one cell containing a rabid monkey puppet mispelling 'scumbag' on the wall in what looks like his own feces. An adjacent cell is empty except for a black rack containing dozens of OCW figurines.
The cells seem to go on and and on, various puppet versions of your favorite OCW superstars. Ranging from garbage can Guy Fausto to Aries and Trance bunkbeds. One particular cell located twenty feet above the rest contained the Puppet of Overness plotting his escape. The most impressive and dangerous cell housed the different versions of the Sensational mind in puppet form exchanging secret notes.
Somehow only 4.3 minutes have passed and the trio stand at the final cell. Not really a cell per say, more of a miniature vault. But more remarkable than the vault door is Tibby's lab coat which should have definitely hit the floor by now, yet hasn't. Madeline and Stacey look even more confused than before.
Dupree: After months of experimenting I have finally found the absolute answer to all the secrets of OCW's Greater Longevity. It could not be contained in a simple vault of glass. No...No...This is a doorway directly to the Heart of OCW!
Madeline: Good this is over with, I regret coming down here in the first place.
Stacey Clark: This...this is insane.
Excited either by Stacey's bewilderment or the feeling of cosmic energy filling his nipples, Tibby cracks his classic half smile.
Dupree: Ladies and Ladies who act like Gentlemen, and Gentlemen who act like Ladies, I present to you the Heart of OCW!
Tibby turns dials, pulls levers, presses buttons, takes a retina and thumb print scan, does a DDR steps on a few tiles on the floor. He even fights off 3 waves of invisible aliens only he was capable of seeing.
Finally Roofus Ruckingston the THOID, his Head of Security comes from no where and tries to pat down Stacey and Madeline, both deliver stiff slaps. The vault door opens revealing complete darkness.
Dupree rushes in leaving the two women wondering what to do. Reluctantly they follow him into the blackness. For a few long seconds we are held in eternal darkness, then suddenly the lights come on.
Tibby, Madeline and Stacey are now standing center ring surrounded by the entire OCW Galaxy. Spinning around faster than he should be, pigtail circulating like a helicopter. With a full smile on his face he continues to spin until he's visibly dizzy.
Dupree: This is the reason OCW has survived longer than all the rest!
He points to all the fans in MSG, he points to Poling and Scaggs, he points to the locker room and all the wrestlers, veterans and legends, he even points to the fans at home. His lab coat finally hits the floor after the thunderous pop from the loyal OCW crowd. Tibby, Stacey and Madeline cheer right along as we fade to ringside.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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