*Recorded Earlier*
We settle into a shot of the interior of a nonspecific rental car, taken from the top of the windshield and pointing down inside. Christian Shepherd is driving, with Cort Marshall seemingly asleep in the passenger seat. Suddenly, Cort shoots up in the seat, yelling. Shepherd jumps in his seat and almost swerves off the road.
Shep: What the hell!
Cort: Sorry. Bad dream.
Shep: Oh. Like, the war or something?
Cort: No, no. I was being hunted by Batman. But he was more like an actual bat, so to find me he just screamed really loud.
A look of confusion crosses Shepherd’s face.
Shep: Not even gonna comment on that. You ready for the match?
Cort nods.
Cort: We’ve got this. I know we do.
Shep: I know I do, but what about you? Not gonna go sailing off any turnbuckles only to hit the ground and knock yourself the hell out as I get double-teamed?
Cort: Split-second decisions aren’t always the right ones.
Shep: So quit making split-second decisions! We’ve gotta bring our A-game. Another loss and we’re not gonna be #1 contenders…
Cort: Who else is there?
Shep: Well, I think Doc Green just teamed up with a new guy. Everett? Never know who’s gonna enter the tag scene next, man. Can’t count on getting another title opportunity handed right to us. I just know I want it all man...
Cort: Yeah, you’re right… just sometimes I see red.
Shep opens his mouth.
Cort: And white. And BLUE!
Cort starts humming the star-spangled banner while Shep sighs and keeps driving.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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This one is gonna be crazy! |
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I can't wait! |
Xander Knight Hype
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Well ok now I am hyped! |
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Dam skippy hippy! |
Kass and Scarlet Spider are walking through a corridor in the backstage area.
RYU: Last year was the year of TTT, every main event, Spider, or Kass, Spider and Kass, week in week out, TTT Domination!
Kass: Undefeated! Best to ever do it!
RYU: That’s right! Tell em Kass, undefeated!
Kass: But we need to be even bigger this year, even better!
RYU: Something’s been missing, when TTT first started there were four of us.
Kass: Four of us? Must’ve been a different timeline.
RYU: thinking face It wasn’t anyone important anyways, I say we go out there and we make this thing official, you know what I’m talking about?
Kass: Of course!
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Aren't these two gonna fight tonight in the main event! What the hell is with all this buddy buddy stuff! |
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COMPETITION DOEST NOT GET IN THE WAY OF FAMILY! DO YOU NOT WATCH MMA? Oh I'm sorry I forgot your Nana's house only has The Hallmark Channel and LIFETIME! |
#1 Contendership Match
NOMAD vs H20
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Inness Quartz is shown backstage looking in a mirror. His face showing the same calmness and focus it has since Savage Lands 2018. His beard has grown much longer and his head has been shaved. The red streak still through the right side of his hair.
Inness Quartz: Yet another struggle with Sgt. Marshall and Shepherd.
Inness Quartz: How can these two be our enemies? They threaten our success.. but are they truly foe?
Silence follows Quartz questions before he looks down into the sink area below the mirror.
Inness: Rustin? Are you --
Quartz turns around to see Ijitu Quartz standing inside the locker room. In his surprise, he looks again to see Intell also inside the room, near a small television in the corner of the room. Intell adjusts his reading glasses and peers up from his book.
Inness: Ijitu. Here to mock and prod prior to our match?
Ijitu removes his PRISTINE SUNGLASSES and flashes a quick, smug grin before answering in his quick, raspy voice.
Ijitu: Who me?! Naaah, big fella. Why would I ever do such a thing?
Ijitu speaks sarcastically to Inness, taunting him.
Inness: I really don't have time for this. I need to speak to Rustin. Our confrontation with Marshall and Shepherd comes to an end tonight.
Ijitu: Ahhh, Rusty is just fine. We'll be meeting up with him shortly.
Intell continues to read as he scoffs at the comment and shakes his head. He adjusts his glasses once more, placing them behind the light black streak in his hair.
Inness: Ijitu. Listen to me. Rustin and I have this under control. We've finally reached our inner peace. I have an obligation to continue my efforts with him... and with us.
Inness turns back around and adjusts his CQC branded gloves before walking over to a large, forest green sleeveless jacket. As he holds it up, a large CQC logo is branded in gold on the back. He smiles and begins putting it on.
Ijitu: Oh, I understand. I really do. I'm just here to wish you... wish US good luck tonight.
Inness: I can read your sarcasm, Ijitu. I am no fool. I am no stranger to your antics. You should be resting, not prodding me.
Ijitu: Me? Ahh, I'm fine, bub'. It's been a long time since I was in control. Heheh. I miss it, you know!?
Inness shoots him a glare before adjusting his jacket for the final time.
Ijitu: ... but in all seriousness. I'm here to tell you that you were right. All along.
Inness: What are you planning?
Ijitu: Inness! Buddy! Where's the faith?! I just wanna tell you you were right about "calmness being the answer" or whatever it was. I have calmed down... and so have you.
Inness: Don't forget. I was drawn to the body's aid because of you. I want to protect you as much as you want to protect him.
Ijitu looks Inness up and down before putting his hand on his shoulder and smiling at him.
Ijitu: ...and I think you've done a great job with the body. It really is impressive how you've sculpted us in such a short amount of time. I'm proud of you, pal! You big serious loon, you!
Ijitu: You really did it. You didn't let any of us down, bro. Good luck out there. I'll be watching.
Inness smiles back and embraces Ijitu in a hug. After releasing, Intell is seen looking back at the two Quartz with a concerned look on his face.
Inness: Thank you, Ijitu. Thank you.
Ijitu sits back down on a bench and salutes to Inness before fading away, back into the mind of Quartz... Intell does not fade, but remains in the corner of the room, still reading his book.
Inness smiles, grabs his RIOT Tag Team Championship belt and swings the door open to head to the ring.
As the door opens, it is not a hallway, but a brick wall. Inness Quartz touches the wall and begins to frantically look around the room... seeming very panicked.
Inness: No.... N-N... No!
He snaps his head around to see Intell still sitting in the chair as he realizes he hasn't come back to reality. Intell looks up at him with a disappointed face. The television in the corner has grown unrealistically larger and is propped against the corner of the room.
Intell: It happened again, Inness.
Inness throws his championship belt to the ground... as it hits the ground, it fades away as well. He turns back around and begins pounding on the brick wall.
Inness: NO!... NO!... DAMMIT, NO!!
Intell sighs and stands up to try and calm Inness. He places his hand on his shoulder and Inness frantically spins around to face him.
The room is now completely black. Dots of light are seen, as if it was space, only Intell Quartz and Inness Quartz are seen.
Inness: You son of a bitch! You knew!? WHY!?
Inness' green CQC jacket fades off of his body and he begins looking at himself as all of the CQC tag team gear fades away, being replaced with a white shirt and red camo pants.
He sprints to the mirror, which is still hanging from the black purgatory and sees his face has transformed. His beard is shorter and has reverted back to the beard he wore at Savage Lands when he arrived. He screams loud and throws a punch at the mirror, which fades as his hand goes through it.
Intell: My deepest condolences, Inness.
Inness turns and falls to his knees... As he looks up at Intell, who is standing above him in his large black coat, Intell presses a button on a remote, turning on the television, which has now grown to the size of the entire room. The picture turns on to reveal a first-person view... Walking through the hall.
The camera zooms in on Inness' panicked face before switching over to the scene shown on the large television.
Quartz, in his full CQC attire, long beard and shaved head, walks with Rust Cohle towards the ring area.
Cohle: So, you ready to kill these clowns off once and for all?
Quartz: Nothing would make me happier.
CQC bump fists and walk forward triumphantly as Quartz flashes a familiar smug grin, his right eye turning from red to blue just as the television cuts off. The television, which was showing the view from Quartz body in reality, disappears.
Back in the black purgatory of Quartz mind only Inness Quartz and Intell are shown. Intell taps Inness on the shoulder before walking back to his corner. A chair fades in from nothing and he sits back down to read his book.
Inness is shown on his knees, staring into nothing... as Ijitu Quartz voice seems to play in a reverberated echo throughout the purgatory of Quartz mind.
Ijitu: ... You were right, Inness. Calmness was the answer.
Ijitu: But it was ultimately your undoing. Just like I told you, bub'.
Ijitu: You became weak. You became soft. Trying to win in this reality with "friendship" and "protection". I told you that garbo' wasn't going to cut it.
Ijitu: I'm glad though. I'm glad you saw things the wrong way. You let your guard down and now the control is mine once again.
Ijitu: We could have won this gah' damn title with or without you, and you know it.
Ijitu: Enjoy your stay in the mind. Maybe that pompous dickhead Intell can keep you company. You both seem to think you're so smart.
Ijitu: Well guess what, bub'...? Ijitu Quartz is back in the driver's seat now... and this isn't a race I intend on ever losing.
Ijitu: Rusty never bought your incoherent nice-guy crap and I knew it. Now it's time for the REAL CQC to show you how things are done. Peace out, Inness. Hahaha!
Inness drops to his hands as the final sentence rings down and the camera cuts to black.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
A.W.O.L vs C.Q.C*
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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I can't belive it, just like that one little mistake! |
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Unreal!!! |
Dillinger: Disrespectful punk. That’s what I get for offering the opportunity of a lifetime.
Dillinger is seen once again backstage, wiping Cheeto dust off of his suit frantically.
Dillinger begins to descend down a small flight of stairs when he bumps into a masked man.
Dillinger: Excuse YOURSELF, budd--- Wait.
The man adjusts his mask and snaps around to see who bumped into him. Hijo De Mistico looks Dillinger up and down and notices the Cheeto stain on his suit jacket, which causes him to look up at Dillinger with a strange look on his face.
Mistico: You have a spray tan incident, amigo?
Dillinger: Hijo… de… Mistico! Hahaha! Of course not. You know, just fooling around with a coupla kids. You know how messy they can be!
Mistico: You were doing what with kids?
Dillinger: Nevermind that.. I was just heading to your locker room to speak with you personally.
Mistico: ...Who are you? Also, my locker room is that way… you’re walking away from it.
Dillinger laughs nervously and corrects himself.
Dillinger: RIGHT! … I was looking for you because I was just there and I didn’t see you. That klutz of a guy, what’s his face… Adam or something.
Mistico: Are you talking about Damian Bo---
Dillinger cuts off Mistico and places his arm around his shoulder as the two begin to walk.
Dillinger: Damian Boring! That’s right! Anyways.. That guy is a real ZERO… Am I right? Not like you, nothing like you in-fact!
Dillinger: I’m sure you’ve seen my work, but I’m much… MUCH more interested in your work!
Mistico: Wait a seco--
Dillinger: That’s right. Don’t think your work has gone un-noticed. I’ve had several face to face meetings with the higher ups here at OCW and we all know how skilled you are as a competitor.
Dillinger: That’s why I have a very favorable proposition for you.
Dillinger reaches into his coat and pulls out a business card before stopping and facing Mistico, his back to the stairwell.
Mistico: Ha… Hahahaha! I DO know who you are!
Dillinger nods confidently and hands his card to Mistico, who nods his head in excitement.
Dillinger: So you are much smarter than that dope you’re working with! That’s great news, because with me at the --
Before he can continue, his shirt jacket is pulled up over his head from behind and Mistico shoves him backwards. Stumbling and blinded, he trips over the outstretched foot of Damian Bourne who bursts out in laughter.
Dillinger shuffles to gather himself and pull his jacket off of his face. Both members of Bournistico stand over him, laughing and pointing hysterically with the OCW live audience, who has joined in.
Bourne: Watch your next step, doofy! Bahahaha!
The rookie tag team turn and walk away, continuing to laugh. Several staffers and stars alike giggle at Dillinger’s fall as he quickly picks himself off the floors and stomps off, extremely angry.
The Camera pans to the announce team!
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DAM! |
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At this point I kinda feel bad for this sleezeball!....KIND OF! |