A small side office made to look like an official OCW property with Riot and Wrestlelution logos and posters placed on every wall is the visual that opens up the scene. The dear leader of OCW, Jaysin Sensation, sits at his desk, looking as busy as one may look on the 10th Anniversary Show of their company. A sound comes from off camera, so the camera man pans out into the hallway to catch the commotion. Bobby Minio stands just outside the door, peering around the hall, still on the hunt for his rival. He walks in, instantly feeling the cold annoyance of Sensation’s eyes.
Sensation: Can I help you?
Bobby Minio: If ya didn’t notice earlier, I’m looking for a match with Pugh.
Sensation: Another one?
Bobby Minio: The last one.
Sensation stares at Minio for a moment, a decision finally reaching his mind.
Sensation: If you can find him, you can fight him.
Bobby Minio: I guess I’ll be busy for a bi-
Paul Pugh: Bobby Bobby Bobby...
With fists flying into defensive height, Minio’s spins on a heel to face Pugh, while Sensation leans back in his chair, eager to see what is playing out.
Paul Pugh: Whoa killer, still bitter? I get it, its tough being in my shadow. Well, prepare for a little more to be upset about, because as always, Bobby, I had to do all the work. See? I found you first.
Bobby Minio: Oh give me a break!
Paul Pugh: How about I just break something on you instead?
The two men begin to inch closer to each other, face to face, when Sensation finally chimes in.
Sensation: Do I need to get the crew to bring a set of ropes in here or can you children take this to a ring where this belongs?
Neither man breaks the locked stare that they had fallen into, but both reply, coldly.
Pugh & Minio: RING.
Sensation: Well get on with it then gad-damnit! I’ve got a company to run here, I can’t babysit you two chumps! Go! go go go!
He stands and moves toward the men, shooing them from his office. This finally breaks their concentration, with only Pugh’s grin remaining a constant. He gestures toward the door.
Paul Pugh: After you.
With a moment of cautious hesitation, Minio’s narrowed eyes burn a hole through his opponent, but he ultimately decides that even if Pugh were to jump him from behind, any action would be welcome at this point, so he does in fact turn his back on the man who has hounded his life for the last half year, and walk out of the room first.
Pugh and Sensation share an odd look, an adversarial look of their own, before Sensation once again gestures to shoo Pugh out, with a ‘get outta here’ look stamped on Sensation’s face.
Pugh takes his time leaving, allowing Sensation to sit back down at his temporary desk with a sigh of relief.
“You’re going to PAY for this.”
Sensation’s fists slam onto the desk. He’s moved from playing along with the moment to being legitimately annoyed with the interruptions. The camera pans back to the doorway, revealing Stephen Hailowe, still wearing most of the Tigerman V ring gear, his multicolored bay area hair cut matted every which way with dried blood, with gauze wrapped tightly around his forehead.
Sensation: What, pray tell, am I going to be paying for?
Hailowe: THIS! Look at me! I’m a damn mess!
Sensation: Correct, you look terrible… in wrestling gear.
Hailowe: How dare you sit here and shame my body image! At a time like this! When a victim stands before you!
Sensation: Fashion vict-
Hailowe: I nearly died!
Sensation: First off, you snuck into this arena, you dressed up as wrestler and you charged at one of our most unpredictable superstars.
Hailowe: Shut up! Stop victim blaming!
Sensation: You seem to be standing just fine on your own, now.
Hailowe: Oh am I not hurt enough to satisfy you? I’m sorry I’m not your perfect victim!
Sensation: You ATTACKED a superstar, you engaged a superstar, you forced him to act, to defend himself.
Hailowe: He can defend himself to the rest of the mongoloids around here, but not against me!
Sensation: He can’t defend himself against you?
Hailowe: NOT. AGAINST. ME!
Sensation: Aren’t you just the most unique snowflake.
Hailowe: You don’t know the half of it. I’m connected. I’m networked. I’m a some-person! I will make you regret this day.
Sensation: I already do.
Hailowe: Not yet you do. See you in a few weeks.
Sensation: Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Hailowe: That’s sexist and xenophobic and I don’t have to listen to crap like that.
The agitated and hurt man turns to leave the room, fumbling around with the door before he begins rapidly slamming it over and over again behind himself, in the most childish way possible. Sensation groans, before shouting through the door.
Sensation: GROW UP!
The muffled sound of Stephen Hailowe’s voice replies back.
With the slamming finally ending, Sensation rubs his temple and sighs at this man he has somehow been forced to suffer, as the camera pans back to the door and fades into the next segment.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Did he just blame Sensation, for getting hurt after attacking Bobby? |
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It's a new era! get with the program! |
Come together by Godsmack blasts over the PA system as the fans go haywire for Reckless Kid Luke Fuentes. Waiting for his arriving, Pulling up a 1964 Impala. Reckless begins to pump up the crowd as they buy into it and cheer for one of their favorite OCW superstars. Luke begins to hit the switches making the Impala dance to the beat of the music. Raising his arms in the air. Reckless hops out of the car and begins to make his way to the ring.
Getting in the ring, Luke heads over to the top rope to pump up the crowd even as pyros go off. Hoping down, Reckless waits..waits..and waits for his rival Ac Cobra to make his way to the ring to begins his match.
Still waiting, the crowd is starting to get a little upset at the face that Cobra appears to be a no call no show. Reading the crowds reaction. Reckless asks for a microphone.
RK: C'mon Cobra, We're all waiting or you kissing up to Trance the Prance again? Can't beat to your own drum?
Crowd begins to laugh at Luke's comments toward Cobra
RK: You know Cobra. I thought you were better than this. I thought you were a man with dignity I mean the least you can is tell me why you and the rest of the Family were to afraid to face me like a man and not hide behind eachother's backs.
The crowd begins to chant " Scardy Cat! Scardy cat! as Luke listens to the chant and gives a little smirk to his face as he puts the mic to his mouth again and begins to chat
RK: I'm starting to think that you're not going to show for this. Did you get different orders? Are you guys all waiting for me backstage to jump me? wait wait I know. You're off fixing another Air Conditioning vent right? I mean that is what AC stands for in your name? Cause the rate you're going. You're going to cool off and be forgotten.
The crowd gives an " oooo " to those remarks.
RK: Now.. now (talking to the crowd) it's ok if he's content where he's at. Just somebody's puppy cough cough Trance.
Crowd laughs again
RK: As for me? I'm moving up, I'm making moves. My bus does not stop here. My bus is taking me to a level I'm meant to be at. Won't stop till I become the man to beat the man who beat the man.
Crowd seems alittle confused to those last words
RK: What does that mean you ask? Hell I dunno but it sounded good cmon. That's what I do. I provide the entertainment you fans pay to see. Now I'm sorry to say due to the circumstances tonight's TEN YEAR show will be R.W.R and you can thank AC Cobra for that!
Crowd begins to boo
RK: It's ok, it's ok. For I will take this moment and take some time off and train my body and mind to take over this " Family " movement and put a stop to this cult. As for my final words The Family and Cobra.
RK: Lock your doors. Cause I'm coming!
With those final words spoken. Come together by Godsmack blares over the pa system as Reckless Kid waves to the crowd making his way backstage as the scene fades.
The Camera pans to OCWFED Commentators Charles Scaggs and "Big" Al Poling.
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The Reckless one will get his hands on the cowardly Cobra! |
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Just not today! |
The lights of the arena quickly dim, and a spotlight finds it’s target in the audience: A bearded man with long, dark hair, rises from his front-row seat. He turns to the woman beside him -- a lovely woman, who appears to be with child -- he grins and gives her a kiss, while resting a hand on her protruding belly. The woman smiles back, as if trying not to let her emotions get the better of her.
The bearded man easily crosses over the barricade; making it apparent that, despite a slight protruding belly of his own, he is a man of large size and stature -- an intimidating figure to most, no doubt. The spotlight has no trouble staying with him as he is handed a mic and enters the ring, with great familiarity.
The audience remains fairly hushed, as they attempt to determine the identity of this bearded figure. There is something familiar about his attire (black shorts, boots and t-shirt) along with his movements, but nothing definitive. Perhaps his voice will lend another clue.
BEARDED MAN: Jay had invited me to be a part of the 10th Anniversary show, and immediately, I started thinking of angles: what can I do to shock and awe the audience; what will make it memorable and befitting of such a milestone?
BEARDED MAN: All of this, of course, comes from some kind of Pavlovian response… as if the “business” is permanently ingrained in my way of thinking. However, the reality of my life, recently [gesturing towards the lovely woman, with child, in the audience] makes quick work of my OCW aspirations, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, to be honest.
BEARDED MAN: I could see my plans slipping away with each passing day, as I scrapped portion, after portion of this historic event in my life. The situation reminded me of setting my alarm clock -- allowing myself time to feed the dog, work-out, iron my clothes, shave and shower -- only to keep hitting “snooze”, while reassuring myself I didn’t need to accomplish any of my previously scheduled tasks. I could still have a great day without any of it, right?
BEARDED MAN: Unfortunately; each time I hit that symbolic snooze button, I also hit a nerve -- a nerve connected to my disdain for mediocrity. This, simply, would not stand. I needed to do something worthy of what OCW has accomplished. I thought: how could I ever portray what this place means to me?
BEARDED MAN: It was then, ironically enough, when I realized how this... unrelenting feeling of disappointment -- brought on by this aforementioned “snooze” button -- was a perfect example of what OCW represented to me -- of what OCW is, and has always been: a source of uninhibited and unapologetic entertainment… and it brought out the best in the players who chose to perform on this stage.
BEARDED MAN: After all: what are we, if not slaves -- slaves of our need to entertain the world; slaves to our ambition of running an asylum filled with like-minded players; slaves to our hope of writing our own destiny?
BEARDED MAN: And just like a moth to a flame; like a dingo to a baby; like an NBA player to a white woman, OCW pulled me in with it’s promising light... just like it did for so many of you. I became a part of OCW, and OCW became a part of me… and I loved every minute of it.
BEARDED MAN: For ten years, a man by the name of Jaysin Sensation, allowed poor schmoes, like myself, the freedom of running rough-shot in his kingdom of weary travelers and ungoverned hoodlums, who’ve grown tired of stories told by those with selfish agendas.
BEARDED MAN: In Jaysin’s world, the only limits where those set by our own minds -- politics had no presence; money had no motive and barriers had no bearings in this Metropolis of the mat. The only rent to be paid was that of recognition and respect... and for this Mecha of all creative mediums, I will always be grateful to you, Jaysin.
BEARDED MAN: You see… to me, OCW was never about defeating my brethren, or stepping over them to reach the proverbial brass ring. No, the goal was to push ourselves -- to do what other federations would not dare, nor dare to allow. The goal was to create heros and villans; laughter and tension; unforgettable characters and moments. The goal was to raise the bar and break down walls. The goal was, always, to entertain… and to do so, with style.
BEARDED MAN: There has always been a purity about OCW that many, either overlooked or misunderstood, but I always appreciated this place for what it was. Perhaps, it was hard to see because it was hidden under so many complex layers… much like myself? That is why, I stand before you now, without the usual layers of paint on my face -- vulnerable and as pure as I’ll ever be -- to pay my respects, while leaving you with these words:
For the first time in his OCW career, we see the sincere and resolute brown eyes of a man, once known as Mad Michael Morrison, as he gazes into the camera; directing his words to the next generation of OCW superstars.
MICHAEL MORRISON: What will you do to own your destiny? What will you do to push OCW to the next level? What will you do to be the best? What will you do… to entertain a world?
The crowd rises for a standing ovation. Chants of OCW, and Thank You Mad Mike" roar through the arena as a Legend bids farewell.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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(Smiles Warmly) |
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(Smiles) |